Hey Steve,
Long time reader first time emailing you.
Thank you for all your hard work on providing bachelor nation with juicy spoilers.
First thing, am I crazy or have they not done a a 2 on date in the past few seasons ? I feel like that last one was on Nick’s season. No, you’re not crazy. They’ve done away with the traditional 2-on-1’s the last few seasons.
Secondly, no word on drama with Dean and Kristina both being on BIP ? I wonder if they talk or just ignore each other like there isnt any history between them. There’s definitely history between them that’s brought up.
Ps Tatum from Paradise Hotel is a fellow pageant sister of mine and she is such a sweetheart I will mention to her that she should go on a podcast with you :).
Comment: Your wish has been granted. We have a “Paradise Hotel”-centric podcast this week with the “winners” Tatum Smith and Bobby Ray on. Interesting to hear both sides.
1. Why didn’t Tayshia get the same bad rap that Jed is getting when she did the same thing? Went on the show with a boyfriend…was totally fake and in it for the fame. Yet it never got brought up aside from you mentioning it? Not condoning Jed’s being a jack ass-ness, but just because Tayshia’s a girl in today’s climate doesn’t mean her behavior should be ignored. Thoughts? Speaking of which, love that ABC can get away with making the guys strip down to speedos and do a pageant half naked with no backlash, but God forbid the bachelor make the girls do a pageant with a swim suit competition (totally different then a pool party) the bachelor and the show would be pounded by feminists and the me too people and everyone else that has a problem with the mail species in general. Just sticking up for the guys for a second…they deserve credit, and not a double standard. It all comes to down to how they were portrayed on the show I believe. Tayshia was liked, and her boyfriend stuff just wasn’t in the media as much as the Jed stuff. Kinda died off. But I think naturally, if a majority of the audience already has their mind set on liking someone, they can definitely get away with more than someone the public is iffy on or already doesn’t like. Just the way it goes unfortunately. Yes, I agree. Tayshia’s situation isn’t all that much different than some of the guys we crucify on this show. But because she lasted long and people really liked her, it kinda just goes away.
2. Speaking of real shit: Since you podcast with Ashley and she is the QUEEN of fitness goals and doing things the right way—can you ask her, or tell us what you know about how in the hell these girls post show get so skinny? I’m not looking for weight loss tips by any means, but they all go on the show looking fine. But then it’s like they sip the magic celebrity pill and get super super thin. Cocaine? Other Drugs? Eating disorders? There’s just no way Andi got her new body or even Lauren B by drinking all day/traveling/ and “running”.
Comment: I think every person is different. They all don’t do the same thing. But some of those things you mentioned? Don’t think those aren’t running rampant in this franchise, because they most definitely are unfortunately. Once these women see themselves on TV, almost all of them get a taste of being judged by everyone on how they look, so they try and do what they can to look better. Nothing wrong with that – if you’re doing it the right way. As I’ve told everyone who’s ever asked me about this show, it is NOT for everyone. Some people should never go on this show.
I missed getting this in for Reader Emails but it’s been driving me crazy so I hope you’ll consider answering it!!! What happened with Paulie and Cara Maria?! They had gotten back together after everything happened and now haven’t posted a single thing in almost two months?! Any insight on them??
Comment: They’re still together as far as I know. Did I miss something? They’re both filming season 34 which I believe is still filming. So that’s probably why you haven’t seen them post in a while.
Hi Steve!
I have to apologize- I’d originally sent you a Facebook message instead of a reader email without reading your instructions on how to contact you. My mom was a first grade teacher for 30 years, you’d think I would have learned to read the directions!
Anyways, I love your column and it makes watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise that much better. Quick question for you- with a few new streaming services in the works (Disney, NBC, etc.), do you think that ABC would ever follow their lead and have their own? I’d love to binge some of the previous Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons without having to pay for each season separately (I believe many are available on Amazon Prime for purchase). Please forgive me if this has already been addressed, as I am a fairly new visitor to your column!
