Reality Steve

The Bachelor 21 - Nick

The “Bachelor” Nick Episode 6 Recap incl What the Hell Was All That Last Night?

Photo Credit: Variety

-If tonight’s episode seemed a bit off, the editing was wonky, a lot of details in the spoilers I gave weren’t shown, and things just didn’t seem right – it’s because they weren’t. However, when making a television show, remember that these people are here to create a story for you follow throughout the course of the season. That story will always have ups and downs. And this episode was the down. I explained this in the spoilers posted before the season even started that the St. Thomas episode will be the one where they’re going to make it seem like Nick’s season is crumbling before him, he doesn’t know if he’ll find love, and (unspoiled) people will think he’s gonna end up alone. That’s exactly what this episode did. So many random things happening along with them leaving at least three plot points given in the spoilers out. Man, someone must really be working overtime there to doctor up this season, because frankly it’s crap. I mean, FINALLY we got away from the Corinne show for one episode, yet they gave us THAT? A hodge podge of funky soundbites, very lazy editing, and basically no one happy at all the entire episode.

-We got started where we left off in New Orleans, and Taylor coming back to tell Nick off. Well, they cut a hell of a lot of that conversation out because they barely showed any of it. I guess which is good for Taylor because she seemed to voice what everyone else could clearly see – Corinne lied to him. But again, it did nothing to sway Nick and he probably could not care less what she said. Nick: “I still have to figure things out.” Translation: Ummmmm, Taylor I hate to tell you this, but there ain’t a chance in hell sister that this girl is going home yet. She’s got a platinum vagine, don’t you remember? We have to hear her utter that glorious line. Not to mention, producers have basically told me to keep her around, so there’s that whole contract thing of “do what they tell me to do.” And oh yeah, I want to talk a very highly rated season and have people always talking about me and this show, so I gotta do things that will be unpopular at the time, but will garner attention. Can’t you see how great I’m doing at that? I want to give myself an “A” for effort. Yes, translated that’s exactly what that meant.

-The good thing is once the Taylor/Corinne feud is over, we kinda knew this was gonna be more of a Corinne-free show with Kristina’s 1-on-1, a group date with Jasmine being eliminated, and a double elimination on the 2-on-1. So that had me so excited I tell ya’. Of course, Corinne had to get in another “bitch” before Taylor left because she’s Corinne. “Cats have nine lives, bitches have 2.” Ummmm, ok. Whatever you say and whatever that means. I think she just feels the need to use the word “bitch,” then tries to formulate sentences around that word, regardless of if they make the least bit of sense. She succeeded last night to perfection. By the way, those that listened to the podcast, I did go back and watch last week’s episode to count how many times Corinne called Taylor a bitch. It was 8. And called her a bully 7 times, which as we all know, is utterly ridiculous. Taylor may have been a lot of things, and she may not have expressed herself greatly, but a bully was one thing she wasn’t.

-Chris Harrison comes in to let the ladies know, “Hey, no cocktail party tonight. Nick has made his decision.” Translation: The ladies that have barely gotten any camera time and the audience won’t care that you’re going home tonight is the reason why the cocktail party is cancelled. Although, Alexis is purely comedic value this season that everyone seems to love, I think we all knew she wasn’t long for this show. So it’s now rose ceremony time. Rachel, Danielle M., and Corinne safe with roses. Nick: “Obviously I cancelled the cocktail party…each and every relationship…as soon as I knew, I wouldn’t waste anyone’s time…that’s why I made the decision I did…please, understand I only like like 3 of you anyway, yet we have to produce an 11 episode show. Soooooooo, yeah. Kinda how it goes sometimes.”

Kristina: If she ever rejected a rose, would she just say “Nyet!!!”
Raven: Can we get the deleted scenes from their roller skating date online or something? I wanna see them skating to Taylor Swift.
Vanessa: Did she bribe the editors this season to make everything in her favor or was it all part of the master plan?
Danielle L.: Does she even pack anything other than bikini’s for BIP? Didn’t think so.
Jasmine: What a letdown her let go was last night. Ugh. So disappointing.

“Ladies, Nick, it’s the final rose tonight. When you’re ready. Thank god we get to finally get out of the country and head to somewhere where I can sit on a beach during the day and get paid to do nothing whatsoever except hit on the locals. Or maybe even fire up a Tinder account while I’m in town like most of the production team does when we travel.”

Whitney: Whitney the Friendly Ghost doesn’t say sh** for five episodes, and now she’s getting like every ITM in the first 10 minutes. Gee, wonder why?



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