When I started doing the podcasts, my goal was just to get as many former contestants on as I could. Every week try and bring a different person on, talk about their season, talk about what they’ve been up to, get their thoughts on Nick’s season, do some Rapid 10 and be out. Just try and get a side to these people that you haven’t seen through a TV screen. I’ve got emails out to a lot of people, and hopefully the more and more that come on and realize, “Hey, it’s not so bad,” the word will spread and more will feel comfortable coming on. Have I gotten some “no’s” already? Yes. Last week for example. Well, that was a yes, and then 24 hrs later it was a no, so something tells me someone got to them. But that’s another story for another day. All the guests have been great so far. Kacie, Possessionista, Nick, Juliet – better than I expected. And I thank you all for listening. Glad you are enjoying them. After what happened last week, I’m still in full jinx mode so I don’t want to tease who’s coming tomorrow. We are set to record later today, spoke with them last night, and they are excited about coming on. I will say that if it does happen, it will be the biggest name I’ve gotten so far and someone I’ve been very interested to talk to since their season. I think you all will be interested as well because there’s PLENTY to talk about, and I will try and get to as much of it as I can. So lets keep our fingers crossed and you’ll know tomorrow.
So Nick is doing is his mid season media tour right now, setting everyone up for the remainder of the season. His blog on People.com went up about 10 minutes after I posted yesterday, and no, he didn’t address the group date as it actually happened. He played along with the storyline that the show gave. I can’t for the life of me figure out why this show is hiding behind what really happened that day, especially considering that’s a group date we’ve seen plenty of times on this show where the winning team advances and the losing team goes home. Hell, I know there was even a season (I wanna say Sean’s but I could be wrong) where they did the group date, the rules were laid for winning team to stay on, losing team goes home, and the “Bachelor” let the losing team stay on – exactly what happened on Nick’s volleyball date – and they showed it. I guess it’s just something we’ll just never get an answer to.
I know today he’s on Jenny McCarthy’s radio show and Howard Stern as well. Here were some of his appearances yesterday. You’ll see in a later “Reader Email” where I compliment Nick on this season. Yes, compliment. I know. Take a deep breath.
WATCH: We play a game of "Yes BAE or No Way Rosé" with @viallnicholas28, Andrew Firestone, @jason_mesnick and @benhiggi! #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/RhG8iqfx3l
— Good Morning America (@GMA) February 7, 2017
Since they weren’t up when I posted yesterday, ratings are in from Monday night, and it drew almost 7.5 million viewers with a 2.4 rating. Just as a comparison, last season Ben’s 6th episode drew 8.5 million and a 2.4 rating.
Also, E! decided to run a story on, well, basically how much more high maintenance girls are than guys when it comes to this show ha ha. I know a lot of you ask about wardrobes and how much money is spent on what, well here’s a little breakdown they did on a rough cost per contestant. Pretty amazing some of the lengths women will go to on this show, no?
Here are your “Reader Emails” for this week. Enjoy…
Hi Steve,
I’m sure I’m in the minority but I think Corinne is a hoot! She makes me laugh with all her snarky comments. I agree she could be just as funny without all the bi$*h comments. You always say the show isn’t about the lead. Wouldn’t it be so fun to have Corinne as the Bachelorette. She would love to make out with 25 guys. She’s a producers dream. I think the guys would be excited and do ridiculous things trying to win a rose from her. Would be great comedy/drama to watch. Thoughts?
Keep up the spoiling,
Comment: I don’t see any way Corinne is the “Bachelorette.” They’ve never chosen a “villain” for that role, per se. She’s too disliked to get the lead gig. She’s much more suited for BIP, which she will be on, and that essentially kills her being the “Bachelorette.”
Hi Steve!
Can you please explain the appeal of Vanessa to me? Am I the only person in America who thought her confrontation with Nick was the first red flag? Its concerning that she so adamantly thinks she knows who or what is best for Nick, especially under the guise that she “just wants to look out for him” (yeah right). And to try and guilt trip him and judge him for getting frisky with someone else in like, week 2, when HE is the lead? Coupled with the fact that she ragged on Danielle L. and later gets into it with Rachel – Makes me think she is high maintenance and has a serious jealousy streak. Those are characteristics of girls who typically give their boyfriends a hard time over anything and everything, big and small, A.K.A… a giant pain in the ass girlfriend!
Either Rachel or Raven will make a great Bachelorette! Anything will be better than this boring season of Nick’s monotone, disinterested conversation skills. Thanks for your commentary. I don’t plan on watching anymore episodes since I have your site to refer to in lieu of it!
Comment: That’s a lot to gather off of Vanessa after 5 episodes. I don’t see it being that bad, but, she definitely has a side to her that hasn’t been shown as producers are protecting her. Again, she wasn’t the most well liked in the house, yet we’ve none of her negative interactions with any of the other women. So for that, I guess she should be thankful. Is it as bad as you make it out to be? I don’t see it being that bad personally.
Thanks as always for your recaps and podcasts each week. It makes Tuesday a bit more exciting (I work at a desk all day and openly welcome the distraction)!
