-Now the question becomes what about the next “Bachelor.” The #1 question I’ve gotten since last night is essentially do I think Rachel sabotaged Peter’s chances to be the “Bachelor.” My answer: We’ll never know. If he’s the “Bachelor,” then obviously she didn’t. If he isn’t, then of course people will say it’s Rachel’s fault and the Peter nut jobs will have even more reason to stick pins in their Rachel doll. But no matter what Rachel said last night, she doesn’t produce the show. She isn’t picking the next lead. Look, they’re either going to choose Peter or they’re not. Nothing on stage last night that Rachel said should have any effect. He’s the most popular “loser” this show has seen in a while. Plenty of people want him as the next “Bachelor.” His following trumps anything that Dean or Eric have to offer. And he has a built in story line. Could Peter still be affected and maybe choose this is something he doesn’t want to be a part of? I mean, I guess he could. But I know the show wants him badly, so if he doesn’t get it, it’s because he turned it down. My gut still tells me he’s gonna be the “Bachelor.”
-Remember, that announcement isn’t going to happen for probably another month or so. Just because Rachel says this process isn’t for Peter doesn’t mean the show can’t turn that exact quote around and make a Peter “Bachelor” season all about that. Like, I see it different than a lot of people. If anything, the ATFR last night only feeds more into a possible storyline for his season. The guy went on the show to promote himself. He was never going to propose at the end of this thing whether it was Rachel as the “Bachelorette” or someone else. He was out to build his brand and he did exactly that, so props to him. And now, he can make it even bigger by signing on to be the “Bachelor.” I frankly don’t know how he would turn that down when a majority of the public wants it, the show wants it, and he checks off everything they’d want in a lead. The whole “well, I don’t know if I can propose this soon blah blah blah,” that’d absolutely be his storyline next season, because he can sit there during his “Bachelor” announcement, say he’s had time to think about it, he “got out of his own head,” realized this process can and does work, you can fall for someone on this show, and he just needs to trust his instincts. Even though I’m sure I will have already spoiled it, you don’t think the tease and promos leading up to Peter’s finale will have the average American who doesn’t follow spoilers glued to their seats wondering if he’s gonna propose? Because that’s essentially what they’ll make the whole season about. And girls who are falling for him will cry because they’re afraid he might leave them or he won’t be where they’re at in the end. I mean geez, I should f***ing produce next season. Because if he’s the “Bachelor,” that’s exactly what you’re gonna see. And people are going to watch. Anyone other than Peter next season is a fallback guy for them, you can count on that.
-Oh yeah, maybe I should talk about Rachel and Bryan at some point. Yeah, I mean cool. Congrats you guys. Good luck and have at it. I’m not gonna say I give them any more or any less of a chance than previous couples. Their relationship starts today (or I guess technically when filming ended). We know nothing. And nothing we see on social media will prove anything. Ben and Lauren were sending “I love you’s” to each other on IG just weeks before they announced they were done. None of that stuff matters to me. When they walk down the aisle, that’s when I’ll believe it. And they’ll get a gift from me if they do. I wish them luck, this is not going to be easy on them, tabloids will start in immediately with, “She’s still in love with Peter” and all that nonsense – you know it’s coming. It’s what they do. Your guess is as good as mine as to if these two will make it or not. Every couple we’ve seen at the finale seems over-the-moon in love, they express it as much as they can on social media, they say they can’t wait to just do normal things together (which Rachel and Bryan followed suit with today), etc. What they’re doing is absolutely no different than every couple who came before them in terms of their profession of love. Some work, most don’t. We’ll see what happens.
A couple quick thoughts on the finale:
-Could we have maybe moved that final rose ceremony inside somewhere? I mean, they could clearly hear how windy it was and it basically drowned out everything Bryan and Rachel said to each other. I’m guessing that was not one of their prouder moments, and if they could do it over again, they would’ve moved it inside once they realized the wind had picked up.
-Was Rachel a bit sassy to Peter on the ATFR? Yes. Was it as bad as the Peter nut jobs are making it out to be? No. But anything negative towards the guy they’re going to overreact to, so I wouldn’t expect anything different. She followed any sassiness up with saying she sincerely hopes he finds love. (“Yeah, but she’s just saying that.”) Impossible.
-I will share four words with you that I was told described Peter the best. And this was before the ATFR aired, which is pretty comical. Who it came from? Doesn’t matter. Lets just say they aren’t far off: “Non-committal,” “Emotional,” “Manipulative,” and a “Basket Case.” Yep. Pretty much what I saw last night. Here come the pitch forks and torches.
-I’ll leave with this one final thing in regards to this season: the spoiler that I reported about on May 16th that it was Peter then changed on June 6th to it being Bryan? I never mentioned this until now. On May 17th, I was told my spoiler was wrong. Now, I hear that every season so I didn’t immediately put a ton of stock into it, but, I also couldn’t completely dismiss it. Went back to the original source who told me it was Peter, told them to find out everything they could and if there was any validity to it, and didn’t hear anything for two weeks. Figured it was nothing. But then they finally came back to me with the evidence I needed to realize the spoiler was wrong. But yeah, it took three weeks to sift through a lot of intel and finally get to where I got to. I’m glad I did. Sucks being wrong, even if it was for only 3 weeks.
Happy Paradising everyone. Back next week with your weekly recaps of that sh** show. Should be interesting based on that promo we saw last night.
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