Interesting note on the four guys that Rachel got to meet last night. When you see their bios below, you’ll realize they all live in Los Angeles right now. I know some of her guys arrived this weekend, so I’m not sure why they chose those particular four who lived in LA to be the ones introduced. Other guys were at the hotel. Hope this doesn’t mean this show scrambled to find guys to cast. If 10 or 12 guys this season are from LA, well, that’s not a good sign. We’ll see once I get more of the cast confirmed. Whatever the case, in case you missed that segment last night, here are DeMario Jackson, Blake Elarbee (we have TWO Blake’s this season), Dean Unglert, and Eric Bigger. They’ve all been added to the Rachel’s guys page in the navigation bar up top. Here you go…
1. Alex Bordyukov: 28, Grosse Point, MI. Originally from Russia. Moved here in his teen years. So if you want, you can already begin shipping him and Kristina since it’s so easy to do. Accountant at a car leasing company. Graduated Wayne State University with a degree in Accounting and was a swimmer in college as you can see by one of the pics below.
Facebook – Alex Bordyukov
Instagram – tinobordy (shared account with his buddy, Valentino “Tino” smith – valentinojsmith on IG)
2. Blake Killpack: 30, San Francisco, CA. Talent Acquisitions Operations at Workday. Former US Marine from 2005-2013. Attended Utah Valley University and majored in Business management.
Facebook – Blake Killpack
Twitter – @BlakeKillpack
Instagram – blakekillpack
LinkedIn – Blake Killpack – Blake Killpack
3. Peter Kraus: 30, Madison, Wisconsin. Personal Trainer at Worth Personal Training. Graduated Madison Area Technical College in 2010 with an Associates of Science in Dietetics/Dietician. Volunteers for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Has lived in LA and Chicago in the past for modeling.
J.Toor 2015 Campaign from IAMHERE on Vimeo.
Facebook – Peter Kraus
Instagram – peterkrauswi
LinkedIn – Peter Kraus
Work Facebook Page: Worth Personal Training
4. Jonathan Treece: New Smyrna Beach, FL. Family Medicine doctor at the Volusia Medical Center in New Smyrna Beach. Got his Bachelor’s degree at Arkansas St. University. Got his MD at the University of Arkansas in 2011. I guess there will be those that can start pretending he should date Raven since their both from Arkansas, just like Kristina and Alex are both from Russia. Just stop, people.
Instagram – newsmyrnabeast
LinkedIn – Jonathan Treece