I asked you yesterday for your thoughts and/or questions regarding Rachel as the “Bachelorette” and wanted to share it with the readers. So here’s an early review of what some of you think regarding the announcement. Some of these I’ll respond to and answer briefly, and others I’ll leave as is. Thanks for all your feedback. Judging by these emails, the early returns on Rachel seem pretty positive.
Hi –
Just read your spoiler for having Rachel being announced tonight on Kimmel. My theory is they announce it tonight, early, because it’s still February ratings sweep. Boost Kimmel’s show in the ratings (or they didn’t have anyone else good to be on tonight). Not sure why they wouldn’t wait until February 27th Kimmel (next Monday is a holiday)… but that is my idea!
I’m looking forward to seeing her as the bachelorette.
Thank you!
Hi Steve,
I really think that them having Rachel is a good idea and a bad idea. Good because it gets a bunch of people off their back saying they’re racist because I don’t think they are.
It’s a bad idea because to be honest, I don’t see Rachel getting the viewership they are used to. I don’t see it, and I can see it not going the way they want it to. She may have a fan base, but not the fan base others have. The only reason they are giving it to her is because she is black. They are just filling some quota and hoping that this will shut everyone up for a few years and once people start complaining again that there isn’t a black bachelor or bachelorette, then they will simply cast another one.
Those are my thoughts, but I honestly hope Rachel finds a man who loves her and they get married and have lots of babies.
Hey Steve,
Thanks for the scoop on the announcement of Rachel as the next Bachelorette. I am excited to see her season and think she’s a great choice. She is beautiful. Plus. I always prefer the seasons with smarter leads (like Ashley H., Andi, and Sean Lowe as opposed to Brad or Chris) because they tend to have more original things to say and don’t just fall back on the same old cliches of “the journey” and everything being “amazing.” She’s def in that category of smarter leads so I think she’ll be fun to watch.
Hey Steve,
Interested in hearing your thoughts on this – I’m curious to see with Rachel as the new bachelorette what the ratio of African American to white contestants is going to be. It has historically been much higher percentage of white contestants, but I always chalked that up to the fact that the lead was also white. Now with an African american lead, do you think they’ll have a cast of mostly African American men and sprinkle in a few “token” white guys? If so, it seems like the show will then continue on a run of having African American leads for a while, since they’ll be more likely to be the ones to make it to the final 4. Not implying at all that this would be a bad thing, will just be interesting to see what happens. Part of me thinks the producers (rightly or wrongly) would be wary of turning this into a “black” show for the next however many years, because that sadly may cause a lot of their current audience to stop watching. Thoughts?
Comment: This is talked about today in the podcast. I don’t think it’s going to be as extreme as some people think.
Stoked for Rachel becoming the next Bachelorette! Congrats Rachel! I have a feeling you will be reading these emails tomorrow. I’m kinda glad that Fleiss decided to do it early this season (the announcement) to put an end to so much speculation. I mean, you had guys like Wells saying things like “America isn’t ready for a black bachelorette”. Speak for yourself Wells! And Robby, and Chase McNary were spitting out pure garbage too. These guys just love to go on podcasts and give interviews to talk pure nonsense! Having said that, I am aware that sadly, there’s a lot of racism in America. Yes, absolutely there is! I’ve read the awful things people have commented on IG about Rachel. It’s horrible. But the dumb comments from the “three amigos” just don’t help.
So first off, I haven’t watched hardly any of this season. (Can’t stand Nick)
Question on that: How would you categorize Rachel’s portrayal (not how she actually is, but what her edit says she is) this season? From your recaps I’ve gotten the vibe of no-nonsense career girl. I think it’s been fine. Nothing negative that’s for sure.
Two comments:
I’m glad it’s not Raven. I did watch her intro package and I’m sorry but that accent is just nails on a chalk-board for me. (My apologies to the South. I’m an East Coast guy.)
I will say this for Fleiss and co. I’m actually kind of interested now and I may catch the next few episodes. Not sure if that’s their intent but it may drum up a few more viewers for this season now, maybe.