I do realize this is probably more so of an ABC question but I wanted to see if you’d heard any buzz on this, and you are much more fun to contact than ABC with questions! Thanks for all you do! Have a great holiday and weekend.Hi Steve! I’m new to the Bachelor/Bachelorette craze but I love your column and have been reading t
Comment: There isn’t a service out there that has every season to go back and watch. You’d think ABC would at some point, but as of now they haven’t. Tubi TV has the first Bachelor and Bachelorette seasons along with last seasons Bachelor in Paradise. But that’s it.
I don’t understand the fixation of those wanting Mike to be the next Bachelor. He seems very nice but I have not seen much of his personality. Like everyone else, he has displayed quite a bit of disdain for Luke. He has the most beautiful smile and has often complimented Hannah; however he’s been tongue-tied when he’s with Hannah. I see the shyness, inability to have conversation because of him being nervous. He’s been very respectful and has seemed to have a “genuine” interest in Hannah but has had a difficult time of communicating.
Now mind you, Hannah was the exact way while on the show with Colton and the AFTR show. I couldn’t see then how she would be able to be a lead and carry on conversations. To my surprise, I’ve enjoyed seeing her personality come out and her assertiveness. But still, I don’t know if Mike would be able to pull it off. He may be one of the most genuine persons, but then how would I know? Supposedly Peter has/had a relationship waiting for him back home as well as Jed. I hear your (Steve) argument of Tyler being one the show wouldn’t know what to expect. He too can be reserved but Hannah was able to pull something out of him. That didn’t happen with Mike – and possibly Hannah didn’t have as strong feelings for Mike, therefore she didn’t try to dig deeper with him as she did with Tyler.
Now if Peter’s woman or ex woman doesn’t come out of the closet, to me, he seems to have the personality for being a lead.
Steve, do you think Mike has the personality to be a lead? I understand the desire of many for more diversity in the lead position. I would definitely LOVE to see that since I am African-American. Mike seems to be really sweet, kind, and possibly stable, but I didn’t learn anything about him on this show with Hannah. Now Rachel was one who could hold her own and pull off being a lead. But from the edits of Mike, I’m not seeing it. Again, I didn’t see it with Hannah when she was announced as the upcoming Bachelorette.
Comment: I agree in that we haven’t seen a ton of personality from Mike. He smiles a lot, which is good. And his mom and grandma are important in his life. And he had a miscarriage a few years ago. Other than that, you’re right, we don’t know much. But again, when Sean and Ben Higgins were on Emily and Kaitlyn’s season respectively, did their personalities jump out at you those seasons? I know it’s easy to say after the fact, but I’m telling you at the time, the answer was a definite no. They looked the part, but nobody was screaming at what a barrel of monkeys and outgoing personalities those two had. Nick? Arie? Did those two strike you as Mr. Personality? So I don’t think it matters all that much.
With that said, I’ll say what I’ve said all season. I think Mike is a candidate, he’ll for sure be up on the hot seat at the MTA taping this Friday, but ultimately I don’t think he’ll be the “Bachelor.”
Hello Steve!
I’m a new subscriber to you but have found that it made my experience watching the Bachelorette much more entertaining. Thank you!
I was just wondering – Luke has gone up to be F4 and basically self-imploded with the sex talk which is why Hannah let him go. But up until now, she didn’t really “see through” the red flags until he mentioned sex.
Do you think that if he didn’t bring it up, he would’ve ended up as F2 or F1? I could totally see her picking him until the very end because of how she ignored all the signs from the guys just because he seemingly checked all her check boxes.
Comment: It’s tough to say. You’re asking me to put myself in Hannah’s mindset from two months ago. What I do know is that Luke was specifically given the fourth overnight date for a reason, and that was because they probably knew the reaction they were going to get.