First question: I am wondering if it is just me and my computer – when I load your site is takes a very long time to load and scroll through the content. It doesn’t happen with any other sites that I visit so I was wondering if you yourself have this issue or if other fans mention it. Just wanted to bring it to your attention. Love reading your content an opinions and regardless, will sit and wait for it to load! There have been days this season when it’s happened, and it was due to a faulty ad. Sometimes it’s impossible to control a faulty ad getting through. All I can say is when it happens, to notify me, and if you can get a screen shot of it that’d help as well. Because when I can’t reproduce it, it makes it hard to get to the root of the problem.
Second question: I know that you don’t have a lot of faith in many of these couples making it and I totally get it – I think we all feel that way at this point. I’m not at all surprised by Ben and Lauren (if that’s true). I always thought he should have went with JoJo. Watching Ben and Lauren’s show was painfully boring. He really just doesn’t seem that into it, and she comes across as a very needy girl. I like them both separately, they seem like good people, but just don’t see them making it all the way. And Ben doesn’t seem like the type that will get manipulated (by ABC) into marrying someone if he isn’t in it for the long hall. Thoughts on Kaitlyn and Shawn making it? JoJo and Jordan? Or is it all an illusion like everyone else? I will say what I say for every season and every couple: I will believe it when they walk down the aisle. This process is too crazy, the show changes too many people, and there are so many more ulterior motives now when it comes to this show, it’s just not realistic to think it’s believable anymore. I’m a skeptic because of the process and what this show has turned into, not necessarily the people involved. Something they can’t help themselves. Has it worked in the past? Sure. Will it work again in the future? Probably. But to say I have 100% confidence in any of these couples just isn’t realistic. It’s not being mean to be skeptical. I’m just able to see things a little bit differently now knowing things that I’ve been made aware of.
Third: I know that Corinne is a villain and will continue to act that way all season. She was annoying but entertaining up until this week. The way she spoke to and about Taylor was ridiculous. Now, I am not a huge Taylor fan either but Corinne did initially approach her to have that chat outside by the fire. She started the conversation and Taylor stood up for herself and her feelings on Corinne. Was she condescending? Throwing her success in Corinne’s face? Yeah, a little bit – but for a 23 year old girl, she’s got her stuff together. I don’t like either of them so I can see why Nick chose Corinne when it came down to it. I don’t think a 36 year old man saw a future with a 23 year old girl, and she isn’t as sexually in his face as Corinne is. He at least has a passionate physical attraction to C – and probably realizes he can have sex with her and send her home easily at some point. I know she is a brat, makes herself appear like a total idiot, and bashes on a lot of the girls when things don’t go her way – and I know on top of that they are obviously giving her the villain edit. On top of the material she is already giving them – with the editing powers they have, this girl is pure gold for reality TV. My question is, since we know they can only edit so much (the contestant has to give them something to work with) do you think the other girls in the house dislike her as much as Taylor did? I believe so. And probably more so now after seeing the episodes since a lot of the stuff Corinne is saying that is taking shots at Taylor and others has been during ITM’s. Can’t imagine people are thrilled with her act.
We see them all annoyed with her at some point, they all talk a bit about her and the way she presents herself, her advances at Nick, and of course her nanny. It seems like we only really see Taylor, Sarah, and Kristina even question her to her face. And the other girls don’t even waste much time talking about her behind her back. I follow her on social media, and you can see from every picture she posts there are multiple girls from the season that like and comment on all of her photos (Sarah, Astrid, Vanessa, Elizbaeth S, both Danielle’s Christen, Kristina, Brittany). And these are just the girls I follow, it only notifies me on her posts if someone I follow also likes her photo. Just curious if when the cameras shut off Corinne was actually a cool and fun girl – and if so why did the girls tolerate that crap from her? Now that the shows wrapped they are all one big happy family? I know it’s TV, but when Olivia, Kelsey etc left the bachelor, it took until the WTA for them to redeem themselves with the women, mostly because she genuinely apologized and cried etc. I think we all agree that Corinne isn’t going to show up to any of the after shows and “change her stripes”. I would just tell you not to read into who likes who and who comments on who’s picture. It just doesn’t mean anything, really. In some cases it might, but it’s never a 100% definitive look at how someone feels about someone else. Ever.
Fourth: Bachelorette. I know it’s too soon, but it’s safe to say Raven and Rachel are getting set up to at least be in talks for it. Any chance they totally curve ball everyone and let Corinne do it? Let’s be honest, she is ALL anyone talks about. I don’t like her and wouldn’t want her to get it – but would I watch? Absolutely, just like I do every other season. Probably won’t happen, but it just seems liek they love this girl. Even Nick and Chris H defend her. And the talks how appearance while she’s still on the show? Seems weird. Any chance we get to see an ex contestant that’s well liked? Amanda Stanton? Becca would have been a shoe in for this pre- Robert Graham!
Alright, this was a long one. Just curious what you think! Thanks for reading and keep spoiling!
