Less than a week away from the premiere and things are beginning to ramp up. Most notably, Becca went on GMA this morning and revealed that she is engaged. That shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone considering that’s now 20 of the last 21 seasons that ended in an engagement. The fact that she did reveal it before the season could be kinda surprising, but it’s not unprecedented either. It’s definitely happened a few times before. I know Jason Mesnick did it. Brad 2.0 did it. Rachel did it last season. And I know there were others who were allowed to say they were engaged before the season even began as well. So that’s not all that weird that she was able to reveal it already. The big question now becomes, “Well Reality Steve, who is she engaged to?” Good question. Never thought you’d ask. Unless you’re my email inbox or twitter mentions where it’s happening every, oh I don’t know, 5 seconds or so. Hey, it’s part of the job. I get it. I give you the winner every season before it starts, and right now, you only have up to the final 3 guys of Jason, Garrett, and Blake. Well, lets bring that down to final 2.
I don’t think this should surprise anyone, but Jason was eliminated after overnight dates. Blake and Garrett are your final two. Ever since they returned from filming, those who have been following along and dissecting social media have seen the comments by now, with the biggest one being Connor writing on Blake’s IG about him being engaged, then retracting it saying he doesn’t know anything and was just having fun. Here’s the deal: I don’t know for sure who won yet. I’ve heard both. Well, obviously that’s wrong since unless Becca is now a polygamist, she’s only engaged to one of them. But I can tell you this, and it will become perfectly clear after you read the spoilers for episode 1 – from the get go, it was the Blake and Garrett show. They’re the only two guys you hear her outwardly compliment on the first episode. Numerous times. Like, where the edit makes sure you know that those are the two she’s into the most. You know after the fourth episode in Park City when Garrett got his 1-on-1 date, I told you I was hearing that he was the front runner. Obviously since he made it to the end, that info was right. It’s not like he got booted the next episode or barely made it. It’s obvious from the first episode these are the two she’s into the most, and they are your final two. I’m waiting to get the confirmation I need from one particular source. They’ve told me who they think it is, but haven’t been able to confirm it. So that’s where we’re at. And I guarantee after this post today, some people will contact me and tell me it’s Garrett and some will tell me it’s Blake. In one ear, out the other. I’m waiting for one specific source to tell me since they’ve been solid in recent years. Hopefully they know.
The other big news is what I posted about last Thursday, and that’s this week’s podcast. As of this writing, I’m still in limbo on what’s happening. However, I should know by this afternoon what the plan is and I will tweet it out. Just want to make sure all the I’s are dotted and all the T’s are crossed, but it’s definitely a different podcast than any of the 78 that came before it, that’s for sure. In tone, delivery, shock value, etc. I should know this afternoon what the latest is on that so stay tuned.
Lets get to all your happenings from episode 1, which just like the previous 35 seasons before it, is typical of what happens every first episode. Intro to our lead, intro videos of the contestants, limo entrances, cocktail party, mild drama, rose ceremony. Wash, rinse, repeat. People freak out over this first episode every season, then it airs, and it’s the same thing. This season is no different, just a different cast of characters. I don’t know what people expect to happen on the first episode, but like clockwork, they seem to think they’ll expect something new in the premiere every season, then they don’t get it, and all the sudden they think the show is stale or something. Very bizarre. I can say right off the bat, and I never do this because it’s never been my thing, but I’m a fan of Becca. Definitely one of the more likable leads we’ve ever had. Not that the others weren’t, but the second everything went down with Arie, it was hard not to root for her. Will I make fun of her and her season? Of course. But I will admit this is one season where I’m rooting for the girl because I like her. Just very down to earth, doesn’t seem like she’ll get swept away in the Hollywood world, and she’s very easy to like. Now watch, she’ll prove me wrong and become ridiculously thirsty after the show and my mind will change. Lets hope not. (Yes, I’m already sick of “Lets Do the Damn Thing” like the rest of America).
Episode 1 Spoilers:
-The episode began with a recap of, shocker, everything that went down with Arie. We see clips from the proposal, the phone videos they shot of themselves post show, then the awkward break up. Becca is then talking to her family about everything that happened, she’s changed, she’s ready, process can work, yada yada yada.
-We see a very short clip from when Becca and that one political dude were on the Capitol steps in Minnesota before filming began, but they don’t really show why or what the point of it was. Just more to let you know fans were there, they were excited for her and cheering her on.
-Kaitlyn, JoJo, and Rachel join Becca at the mansion for a girl chat. Granted, she barely knew any of these three personally, but it made sense to bring the last 3 Bachelorettes on since all of them are still engaged to the guys they chose. And they certainly make it a point to remind everyone that all 3 men that they’re with are men they gave their first impression rose to AND got the first kiss of the season. Something Becca does with Garrett this episode. So are they showing that to us to remind us that the first impression rose/kiss guy is the winner on night one like the last 3 seasons, OR if you’re a Blake fan, you’re thinking they’re showing it to make people focus on it so they’ll be shocked if she doesn’t pick that guy in the end. You can make a case for either, depending on which guy you like more/want to win. Hence the reason I don’t base my spoilers on social media or what airs during the episode. Because after this episode, you can make a case the edit favored either guy. Yet only one is right. So need to bother. It only fits your narrative AFTER the spoiler becomes a reality. You have a 50/50 shot at being right.
-There are 7 intro videos this season:
Clay: 30 years old, pro football player. Shows him working out then saying he’s not the stereotypical player. Talks about having a black dad and a white mom and is eating with family. Clay legitimately comes across as like the nicest human being on the planet in this video and this episode.
Garrett: From Reno, and he just loves to have fun. He starts describing himself in a Chris Farley voice, and while it’s a pretty good impression, I just hope this isn’t something he goes to all season. Generally a goofy guy you can tell. Likes to fish, likes to hunt, and video shows him in waders fishing.
Jordan: 26, and a professional model. He will be who most people talk about after the first night because that’s all he talks about all episode. Himself and modeling. It’s nauseating.
Lincoln: 26, originally from Nigeria. I don’t remember a thing he said. Wasn’t memorable, but he’s involved in a lot of the drama this season.
Joe: 31, he owns a grocery store. His parents have been married for 35 years and got married after knowing each other 2 months.
Jean Blanc: 31, born in Haiti but came here at the age of 2. He’s very much into smells and colognes. He’s a colognoisseur. Whatever the hell that is. Says he owns a 100 bottles.
Colton: football player, born on Super Bowl Sunday, so I guess that was his destiny. Got injured last season and decided football wasn’t in his future anymore. Started a charity for children with Cystic Fibrosis. Says he’s only been in one serious relationship and doesn’t really know much about Becca. But he sure knows about her good friend Tia. Maybe I’m gonna be one of the few, but I’m able to separate his charity work for what happened pre-show with Tia. One has nothing to do with the other.