Robby & Amanda
Robby wanted to impress Amanda so he threw some glow sticks in a pool and called it romantic. He thought that might loosen Amanda up and he could finally make out with her so he took her for a moonlight walk on the beach, went for the kill, and Amanda was having none of it. It wasn’t until the cocktail party when Amanda seemed to feel sorry she made the guy wait so long that she gave in and made out with him, making Robby all giddy. The whole thing is hilarious because just a few days earlier, Robby was all about Raven. And if Raven would’ve given him the time of day, Amanda wouldn’t have been a blip on his radar. But now that Raven ghosted him for Adam, Robby is now convincing himself he’s all about Amanda. You know what he’s into with Amanda? Those 1.1 million IG followers she has. Those suuuuuuuure looks enticing.
Derek & Taylor
They had a fight because Derek told her to “f*** off.” But not like in a yelling, screaming way. I watched it a couple times and I still don’t understand how that phrase is what came to his head in that moment. Should he have said it? Of course not. But I also think there was a tad overreaction on Taylor’s part as well. And trust me, I’m the last guy to defend Derek because I think he’s about as shady as they come. But he did seem to get the raw end of the deal on that one. Taylor seemed to take that phrase and run with it. Ultimately because these two are joined at the hip right now, it’s a blip on their radar and every couple in the history of this show has always been show a bad moment or a stumbling block in their relationship. This was theirs. BIP’s Most Boring Couple had their first fight, it didn’t even last 24 hours, and now we can go back to not caring about them.
Adam, Raven, & Sarah
-There wasn’t a whole lot of advancement on this front. Well, other than Adam made out with both of them within minutes of each other. But again, knowing that he’s currently with Raven, it is kinda funny to look back and see what he was saying to Sarah just minutes after he was making out and frolicking on the beach with Raven. He was going to the grocery store, buying all the ingredients to make his cake, made his cake, then ate it too. Dude knew exactly what he was doing. I think he knew he was choosing Raven and just decided to string Sarah along. Sucks for her, but it was somewhat entertaining to watch the BS fly out of his mouth about it.
Diggy, Lacey, & Dominique
You probably forgot about them from last week, didn’t you? Don’t worry. Everyone else did too. But to keep you updated, Diggy went on a date with Lacey, and within an hour of getting back from that date, Dominique showed up and she went out with Diggy, which didn’t sit well with Lacey. She confronted him at the cocktail party about it, Diggy had no words for it other than to tell her that his rose was going to Dominique. Hey, at least he was honest…(cough) (cough)…Adam…(cough) (cough)…Dean…(cough) (cough)…However, at the end of the episode we see Lacey’s night in shining armor show up in Daniel since, well, they’d hooked up before the show even started, she strictly went on the show for him, she knew he was coming on, and she was kinda obsessed with him. And Daniel is obsessed with being on TV. So you can see where this one is headed.
Dean, Kristina, & DLo
Again, another one that didn’t get a ton of time this episode, but Dean sure is digging himself one hell of a grave here. He sits there with Kristina laying on him, his arm around her, telling her he wants to see DLo stay. But then at the same time showering Kristina with compliments, which only confused her more. I believe her tweet last night summed up her feelings about her conversations with Dean:
Small glimpse into the conversations I've had…… over and over again #BachelorinParadise
— Kristina Schulman (@kristinaschulma) August 29, 2017
So yeah, Dean played both of them on the show, he played both of them post-show, and is basically in no position whatsoever to be the “Bachelor.” Sorry people, not happening. Just wait til you see what I’m hearing happens tonight after the rose ceremony when Dean gives Kristina the rose. They have a little private time together. Well, private time they apparently thought was private yet it was caught on tape. How can I describe this without giving it away? Awwww screw it. Kristina starts to give Dean a hand job on the bed but can’t because Dean loses his erection. No joke. I don’t know how all this is gonna play out or how it’s gonna be shown since I’ve never actually seen it, but that’s apparently what happens. And yes, this is airing on ABC tonight before 9:00pm EST. Oh boy.
And finally tonight, just like last week, the last hour or so will be Chris Harrison in the studio doing another “panel discussion.” This time with Raven (of course), Wells, Alexis, and Amanda. Also, they bring out Matt and Jasmine to discuss what happened with them, and then we get the Corinne sit down. Mind you, all of this was filmed on the same day that last week’s studio show was, back on August 5th. Even though they try to make you think those were filmed on separate days, they weren’t. Hell, all you need to do is go back and look at Raven’s outfit last week and it’s exactly the same as what she was wearing tonight. I will definitely have some thoughts tomorrow on what Corinne says as I’m already questioning some of the stuff she’s already been saying to the media while promoting tonight. She’s basically already backtracking on something that her lawyer put out there. Shocking, I know.
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