Hey Steve,
Really enjoying the podcasts. Even though they’re all over an hour and can get long, I find them really informational. You’ve said that you won’t tell us who has not come on for whatever reasons, but have you had any that said they would then canceled on you? Or do they just say no from the beginning? Do some just not respond? With the success of the podcast, you’d think people would all want to come on if you ask them but I guess everyone has their reasons? I’d do it if I were them.
Comment: Yes to all three. I’ve had people say they would do it then cancel (a couple times), I’ve had people just say no, and I’ve had people not respond. It happens. _________________________________________
This isn’t a question but more commentary than anything else. This season has been more entertaining for me because the majority of the boys (give or take a Blake, Lee) seem to genuinely get along and not take themselves so seriously. I’ve never cared about who should be the next lead, but I’m rooting for several of them this time.
Peter’s edit has been great, but I’m more of an Alex girl. He was so lighthearted and such a unique oddball (albeit a likable one). I read your spoilers way in advance so I had forgotten he would be eliminated so early. I was sad to see him go before those other two who have barely been shown (I don’t even remember their names–just their first night gimmicks). I thought producers would have wanted him to stay longer just for the laughs. Hope he makes an appearance on BIP.
Comment: Alex isn’t on BIP. Nor will he be the “Bachelor.” But yes, I agree it’s pretty amazing that Matt and Adam get to the final 6. Even MORE amazing is that each of them STILL don’t get a 1-on-1 in the episode before hometowns, yet Dean, Peter, and Bryan all get their second one. Like, tell me Matt and Adam didn’t seriously think they had a chance for a hometown when they weren’t even given a 1-on-1 date, and THREE guys got two of them. How sad. And how Rachel can say that this week’s eliminations are “gut wrenching” is beyond me. That’s when she turns into all the other “Bachelorettes” and is just spewing out clichés that people want to hear. Matt and Adam haven’t been shown, nor have they had a 1-on-1. It’s kind of embarrassing they’re trying to build any suspense for this episode.
Dear Steve,
This is more of an observation than a question but as I’ve only watched a couple of seasons of this show I am curious as to your thoughts about the last episode (the second half of this past week’s).
Normally I hate watch this show and love your columns for pointing out that which is particularly fake and ridiculous about it. But this last episode struck me as the most emotionally genuine bit of Bachelor-franchise television I’ve seen yet. Other than the Lee/Kenny bullsh*t at the beginning I thought every single part of Eric’s date, Kenny’s good-bye, her elimination of Alex (which I would be interested in background info on if you get any–it’s hard to tell with all the edits but we got zero reason to believe she had any connection with Matt or Adam so that was weird) and even her frustration at Will felt like I was actually watching a real person dating actual people. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way watching this show (and I hope Bryan turns out to be worth it, as I still don’t quite see it yet but for the first time in my five years of hate-watching I actually care if the lead “finds love.”)
Anyway the MOST real moment for me, which I’m wondering if you noticed and is why I bothered to write, was during her regularly scheduled make-out session with Bryan where she asked “Do you think your family…” and he responded “My family is very open.” That seemed like a heavily edited conversation about race and it actually made me tear up a bit (something this show never does) that someone of Rachel’s caliber would even need to ask that question, on a show where she is the damn star! I don’t exactly watch the Bachelor for political/social justice lessons but that really got me at the core, and brought home how terrifying and exhausting her position must be. (And as a fellow lawyer I was SO happy that she went back to her firm rather than trying to launch an Instagram career. I shouldn’t give a crap what these people do, but since I actually responded to her season emotionally I would have been uniquely annoyed if she had joined the ranks of phony, social-media hawkers-of-goods.) She’s a class act and I really hope Bryan deserves her! And I hope one day you get a chance to interview her as I think the combination of your good questions and her frankness would be awesome.
Comment: Good email. I’d love to interview Rachel at some point, but it would definitely be a while before that could happen.
Hi Reality Steve.
I’m a huge fan of your podcast! Thank you so much for all of the amazing interviews and premium content!
As much as I love your podcast I don’t read spoilers. I get anxious every time I press play so I was wondering if you plan on always keeping the podcast spoiler free or not? Most are, but I can’t guarantee that a spoiler won’t pop up here or there in future ones.