Hi Steve,
Longtime reader, not my first time emailing, but I’m coming to you with a seriously unpopular opinion today. First, I LOVE how you said Garrett is an instigator. I’ve been saying it all season!! It’s very frustrating to watch. Glad we’re done with that although MTA should be a trainwreck to watch. Anyway, about Luke and Hannah. I know we haven’t fully seen it play out yesterday, but I’m somewhat on Luke’s side about sex. As an Alabama woman and a Christian, I see where Luke is coming from. Maybe I’m ultra traditional, but I expect my husband to be the leader of the family and I expect him to guide me in our Christian beliefs (something Luke and Hannah have in common). I don’t think he’s slut shaming her for thinking she shouldn’t have slept with other guys in the fantasy suite. I think he’s trying to hold her accountable to her Christian morals. Why are so many people hating on him for this? Her line about “my husband wouldn’t say that to me…” Well, my husband WOULD have said it to me if I was sleeping with three other guys the week before we got engaged. I think basically Luke is saying if you are keeping me around because I could be your husband, why are you sleeping with other men? That goes against their Christian upbringing and what should be the foundation of their marriage (not saying everyone’s marriage, but theirs). Just curious your insights. Lastly, I do think Jesus still loves her even though she’s had sex, but saying it in the same conversation as “I f*cked in a windmill” is the sort of thing that gives southern Christians a bad reputation.
Comment: Yeah, this is all just a matter of opinion unfortunately. I think there’s more to it than this. You also have to take into account that this shows premise and format aren’t the least bit in line with Christian values in the first place. This isn’t normal dating. So yes, while I understand that YOU wouldn’t do this and you’d expect your husband not to, doesn’t mean someone else who’s a Christian can’t. So basically, should no traditional Christians ever come on this show then? Because no matter what they do, they are going to be put in compromising positions. I just don’t see it as black and white as you do. There’s so much gray area in this, and that’s why the discussion will be never ending. If you’re a traditional Christian, I fully expect you to see it this way. If you’re not, or aren’t religious at all, I don’t think those people have any problem with what Hannah does this season. It’s all a matter of belief and value system. She can do what she wants. Doesn’t mean she’s not a Christian. Who’s she hurting? And lets stop it with the “this isn’t very Christian-like behavior” or “she’s giving Christians a bad name.” Not saying you’re saying that, but plenty others are. Just stop. How small minded is that thinking?
Everyone’s been giving the show flak for allowing Demi’s now-fiancée to be apart of Paradise, despite not being a member of Bachelor nation, but has forgotten that Ashley I’s sister (Lauren) was allowed on paradise without being on any other show before that.
Comment: Totally different situation. Ashley’s sister Lauren STARTED on the show, and actually ended up leaving because she was in a relationship back home she wanted to explore. This whole Demi/Kristian stuff was all planned out beforehand. I don’t think the issue is so much that Kristian isn’t Bachelor Nation, it’s everything that’s surrounding this whole charade to begin with. And it’s clearly being done for attention.
RS, big fan.
Could you possibly tell us which of Hannah’s men you have received emails on? Like which men had girlfriends back home? I know Jed and Peter did, but who else?
Comment: Joey Jones. And others.
I am not sure if you saw, but Caroline from Arie’s season recently came out as bulimic on Instagram. I have actually really respected how she has publicly gone through the body positive journey so publicly and owned her demons. I hope you will consider her as a potential podcast guest. I would love to her more from her.
Also, if I were the bachelorette, the last thing I would do before I handed over my phone to production, is call you. I would want all the dirt and information I could get on every guy walking in and take notes. I feel so bad for Hannah, if she had called you before she left, all this could have been prevented. I get wanting to have an unbiased opinion before you meet the guys, but ifone guy had 4 sources confirming the dude had a gf, he probably does. I hope Hannah walks away from this single, asking herself why she is attracted to someone like Luke and falling for someone like Jed. She needs to do some soul searching and personal growth before she gets into another relationship. These contestants are much too scared of me to do that. Especially the lead. It’s drilled in their head to not associate with me. I’m fine with it. Will never happen.
I even feel a little bad for Luke, emphasis on little. He is a total lost soul, and really needs to do some self reflection. I hope he finds a safe space to do that, because all this hate isn’t going to encourage him to change. His behavior is inexcusable, but tormenting him on online is also inexcusable. Those online trolls need a life.
