5. DeMario Jackson: 30, Los Angeles, CA. Recruiting consultant for Michael Page. Attended Fresno St. University, but graduated the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) with a BA in Product Development in 2009. Interesting note is he frequents (or lives) at 1010 Wilshire, which is where they’ve had a few cocktail parties for dates on previous seasons. I wanna say one of JoJo’s was there. And so was Chris Soules. My guess is that’s how the show “met” him initially.
Facebook – DeMario Jackson
LinkedIn – DeMario Jackson
6. Blake Elarbee: 31, Los Angeles, CA. Originally from Jacksonville, FL. Private personal trainer for, you guessed it, Blake Elarbee Fitness. Who’d have thunk it? Plays the drums and is an “international fitness model.” YouTube Channel of him playing the drums. Got a Bachelor of Science degree at Florida St. University in Dietetics. Another YouTube video of how he got into personal training:
Now we’re also already getting angry ex-girlfriend stuff on Blake if you saw my Twitter feed last night. I need to take a breath. The season hasn’t even started yet. If Blake becomes a major factor this season, then I’ll look into this. I just don’t have the stomach to right now because he might be irrelevant to the season. But here was the tweet anyway. Good thing I took a screenshot of it last night since someone reported it, and Twitter already had it removed.
Aaaaaaannnnnd right on cue, wouldn’t you know that Blake also appeared on WE Tv’s Ex Isle last season, because of course he did. Blake better hope he doesn’t last long this season.
Facebook – Blake Elarbee
Twitter – @BlakeLosAngeles
Instagram – blakelosangeles
LinkedIn – Blake Elarbee
7. Dean Unglert: 26, Los Angeles, CA. Originally from Aspen, CO. Works as a recruiter for StartupTAP, that helps tech companies do their hiring. So basically, a stereotypical job for a contestant on this show right behind personal trainer. Graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration and Management from the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs. Might’ve done a little drinking there as he was bused in 2010 for underage possession of alcohol. Can’t wait til Radar runs their annual “Rachel’s Guys Criminal Pasts!” column and includes stories like these.
Facebook – Dean Unglert
Twitter – @dunglert10
Instagram – deanie_babies
LinkedIn – Dean Unglert
8. Eric Bigger: 29, Los Angeles, CA. Motivational speaker & also a fitness enthusiast originally from Baltimore, MD. Graduated Hampton University Magna Cum Laude in 2010. Has written a book called the “100 Days of Wisdom.” Also used to model as he has an old Model Mayhem page.
Facebook – Eric Bigger
Twitter – @ebigger22
Instagram – ebiggsway
YouTube Channel – Eric Bigger
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.