-The day of the rose ceremony, Chris Harrison comes in to tell the guys there will be no cocktail party that night, but instead, they will have a good ol’ tailgate party since in case you didn’t know, Hannah is from Alabama and the Alabamans love their football, and there’s nothing more synonymous with college football than tailgaiting. Well, that and cheating, $100 handshakes, paying players for summer jobs they never work at, backhanded deals, and all the forged papers and changed grades you can shake a stick at. But hey, lets forget that for just this one day and play some cornhole!
-After Chris leaves and the festivities are about to begin, Cam tells the guys he has a very personal story he wants to tell Hannah and he’d appreciate it if they’d let him talk to her first, which goes over about as well as someone spiking the punch at prom. After all of Cam’s interruptions on their date, they’re really having none of it when it comes to Cam now wanting time with her to tell her his story. Now, you can agree with the guys being frustrated by Cam and pulling that, but lets not question the guys story. When he tells it to Hannah, they keep doing cutaways to the guys talking about how mad they are, so Cam’s story included his leg injury, the death of his grandma, and a dog he had to give away. The way it was chopped up didn’t make it sound all that big of a deal. However, the dude isn’t lying about his leg issues. He suffers from Lymphedema and that shit is not good. Here’s a link I found of the work Cam does for it and, you’ve been warned, a pretty grotesque picture of how bad his leg got:
So while the story came across on TV more like, “Oh, guess he had some stuff happen to him, why he’d make such a big deal out of it,” hopefully that answers your question. Editing can be a tricky thing.
-What didn’t make much sense was Mike’s approach to Hannah when he spoke to her. He tells Hannah that when Cam spoke to the guys, he said he wanted to tell the story to Hannah for a pity rose. Wait, what? We never saw Cam say “pity rose” during his talk with the guys. And rest assured, if he ever uttered the phrase pity rose, considering the way he’s been shown this season, they absolutely would’ve had no problem showing him say that. So Mike just assumed that’s what Cam was after, but the way he presented it to Hannah wasn’t based off an assumption, he told her Cam specifically said it, when we have zero evidence he did. What’s also weird about this is Mike told Hannah the story about losing a baby with his ex. Couldn’t that be considered trying to get a “pity rose.” How is telling that story any different than Cam wanting to tell her his story? Here’s the major difference in how people reacted last night: They already like Mike and Cam’s edit basically has everyone annoyed by him, so they immediately dismiss what Cam has to say and don’t consider what Mike did. Boy that editing can really get you.
-I don’t think Mike’s a bad guy at all. Seems to be well liked, the fans are all about him, and we all know he goes far, but try being objective about someone you might like. What he did was bush league. He didn’t need to go there, and it’s hypocritical of him saying that Cam told to a sob story to try and stay when he told a sob story just a few days earlier during a date. Just because you like a guy doesn’t mean they can do no wrong. Cam has done plenty wrong this season by listening to producers constantly telling him to interrupt and show up on dates he wasn’t a part of, but don’t let that blind you to make it seem like Mike is innocent in all this. So unless Mike comes out and says “Cam specifically said he was telling Hannah his story to get a pity rose,” then all it was was his opinion that’s why he was telling it, yet he presented it to Hannah as fact. And that’s just as bad if you ask me. I guess time will tell, but knowing how this show works, if Cam ever uttered the phrase “pity rose,” we would’ve seen it.
-Rose ceremony time. Mike, Connor, and Peter are safe with roses. Had the wrong group date rose in the spoilers for this one as I thought it was Garrett, but it was Peter. And Cam didn’t go home during the cocktail party. Oops. Please forgive me for all my sins. Hannah: “Incredible day today…harder and harder every single week to make these decisions…hard decision to just go with my heart…if you’re still here, I’m excited about our future. Especially with you Luke P. You seem so calm and level headed about everything in this process.”
Jed: Next week they’re in Newport, Rhode Island. Will he think that’s a big city too?
Tyler: He’s either the coolest guy on the planet or he’s stoned 24/7.
Dustin: Yes, there is a Dustin on the show this season.
Dylan: And a Dylan too.
Grant: Grant? There’s a Grant?
Luke P: Pretty sure we’re well aware of who this guy is this season. He’s the one who will be screaming at another man in episode 7.
Garrett: He looks like a more polished Dean.
John Paul Jones: At least he got to experience child birth before being sent home next week.
Matteo: I wonder if any of his 114 kids are watching daddy on this show?
Devin: We also have a Devin on the show that’s had two group date conversations with Hannah interrupted by Cam and Luke P. Shows you what production thought of Devin. You know who’s never having a convo with Hannah interrupted by anyone? Jed. Tyler. Peter.
Luke S.: Bootleg Nick Viall will bow up to Luke P. next week.
“Hannah, gentleman, it’s the final rose tonight. When you’re ready. I always say that, but what if Hannah is hungry and wants to take an hour before giving out the final rose? Or needs to run to the bathroom to throw up? Sure, I can tell her when she’s ready, but is it really when she’s ready?”
Kevin: We owe him all one big thank you for bringing awareness to the plight of the chicken nugget. Thank you Kevin for your bravery.
Next week will be quite an interesting episode as both of her final two guys get 1-on-1’s, so I’m sure that’ll be dissected like a fish in high school biology. Also, the battle of Luke’s next week during the rugby date. Unfortunately, neither involves Luke Skywalker, and that’s just a shame.
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