I also really hope Peter is not the bachelor. A tool like that doesn’t deserve it and I hope karma bites him in the ass. All this Peter love makes me want to vomit. Tyler deserves it, so does Mike. I think most people would be happy with either of them. But I would also like to see how BIP goes and if star is born from there. Should be interesting to see who ends up as the top contenders.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. I respect you so much for your integrity. Please keep feeding us secrets!
Comment: I can’t see anyone from Paradise becoming the Bachelor. I still say it’s between Peter or Tyler.
Maybe you have posted about this and I’ve missed it but do you have any tea on Jade and Liz no longer being friends?? Jade wasn’t at her wedding and they no longer follow each other.
Comment: No. I’ve gotten asked this a lot and I don’t have the faintest clue of anything happening with anything regarding them. People tell me all the time about some fallout but if there was, I didn’t follow it.
Hi Steve
I read somewhere that Peter lives at home. Is this true? That’s such a red flag in and of itself unless his parents NEED him in some way. A professional man who is gainfully employed is usually more independent.
Remember on Emily’s season when Sean pranked her on his hometown into thinking he lived at home? This worked as a prank for a reason.
Peter is 27. I believe his ex did tell me that as well. Kinda odd, but also for his job where he’s basically never home, not nearly as odd if say he just had a regular 8-5 desk job and was still living at home with his parents.
A quick observation on Luke – I think Hannah wanted to meet his family and see him in an environment where he was loved. It’ll be interesting to see her on his hometown date.
Comment: I didn’t think his hometown went all that terrible, honestly. These two just aren’t for each other. Too bad it took her so long in the process to see that.
Have you speculated what the show producers were thinking to themselves during the time you initially had posted that Tyler was the winner, before you changed that spoiler information to Jed? I wonder if they were giddy, thinking they had finally gotten one over on you.
Comment: I mean, I’m sure they were happy, but at the time when there’s still over 2 months to go before the finale airs, I guess they gotta know that at any point that can change. So I don’t know how excited they actually get.
Hi, Steve. I hope you are doing well.
You may seat, it’s a long one!
I’m from Brazil and literally no one I know watches these shows. I tried really hard to convince my wife to watch it with me, no dice. Lots of opinions, no one to talk to, so, here we go.
1) As as proud LGTBQ+ person, I think it’s distasteful ABC would bring Demi and her GF to BIP as a way to show some diversity. It’s a cop out. Do it right or just don’t do it at all. Given the logistics of the bachelor/bachelorette it would be tottaly okay with me if they never went there. I mean, maybe cast a few more bissexuals contestants and have they cross paths in BIP would be such a better way to do it. Since it’s all done, hopefully we don’t get a fetichized edit on Demi’s relationship, as often happens when it comes to relationships between two women.
Do you have any intel on how their relationship is portrayed on BIP? Haven’t heard much, but knowing the end result that they’re now engaged, I gotta imagine it’s shown as pretty normal. I don’t think there’s gonna be any overt sexual scenes between the two or anything like that if that’s what you were wondering. I think the second Kristian came on and they decided she would get to stay with Demi, their whole goal was to get an engagement out of this.
2) In your last reader emails column a couple of people pointed out that Hannah ignored some red flags about Jed, even criticizing her for doing so and that annoyed me a little bit. What were those red flags? Where were they? As far as Hannah knows up to this point Jed is a pretty okay guy. Confessing coming to the show for his music career it is not a red flad. How many people went on the show for the “experience”? Or were outspoken about being skeptical? None of those things are frowned upon and we all know everybody has ulterior motives to go on this show and that is perfectly fine. If they fall in love, pretty sweet bonus. Up to this point all Hannah sees is a guy that went on the show to further his career, unexpectedly devoleped feelings for her, decided to volunteer the info about his ulterior motives, was “honest” and is falling in love with her. To those people who criticized her, what was she supossed to see? Should she have a crystal ball? See into the future?
He lied, he manipuleted, he was/is in the wrong. Stop blaming women for f**kboy behavior men show!
Do you think the bad publicity Jed got and is gonna get will hurt or hel his music career? These days is so hard to tell. I think Jed’s music career won’t take off for the sole reason I don’t think he’s that good of a singer.