Also, I was wondering if you know why so much of the bachelor family dislikes Caila Quinn? I think she’s a sweetheart, but I’ve heard a lot of contests say rather distasteful things towards her (I.e Ben Higgins, Jared Haibon). Why is that so? I think it’s the same reason people had a problem with her during her season. There’s a sense that she’s one way in front of the cameras and another way behind closed doors.
Lastly, I was wondering what your personal opinion is of who from Rachel’s season could be the next Bachelor. Since Dean is with Kristina, I don’t see any likely candidates and I feel like they might pull another Nick Viall, but since you’re an expert, I was wondering what your opinion is.
Thank you so much for all of your hard work and interesting content!
Comment: You don’t see Peter as a candidate as the next “Bachelor?” Really? He basically checks off all their boxes. I guess anything can happen, like we saw with Nick last season, but I’d be pretty surprised if it wasn’t him.
Hi Steve!
Can you see them making Demario the next Bachelor? Redemption for him and I could see the producers doing it for shock value. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks and keep up the awesome work!
Comment: Zero chance.
Hey RS,
Loving the podcasts! You do such a great job and the guests really seem to warm to you. Sometimes I don’t think I’ll even care about who you’re interviewing, but I find myself listening to all of them! So great job!
I had a question that I know you probably won’t answer, but I figured I’d ask anyway. In the podcast where Michelle Money interviewed you, and even for a little bit in your Stitcher podcast with Sharleen (yes, I subscribed for the whole year!), you mentioned wanting to be more open or even approach women more now since your approach really hasn’t worked in the past. Well maybe I didn’t say that right. Basically you said you didn’t take too many chances, which I understand to a certain degree. But if you don’t put yourself out there, you never know! So I guess my question is, since you did those podcasts, have you been a little more bold and told someone how you felt or whatever? I doubt you’ll tell us who if you have so sorry if this is too personal. We’d just never heard you talk about that before, so I’m just curious.
Comment: She knows I’m interested. I’ll just leave it at that.
Hi RS!
I’m a long time reader but never felt the need to write in. However, I saw in your reader emails someone was asking how the show works in regards to Warner Bros vs ABC and I just thought I could help clear the air. Basically the television system works like this: a show is pitched around to different studios by the creator. If studio purchases the rights to the show, the studio makes a contract with the creator, then shops it to networks for distribution. So in this case, Mike Fleiss sold the show to Warner Bros (The Studio). Then Warner Bros sold the airing rights to ABC (The Network). In these deals, there are different fees that are based off the contract made at that time. So Warner Bros makes a portion of the profits and ABC makes a portion of the profits. NZK Productions is the physical production company – the hundred or so men & women on the ground casting, producing, filming, and editing the actual show. NZK works with Warner Bros to write up cast member contracts, set a production budget, etc. but most creative decisions are made by NZK. Decisions like casting the lead and contestants, the show’s story lines and rough cuts of the episodes are first made by NZK who then seek approval from Warner Bros then from ABC before anything makes it to air. Obviously, along the way Warner Bros and/or ABC can have an issue with a creative decision, then NZK is then responsible for providing an alternative option that everyone can agree on. While I work in scripted television, reality isn’t entirely different – which is why I love reading your blog! There isn’t much reinventing of the wheel when it comes to how a Production company works and interacts with Studios and Networks. Just because this show has ‘real people’ as their cast doesn’t mean that each episode and the entire season isn’t heavily influenced by producers plotting story lines and enabling cast members to do their bidding. I hope this email helps!
Comment: It sounds like you know what you’re talking about, so I’ll go along with it. You seem to know what you’re talking about since you’re in the business. Thank you.
Dear RS,
Thank you for your candid coverage of all things Bachelor/ette. Your brand of openness & honesty is refreshing. I was trying to stay away because I didn’t want Rachel spoilers, but the BiP craziness brought me straight back to you, the only source I trust in Bachelorworld. (Plus it’s so glaringly obvious that it’s Bryan that the spoilers no longer bother me.)
Now that Corinne’s jig is up and Paradise is rolling again, do you think we’ll ever learn the true story about what sparked that complaint? Like, did the producer who complained legit think there was an issue, or was it something she cooked up with Corrine in an attempt to persuade the show to not air any of it? I’d love to know, but I get the feeling we’ll never hear more about it.
P.S. My vote is KENNY for the next B! Whoops, forgot to tweet Fleiss—he almost always listens to me.
Comment: I don’t know if we’ll ever get the true answer to that question. I’d be really surprised if we did.