Comment: As mentioned earlier, I just don’t see any way it’s Corinne. Could they go off the board and choose someone from another season? Of course. Anything is possible as we’ve seen the last few seasons. But I’d be surprised if they did. However anything is on the table now after the last few seasons, so we’ll just have to see.
Hey Steve!
Longtime reader here! I just want to start off by saying I really enjoy reading your episode recaps. You are so funny and so spot on with my thoughts on this show LOL. It’s so ridiculous and sometimes painful to watch, but entertaining nonetheless :). Haha.
Anyway, I have a few questions. I’m pretty sure I know the answers already so just looking for confirmation lol.
Does Nick have any say at all in who he gives his roses to?? He must have some say, or maybe he doesn’t. I know the girls that are picked for the dates are chosen for him, correct? Also, the fact that Corrine is still on is totally for ratings and because the producers still want her there but I am wondering if he really wanted to choose her over Taylor on the two on one? He’s obviously attracted to her sexually, but what else is there?? It just seems so odd to me that he would still want her there. She’s a nutcase LOL. The lead is always led in certain directions. They have their likes and those that are kept around for TV purposes. Nick doesn’t have to be told to keep Vanessa around. He obviously liked her from the get go. Same with Rachel. But someone like a Jaimi or an Astrid? If they went home in episode 1 instead of episodes 4 and 5 respectively, would it have made any difference? No. It’s a TV show, first and foremost. And they’re gonna do what they need to for entertainment purposes.
Ok, last thing. I was actually looking forward to Nick being the bachelor this season but I am pretty disappointed in the way he’s been presenting himself. He looks so uninterested in most of the women and doesn’t even seem like he’s enjoying himself in this process. Frankly he looks bored LOL. Maybe that’s just his personality, and if that’s the case then what girl would want that haha. Would are your thoughts? Seems to be the sentiment of a lot of people that have emailed me this season. To me, he isn’t the worst but isn’t the best. I don’t notice anything too drastic, other than he knows what he’s doing and he’s absolutely following what producers are telling him. But a lot of them do that, so that’s why I don’t see all that much of a difference.
Well, this was a lot longer than I wanted it to be, sorry about that!
Continue doing what you do cause you make the bachelor that much more entertaining! 🙂
Thanks and take care!
Hey reality Steve!
Have you ever touched base on what happened to Amanda and Josh regarding their engagement, they ended it so quick and under the radar, I would love to hear if you have any insight on this topic!
Comment: Not really. Other than it shouldn’t surprise anyone. We’ve seen Josh enough on TV now to know what he’s all about. And both of them said they just weren’t on the same page. I think we can read between the lines to figure that one out.
The last couple of weeks, I have been listening to Juliet Litman’s podcast. I just listened to part of the episode with Ashley I. on the podcast, and she came across as insufferable. I made it 15 minutes before I couldn’t take the bragging anymore. It reminds me of how the barely rich people flaunt wealth while the really rich people don’t feel the need. It was like that only flaunting fame. Is that what you mean when you say some of these contestants take themselves way too seriously? Juliet did mention you, btw.
Comment: Yes.
Hi Steve,
Hope you’re well. I’ve been a reader since Chris’ season since I’m from his corner of Iowa. His awful acting and the hilarity of this show sucked me in and now I just can’t quit.
Anyway… I read your posts during work (don’t tell my boss) and today while I was reading, my cube mate was dealing with an issue where her client’s email was hacked and the hacker had tried to fraudulently send $50k to the Cayman Islands. It got me thinking, have you ever worried about your own cyber security since you’re protecting so many sources and information? Absolutely.
I see that Whitney got the “Samantha edit” with her non existent screen time. Did you hear anything about her during filming that made the producers mad or is she truly just too boring to show? I just heard she is very quiet and shy, and that’s never a good combo if you’re looking for screen time on this show.
I know you appreciate sports questions so here are a few. Is Shaka overrated? This season has been underwhelming considering the talent on his roster. What are your thoughts on Grayson Allen’s antics and level of punishment? I stole this one from Mark Titus on Twitter – does this season prove that Scott Drew is indeed a good coach?
Thanks for the spoilers.
Comment: Oh geez. College basketball out of the blue. I haven’t fully dived into my college basketball fix this season yet, but I have dabbled here and there. First, I haven’t seen a game of Texas basketball this season so commenting on this year’s Texas team is pointless. But seeing what Shaka did at VCU, he’s a damn good coach. I think he just needs time.
Grayson Allen is the most unlikable college basketball player we’ve seen since Christian Laettner. Not saying that you have to dislike him (or Christian for that matter), but just saying that the whole aura surrounding him certainly makes him quite unlikable. Duke across his chest probably adds to that as well because of the stigma in college basketball that essentially Duke has privileged, spoiled, white kids and people just dislike them because of that. Sucks but it’s true. And obviously the school’s level of success plays a huge role. I think one game suspension for his 3 tripping incidents was a joke. Should’ve been longer. I think they don’t get past the Sweet 16 this season. Something seems off with them.
Haven’t watched much Baylor yet this year either, so I don’t know how good that team is. Losing to Kansas St. at home this past weekend was a bad loss.