Ok, this first paragraph has nothing to do with anything “Bachelor” related. We’ll get to that in a second. But there are two grammatical things I’m seeing in every day life now that, I don’t know, did I miss the boat on when these became a thing? Is it being taught in schools now and since I haven’t been in school in ages I just don’t know about? First thing is, do we not double space after periods anymore when we type? I’m so accustomed to hitting the space bar twice after a period for the last, oh I don’t know, almost 25 years, that it’s become old hat. Is that not a thing? It’s only single space now, or are both acceptable? Also, and this one really kills me, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen on social media people put the dollar sign after the number. Like, 5$ to say five dollars. I’m totally floored by this. Are these people in the wrong? Are schools now teaching the dollar sign goes after the number? Or are both acceptable and the ones who do it after the number are either forgetting or are lazy? I know for a fact when I was in school and learning to type, it was double space after all periods, and geez, whenever we started learning about money, what, 2nd grade, that the dollar sign came first before the number. These are things that I’m losing sleep over now. That is all. Please send help.
Ok, lets get to a few “Bachelor” related items. And this story really warms the cockles of my heart I tell ya’. Executive Producer and the Head of Alternative Programming at ABC Robert Mills is on a weekly live radio show every Tuesday with Julia Cunningham of EW.com. They mostly just recap old “Bachelor” episodes (they’re currently doing Emily’s season since Arie was on it), but Mills talked briefly this past Tuesday what’s happening currently on the “Bachelor.” It starts at the 5:50 mark:
Do you know how proud I am that one of the girls on the group date this past Monday threw a #NotPeter out? I’m sure that sat well with NotPeter. I don’t know who it was yet, but I’m sure I’ll find out at some point. And yes, I’ll take full credit for that. Awesome. We already know Kenny appeared in episode 3 on the wrestling date making references to Peter and now this. As it should be. Arie wasn’t their first choice to begin with, so yeah, why not continuously reference the fact he wasn’t and most of the audience would’ve preferred someone else. It’s not like Arie has any interest in marrying whoever he gets engaged to at the end of this thing anyway. It’s a total joke and I’m glad at least one of the girls is enjoying throwing that in his face. Much more realistic than actually pretending everyone there actually wanted this guy as the “Bachelor.” Fun times.
So episode 5 in Fort Lauderdale had their rose ceremony on Wednesday night. I’ve mentioned a couple times over the last few weeks that I was told of two places overseas they were headed this season, but, I didn’t know at what point in the show they were going and I hadn’t gotten solid confirmation on it. Well now I do. They are currently headed to Paris for episode 6, then they will be going to Italy for episode 7. Episode 8 is always hometown dates before they head off to overnights and the final rose ceremony location, which I don’t know the location of yet. You have to go back to Andi’s season for the last time they went to Paris and Italy when they went there for episodes 5 and 6 for her. Not sure where in Italy they’re going this year, I just know it’s Italy. Again, it’s blind luck if pictures happen to get out when they’re overseas. Wasn’t a ton with Rachel last season when they went to Norway, Denmark, and Switzerland. I’d be surprised if we got a lot in Paris and Italy to be honest, but you never know.
And it’s been over a week since I’ve given you any new contestants so I figured why not heading into a weekend throw another confirmed girl for this season at you. Although I’ll let you know she’s already been eliminated. She’s been added to the Arie’s Girls page:
15. Bri Amaranthus: 25, Eugene, Ore. Attended the University of San Diego. Currently a Digital Reporter for Comcast SportsNet Northwest, covering the Oregon Ducks, Portland Trailblazers, etc. Graduated University of Oregon in 2014 (after first starting out at University of San Diego to play softball) with a B.S. in Electronic Media & Public Relations. Even has a podcast called the “Duck Squad” talking all things Oregon football (like the beat down Wazzu gave them last weekend). Alas, don’t get too excited about her. She’s already been eliminated. You know how there’s that one girl every BIP season who you barely remember from her season of the “Bachelor” but does really well on BIP? It’s waaaaay early and I have no idea if Bri would even do BIP, but my money is on her if she does. Although going on BIP could torpedo any aspirations she has in the TV reporting world. I guess we’ll see.
Facebook – Bri Amaranthus
Twitter – @BriAmaranthus
Instagram – briamaranthus
LinkedIn – Bri Amaranthus
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