Hi Steve,
Long time reader, first time emailing. Every season I pretend I’m going to avoid your spoilers until the end of the finale, but curiosity gets the better of me and I usually cave by the second episode. I don’t know why I waste my time watching this over-produced nonsense, but it’s like a train wreck…I just CAN’T.LOOK.AWAY. But your site makes it worth watching. Your behind-the-scenes insight helps us to see past the contrived story lines they try and sell us. I enjoy your bluntness and humor, you can definitely hear your voice in your writing.
So my thoughts on Rachel… I’m SO HAPPY it is her!!! Put her race aside, she is the best option they have. She has what the other top women this season don’t – she’s believable and relatable in the Bachelorette role. Sure Raven is cute as can be with her Southern charm and endearing with her Carrie Underwood “Before He Cheats” vibe, but do I believe she is ready to get married? Not at all. What I do believe is she is ready to launch her fashion career on national television.
Rachel is the FULL Bachelorette package – beautiful, accomplished, well-spoken, intelligent, family-oriented, mature, self-aware and fun. And I believe that she is honestly looking for love. And she comes off as someone who I will not put up with producer manipulation and will have no trouble sticking up for herself. Take the group date last week in St. Thomas. She flat out told Nick her feelings on the volleyball competition.
Now, on to fact in that she’ll be the first black lead of this show. After 33 seasons and hundreds of contestants, they have a black contestant that makes it to the final four and America loves. If they didn’t pick her for Bachelorette, they’d be INSANE, considering the criticism they’ve gotten for not being diverse. Rachel kind of reminds me of Olivia Pope from Scandal. I don’t mean she reminds me of Olivia’s character, but like OP she is able to transcend racial lines in a predominately white environment. What people see is a fierce, smart, accomplished, beautiful woman, that just so happens to be black. Not a black woman, who just happens to be the other things. I hope that’s where we as a country can head, in a direction where people are not defined by their race, but by their character.
I’ll wrap up by saying that we might just see the most honest and sincere “journey” (couldn’t help myself!) for love on the Bachelorette yet with Rachel at the wheel.
Thanks for doing what ya do Steve!
A few thoughts/questions since Rachel will be the next Bachelorette:
1) This is the 2nd time (3rd if you count Kaitlyn’s screw up) where the show has spoiled its own season. I think this acknowledges that the producers recognize that spoilers don’t negatively affect viewer numbers, something you’ve argued for years. If anything, spoilers enhance the show. Do you think the nut-jobs who believe this show is happening in real time will lose their minds at the realization this is all a production? They probably already have.
2) With an African-American lead, do you think they will still cast predominantly white men as contestants? Would a house of African-American men change the dynamics at all? I still expect a majority to be white.
3) I’m sad it will be Rachel. In general, I don’t find African-American women as attractive. I could ogle over Raven for days, but Rachel, not so much. But it is what it is, to each their own. As you say, it’s not about the lead. But for me, the Bachelorette is much more enjoyable with a lead I find attractive (hellooooo Ashley H!).
Lastly, I don’t listen to podcasts, but I HAD to listen to Courtney and thoroughly enjoyed it. Her line about not wanting to push blue gummy bears was hilarious! Thanks for enhancing an otherwise monotonous, boring TV show!
Hey Steve,
I was the “it’s never gonna be Rachel” email from a few weeks ago, and I’m here to gladly eat my words. I’m genuinely shocked that she is agreeing to do this. She’s been lawyering in big law for several years (this isn’t an Andi situation), and I truly cannot envision her willingly doing the things that the Bachelorette has to do on national television with her pedigree.
With that said, you’ve always reminded us that the people who do this show are – more or less – all the same. They want to be on TV and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to stay there. I may think that she’s too good for this sh*t, but she clearly wants to capitalize on the celebrity of this thing. And I can’t blame her for taking advantage of this very unique opportunity.
My only real concern here is that I’m not so sure America is ready for a black lead, especially one that is female. I’m black, I live in Pittsburgh but originally from Chicago. I describe my current home like this – Chicago is an international city; Pittsburgh is America. When I say there are no black people here, I mean that the vast majority of blacks here are in the inner city in areas considered “bad” by Pittsburgh standards. Being from a BIG city, I came here and was truly shocked at how there is no diversity. But this is what most of the country is; it’s very white. Because of that, I’m having a really difficult time believing that network-television watching middle America is going to really accept this. I’m already cringing at the comments that will make about her.
