Some quick thoughts on the rest of the episode:
-The second Demi started her intro video with “Hi I’m Demi, and I’m from Demi’s season of the Bachelor,” I’m reminded what we were in for this season with her. At least they didn’t dance around the fact she was seeing Kristian pre-show. That would’ve been ridiculous. However, still doesn’t change the fact it was all planned beforehand to bring her on, so I’m not buying the “coming on Paradise to test the waters and see.” This was always gonna be the end result with Demi and Kristian. Maybe not engagement, but, they were always gonna be together at the end of this thing.
-The Chris Bukowski redemption story has begun. He played it perfect. I know everyone was killing him once it was announced he was cast, but by being self- depricating about the whole thing, makes it much easier for the audience to like him.
-Annaliese was cast for one reason and one reason only: to say the line that she did about Clay and Angela’s break up. Hell, they could’ve sent her home after she offered that up. Wouldn’t have mattered. She was never gonna be a major player this season.
-I don’t know who Jane is, what she does, why she scarfs down bottles of hot sauce or why she was even cast. If anyone can give me an answer to that one with any logical explanation I’ll give you 1 gazillion dollars.
-John Paul Jones, Dylan, and Kevin said more lines in this episode than they all said combined in the 4, 5, and 6 episodes they lasted on Hannah’s season.
-Derek is on the show. Again. Just sayin’.
-Kristina’s next relationship will 100% be with someone from this franchise. Actually, let me clarify that: PUBLIC relationship. I’m sure she’s dating behind the scenes and what not, but I’m pretty sure it’s Kristina’s life goal to be in a Bachelor Nation relationship. We wish her the best of luck on her future endeavors.
-Bibiana will now retire from the franchise after this, right? I’ve never seen someone appear on four shows and get so little airtime. It’s like they’re playing a sick game with her, no?
-I don’t see Clay with Nicole, like, AT ALL. So it’ll be interesting to see them throughout the season and how their relationship develops only to see it crash and burn at the finale.
-And I’m pretty sure the Stagecoach Festival in California should be getting residuals from BIP this season considering how many times it got mentioned in the first episode alone. That’s what I look forward to the most when I start spoiling women for the next “Bachelor” season. Not, “Hey, who do you think so-and-so will pick.” It’s more like, “Hey everyone, here’s a look at all the women you’ll be seeing at Stagecoach and Coachella in cliques this year!”
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