But no, during the show, Hannah had no reason to see red flags about Jed. The only one that was out there was when he told her he initially saw the show as a platform, and she got over that statement in about .5 seconds because she liked him. We don’t even know if he mentioned the male stripper stuff to her. Maybe that would’ve been a big deal to her, maybe not, we don’t know. But regardless, it’s everything that’s come out post-show about him that made Hannah end the engagement.
3) Luke, oh, Luke. Luke is the epitome of sutil toxic masculinity. He was never taught how to articulate his feelings and emotions as a lot of men are not, but most men tend to improve that when engaging in relationships with women. He judges Hannah on how she lives her sexuality and that would be unacepatable in any situation, but on this show? It’s laughable. He has double standards and revolves to his faith in doing so, “her body is her temple”. He excuses his awfaul behavior by blaming feeling strongly for Hannah. He is agressive towards the men, he does not know how to accept criticism. He is entitled AF. There is absolutely no defense for the guy. I strongly recommend therapy, because there is no way this guy can actually reflect and change his own behaviour without help, he has zero self observation skills. The sad part is it is not even his fault he acts the way he does, it’s cultural, and up until a moment ago it was ok to act this way. Thankfully things are changing and men like him are being forced to take responsability and do better.
YET, I get why Hannah keeps him around, even though she (unexpectedly) is the most vocal about female empowerament of the leads we have ever had.
For whatever reason they have connected, maybe is the faith. She’s clearly attracted to the guy. His awfaul behaviour frustrastes her, she said it best herself: “I’m either falling in love with Luke or he’s making me crazy”. That, right there, is the reason why people get stuck in crappy relationships, especially when young and immature. Our emotions don’t happen in a Disney “Inside Out” kind of way, they are not labeled and people don’t trigger in us the “love” emotion. A lot of people I’ve seen in therapy (I’m a psychologist) strugle with sorting out their own emotions, specially the younger crowd. The way we approach relationships does not help. Someone as young as Hannah, who is yet to know a wholesome, health relationship is prompt to keep around a guy who makes her feel things, intensely, instead of guys who are clearly kinder, smarter, better people altogether, but do not cause the rush of emotions she feels with Luke. I also believe that part of keeping him around despite everyone in the house disliking him and warning her is because she believes she’s being true to herself and she needs to make sure that her decisions are her own and not taken out of fear, wich is also congruent with her age. The best part is that she’ll eventually sort those emotions and dump his sorry ass. I think it’s a great storyline to be shown. A lot of great points here. I agree.
How long till contests can legally be on your podscast after they are done with the show? I would love to get an insight to Luke’s behaviour and you are great interviewing people, that would be a no miss for sure. Would you be up to interview him? I’d interview Luke in a second. He’s the one guy from this season I’d be interested in talking to more than anyone else. However, it’s all dependent on him. I’ve had people on earlier than their contract states and the show says nothing about it. I’ve had people on who didn’t ask permission and the show has sent them a cease and desist letter. You never know with them. The ball will be in Luke’s court with what he chooses to do. But obviously he’s one of the most polarizing figures we’ve ever seen. And there’s plenty to talk to him about. I just don’t know what his plan is after this.
4) Loved the email someone wrote to you about TYler C. See, Steve, we all enjoy beautiful people. We enjoy looking at beautiful people. That’s just life. The frenesi around Taylor C. is not just beacuse women find him atractive, it’s because he’s the non-Luke, the anti-Luke, the non-toxic male and women appreciate that. Does he deserve a cookie for being a decente human being? No, but we’ll give him one anyway.
Keeping my fingers crossed nothing bad comes to light about him. I know it’s super early, but do you think he has a better shot at getting Bachelor over Peter?
All in all, what a great season! I genuinely like Hannah. I was hoping she was gonna be the bachelorette but not in my wildest dreams I thought she would be this great. I’m sure this will be a learning experiencie for her and she will find someone great.
I apologize for getting carried away, I know it’s super long.
Thanks for all that you do, Steve.
Comment: It’s hard to say who is “leading” right now in that race. I really have no idea. We have to see how the finale plays out and if there is any sort of reconciliation with Hannah and Tyler. We just don’t know anything at this point.