Aside from my genuine shock and concern, I love the way she gives her opinions and her grace and class. I love that she’s successful in the corporate world and not as a wannabe model/actress/TV host/hair vitamin instagram hocker. As a black woman working as a consultant in tech, I’m a Rachel and a lot of my friends are Rachel’s. But I also understand that most of America – or the world, really – has never met a Rachel. I’m so glad that they finally get to meet one. I again think she’s too good for this absolute nonsense of a show, but I’m excited to watch her. I’m also fascinated to see the guys they pick.
Thanks again for all that you do. You truly make this show more bearable to watch!
Hi Steve,
Thanks for letting your readers know the big news! Rachel seems like a nice, intelligent person. Like you, I rarely care who they cast as the Bachelor/ette as the drama is typically created by the contestants. Next season will predictably have a Chad-like villain dominating the first 5-6 episodes anyway.
Regarding the timing of the announcement – interesting, indeed. It seems their whole M.O. now is to do shocking announcements during an applicable season instead of trying to ‘shock’ their audience during the season. I suppose we’ve probably seen it all now in 30 or whatever seasons.
I do find it odd that Fleiss’s desire for a shocking announcement would be prioritized over Rachel and Nick’s storyline currently on Nick’s season. It’s almost as though they are done with Nick’s season and moving on with getting hype from Rachel’s upcoming season. I’m not sure Nick’s season has been the success they anticipated (the viewership has been slightly lower, from what I recall). Possibly because they’ve made the whole show the Corinne show since night one and Nick looks disinterested in most of the women and/or exhausted by the process, even though he’s trying to play along nicely with the producers. I enjoyed watching Nick on BIP and thought he’d be an entertaining Bachelor, but it’s really about what producers want you to see.
Finally, I agree with one of your commenters who said they may have done this early to drum up a more diverse contestant pool. Perhaps they had 20 + white dudes in the wings for this season, and now have to recast the net a bit.
It’ll be interesting to see your spoilers for next season!
Thanks for getting the Rachel scoop! I am so excited that it is her and I kind of was getting nervous seeing how little social media following she had compared to some of the other women. It kindddd of makes me wonder if a majority of the Bachelor audience is racist. Not like David Duke racist, but maybe the kind of racist where they wouldn’t acknowledge there are still race problems in the US and like would easily overlook the black girl this season as someone to follow.
Even though I’m glad it’s her, she is so poised and composed that sometimes she really seems out of place. There was some point in an episode where she was like “I am really getting tired of girl chat” (I can’t believe they actually showed it) and I thought to myself yea, she kind of is above that. I assumed she meant producer arranged girl chat bc that’s what Sharleen always calls it in her blog.
I guess it’s interesting to me that someone who is a lawyer and comes from a super impressive family would be on this show. (Andi is obviously smart and all but she’s spoiled and basic and had poor judgement, aka perfect for this position). Clearly the women who are cast are put together and beautiful, like Rachel. And once you are bumped up to Bachelorette, I think that people do see the leads as more legitimate celebrities than the contestants, so it’s a little less “trashy.” They kind of are a star of ABC for a season. I guess all I’m trying to say is that Rachel seems wayyyyyyyy too good for this show. The producers may have to put in a little extra effort to get her to melt down.
It would be interesting to see if THE villain was a black dude. Someone pointed out on jojo’s season, what would it be like if Chad was black. I think he would’ve gotten a way different response and he would’ve been gone from the franchise forever by episode 2. They always have a person of color (Jasmine, Kupah) have a melt down at some point, but having a black villain would be different because people (not gonna lie probably myself included) would complain that they edited it to make it look like a negative racial stereotype.
On a different note, a while ago someone asked about the contestants and the election, and you said you doubted that the three remaining girls sent an absentee ballot. Was there a reason you said that or was that just a guess? (Except for Vanessa who probably isn’t a citizen). I’m sure Raven is from a Trump loving county and Rachel seems like an educated liberal, but obviously I am now guilty of stereotyping.
Also, are Tomi and Chase still together? If not, how long did they date? Not together anymore. Few months.
What do you think about Rachel? I know you always give a “my job is the same no matter what” answer, but do you have an opinion on her? I think she’ll do fine in the lead role. I’m really not looking at this season any different than previous seasons. I know others will, but there’s so much that hasn’t happened yet, it’s just too early.
