There is a lot here. The biggest overall theme though was that these two did not see eye-to-eye on sex before marriage and that’s fine. They’ll never agree on that. Luke thinks it should be done one way, Hannah thinks another. Neither is right and neither is wrong. It’s what they each believe. However, I got the sense in HOW Luke explained this to Hannah, and HOW he spoke to her, he came off as preachy and lecturing, and basically telling her it was wrong of her to have sex with any of the guys on the overnight date. That’s where Luke was totally off base last night. I know a lot of people have an issue with him asking/telling her about sex in the fantasy suites, but I didn’t. I’m perfectly fine with him bringing it up and wanting to know. If I was about to get serious with someone, I think I’d want to know if they were sleeping with someone else, sure. Why can’t Luke ask that or bring it up? So I don’t have a problem with the question itself. But as the “letter” last page stated, it’s more about how much he judged her for it once he heard the answer.
I’ve said it all season that this show wasn’t made for a guy like Luke Parker. Knowing where he stood in his faith, this is 100% the wrong show for him to be on for exactly what happened last night. You gotta remember this is TV, and they are going to play into all your insecurities and issues. This is not a real life relationship. The “dating” that Hannah is doing on this show is not equivalent to how you’ll be dating in real life. The format of the show is, when you’re down to 3 (or 4 this season) guys, you get to have an overnight date. We know this. Luke knew this going in. He knew if he got this far, this was a possibility. So to call her out on it then just didn’t make any sense to me in that situation. Now, if you want to argue that what was brought up at the MTA about how Hannah told his church group that she wouldn’t have sex in the fantasy suites, and then did, we’re dealing with a completely different argument. Luke says she told them that, Hannah says she never did. I guess we could ask any of the church group people if she did, but then Hannah supporters will say “Oh they’re just saying that to back Luke.” Regardless, lets say Hannah DID say that to the church group, is she not allowed to change her mind? Like I said, so many branches to this and the bottom line is neither of them should’ve been put on that date in the first place.
This is a conversation that never should’ve aired, or, been held behind closed doors and done in private. Yeah, it made for great soundbites all season and the show built it up from the very first promo of the season, but lets face it, any rational person that saw that last night realizes that should’ve been a conversation between the both of them that never made air. No different than Arie breaking up with Becca for 30 minutes. We screamed “Why did that have to be televised,” and same thing last night. Yes, I’m aware some of you are loving the fact that Luke got his on national television last night, and Hannah finally had her F-U moment to him that the audience has been waiting for all season. I get it. I’m just being practical here and telling you there was no point to air that last night because it was clear neither was never going to agree with the other person – but that’s exactly why they aired it because it was conflict.
Luke seemingly had an impression of Hannah all season, either based on what he saw, private conversations we were never privy to, and what she may or may not have told the church group on the hometown date about how she wouldn’t have sex on the overnights. But when that “image” he had was shattered when he realized she had had sex on the overnights, I don’t think Luke handled it well at all. And with that said, some could argue that Hannah, the woman who has been asking all season for Luke to be real with her, finally was and she went off on him. I thought her reaction was a bit much. Almost like at that moment, Hannah went into TV mode and played her frustrations out for a few soundbites that they could promote from the first promo of the season. Hannah has every right to be upset at Luke. I just think in that moment, the culmination of 9 episodes of frustration with a guy, and being put in a position that she was in in that particular moment, she let loose. Hannah knew what Luke’s stance was on sex. This wasn’t sprung on her at that dinner. I don’t think Luke handled it well at all being all preachy and lecturing her about it, but, he never told her she couldn’t sleep with other guys. He told her if she did, he’d remove himself from the show. Which is his right. You might not agree with it, but it’s still his right. Just like it’s her right to sleep with whoever she wants, which you might not agree with. So we just go round and round in circles and realize these are just two people who were never gonna end up together anyway, and were put in a position to hash our their major disagreement on national TV.
One thing I’ve said continuously all season is that Luke is not very self aware. And that was evident last night. She tells you to get up and leave and she’s done with you – don’t sit there. She tells you to get in the car – don’t stand there. She gives you this long giant speech about how upset you’ve made her – don’t ask if you can pray before you leave. He just missed a lot of cues all season and last night, it all came to a head. Then to create a Twitter account within the last 48 hours and hop on there and start arguing with her over Twitter, again, completely not self aware. You know why? Because no argument in the history of arguments is ever going to be solved on Twitter. Period. End of story. I don’t know what he was thinking last night, but that was a horrible look. You want to still get your side in, fine. You had your chance at the MTA and you didn’t. You still want to after that? Great. DM her. Get her number from someone. Send her an email. But playing it out online for everyone to see is idiotic.
And then he couldn’t just take his medicine and leave the show. Next week to start the episode, we’ll see Luke come back. Yes, he was clearly brought back by production with a ring in tow given to him by production as he said on the MTA, but still, he wonders why people are sick of him and the Luke P show and he could’ve prevented a lot of it. Then after two months of America sh***ing on you, you finally had a chance to make things right at the MTA this past Friday and you basically do the opposite. I don’t get why Luke can’t just own his mistakes, say he realized how poorly he came across, apologize to Hannah and just get as far away from this show as possible. It was all there for him last Friday and apparently he blew it. I guess the only good news for him? After next week, once the Jed stuff kicks in, then BIP starts the week after, he’ll just be a footnote in this show’s history. He’s going to get kicked in the nuts, and hard, these next couple weeks by anyone and everyone. But after about the first or second week of August, no one will care anymore. They’ll be talking about Blake the f***boy and be like, “Luke who?” Same story, different season.
So next week we’ll start off with the rose ceremony in Greece where Luke comes back, Hannah tells him to leave, the guys step in and get him to leave, she eliminates Peter, and then we’ll head into the footage from the “Men Tell All.” Then after that, the 2 night live finale on July 29th & 30th. Yipppeeeeeeee!
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