Hey Steve!
I was wondering why you seem to be able to get accurate spoilers about all the dates and hometowns etc but your sources seem to falter with the final results sometimes. Why are they able to give you the accurate results of all the dates but blow it with the final picks? Doesnt this give you pause when reporting the end results with confidence? How do you address these sources as to their credibility when this disparity happens? I’m amazed at how the producers/ABC continue to allow these sources to leak the spoilers to you every season without trying to put the Kabosh on it. Or do they? The show continues to place a premium on keeping the results a surprise from week to week and the fact that you are there spoiling that for them seems like it would trigger them into trying to stop you from revealing the results of the season after the first episode. I realize its hard to legally stop you from doing this but after so many leaks by those who are on the staff its seems odd that they wouldnt take more steps to try and silence the leaks on their end to preserve the mystery which is key to the viewership I would think..just curious. Thanks!
Comment: You make a lot of assumptions in this email. And you know what they say about the word “assume.”
Long time reader/fan….
wondering how Luka is doing? Has he adjusted to his forever home?
Hope so!
Comment: Well first off, Luka is a girl. Lets get that clear. But she’s been great. Next month will be one year I’ve had her. She gets overly excited for guests and you have to give her a good 5-10 minutes of attention no matter how many times she’s seen you before she calms down. But other than that, she’s been perfect for me.
Hi RS –
Thank you for everything you do! I love your writing, spoilers and coming to your site to read your take on the episodes.
I just have to defend Luke..! Of course he’s not perfect, doesn’t seem like the best choice for Hannah (clearly), but oh my god, the guys are just mean to him, and it’s annoying. We get it, he’s the villain, he’s done and said stupid shit, but they seem to gang up on him, and go out of their way to comment, or pick fights. Why is it such a big deal that when Hannah asks him about whats going on, he talks about it? He’s supposed to say, “oh sorry Hannah, I can’t tell you because the guys told me not to talk about them?” Give me a break. The whole thing is so dumb. I also totally agree with you about the 5’ 8” comment – pointless and just further proves how these guys are going out of their way to be rude to him. He shouldn’t have blown up in Garrett’s face, but again, I feel like he’s remained so calm towards them this entire time, I am shocked it took this long for him to react that way. Wasn’t a great look, but I just can’t blame him. I never like the villains of the show, normally hate them like everyone else, but I like Luke, and feel bad for not only the edit, but for the way the guys are like obsessed with hating him. They should have just forgotten about him, and focused on Hannah. Also, when he was happy that one of the guys was sent home, or when he was upset that Hannah was “naked” on her date, the guys beat him up for that? Is that really so terrible? The other guys may be friends with each other, but they are there to be the last man standing, so yes, the others need to be sent home. And maybe Luke came off bad, but how can you blame him for being upset when the girl he’s “dating” was “naked” with another guy? The whole thing is just annoying!
Just needed to defend him a little.
Thanks again for everything!
Comment: Yeah, the problem being that on ANY season, Bachelor or Bachelorette, if you’re the person who basically takes the stance of “I’m only here for the lead, not to make friends with everyone else,” you automatically put a target on your back and that’s what happened with him unfortunately. He made a lot of mistakes, but so did the guys. And production played a major role in it.
Hey RS…I know you’ll probably never answer this but I figured I’d ask. You mentioned last week you’ve been interested in a number of Bachelor girls in the past and even told some you were. Care to tell us who? Either way, love the site!
Comment: Well, I never said a handful I said a couple. Big difference.
And no, I don’t share stuff like that. If I wanted people to know I would’ve mentioned it by now. There’s a lot that goes into it and just not worth getting into. Not to mention nothing ever happened, it probably never will, and I’ve moved on.
Yo Steve!
I just wanted to tell you that I noticed your twitter bio today and I burst out laughing. ?? I don’t know if that will ever not be funny. I wish someone would text me that just so I can reply “n”.
Thanks for keeping the people informed.
Comment: Did you see I added “Champion of Everyone” on IG thanks to Olivia? I couldn’t add it on Twitter because there’s not enough room. Damn.