I am all for Rachel being the next Bachelorette. She is beautiful, smart, and polished. She deserves someone a lot better than Nick Viall.
HI Steve,
Tried to comment on your post but for some reason I cannot write anything so I thought I would send an email.
I can’t say I am happy/not happy with the announcement of Rachel as the new Bachelorette. What I am uneasy about, and I would love for you to address it, is that I think it will be hard for anyone (well maybe not everyone) to really give their true feelings (if they are negative) during her season out of fear of being called a racist. Sadly, the racist card is pulled out constantly if you say anything negative about someone of color. Not that I like reading blogs or comments just to see people get slammed but people constantly do it to the “contestants” on the show. I agree with that. People will definitely overreact I think to something that you didn’t mean to be offensive. It’ll be interesting to see how people cover her season. For me, it’ll be the same ol, same ol. Spoil the show, make fun of the guys, and call out all their BS.
Having said that, I like Rachel. I think she is mature, kind, intelligent and from what I gather, comes from a good family. Someone I could see myself being friends with. However, is she cute/pretty? Sometimes she looks pretty but other times not as much. Does she have a great sense of fashion. No not really. Is she “spicey”, no, not really. So I wonder if we will be looking at a rather dull season, one that bloggers will want to trash talk….but will have to refrain from that so as not to look racist.
Love your blog and am enjoying your podcasts too!
Hey Steve,
I was just wondering, do you think they would have made the announcement this early if Rachel had been runner-up because it definitely would have taken the suspense out of the finale?
Comment: Absolutely not. Because then not only do you ruin the surprise of who the next “Bachelorette” is, but also your ending. Yeah, they spoiled the fact that Rachel doesn’t win, but that doesn’t spoil their ending since Rachel finishes 3rd.
Hey Steve!
Here’s what I’m thinking about the Rachel announcement. No real evidence, just a lot of assumptions. The majority of contestants every season are white. Maybe that’s the pool they’ve had to choose from. Or maybe, as the seasons have continued with only white leads, the number of black contestants who apply to the show has decreased. So now, with a black lead, maybe the show needs to drum up business so to speak. Maybe they need to advertise that they finally have a black lead ahead of time so that more black contestants will apply. (It really is ridiculous that it took this long.)
I said I would never watch The Bachelor, a reality show, and I have since season 3. I said I would never give my name or contact anyone regarding the fact I watch The Bachelor and I am. And I said I would never buy into possible discrimination to watch a show but now I would and I am. I am a typical watcher female, white divorce, and 50 years old. Also I watch by myself and do not tell anyone. My guilty pleasure. No love life so living vicariously through others. And cannot believe I am admitting it!
You said you had no idea why they would announce now. I do not usually like to think people doing things because of race but in my opinion the show is afraid of negative fallout when Rachel is sent home. Maybe not enough to make Rachel the Bachelorette but since she is popular, likable, beautiful and smart I think they are making the most of the opportunity given them. After so many years it is time to shake things up. Why else would Nick be on The Bachelor. Nick was not based on his popularity, as many people did not like him. It is the controversy and gaining viewers in my opinion. They have flattened out and having a smart black woman on the show I think would increase viewers. And I think you’re correct, viewers will not stop watching but there is the potential of adding new viewers as like the format. I know I for one will continue to watch and look forward to Rachel’s season. I think the women tend to be smarter in deciding who to send home. Of course this is just my opinion and I could be wrong. Either way it will make an interesting season.
And on a separate note I am very surprised to feel compassion and actually starting to like Corinne. I dislike her calling Raquel The Nanny but her saying she is like a mother and my best friend and that she really cares about Nick and also even having compassion for the girls leaving this week raised her a couple notches in my book. And this despite her comments on her vageeen (ok I am not going to even spell the word here). I think I will actually feel sorry for her next week. Not a whole lot though. I can’t say did not see it coming. And also hope she will grow from the experience. I am surprised Nick thought with his brain and not with his you know what. He is finally growing up! Hope for him yet.
I am not a writer, an engineer, so hope I communicated well enough. Thank you for satisfying those viewers who are not patient enough to wait. Yes I sometimes (but not always) turn to the end of a book in mid read.
Happy Watching! And all in good fun!
