1. Does Matt Donald have any idea what show he signed up for? What is his deal? I’ve asked myself the same thing the last 2 weeks.
2. What dates were BIP filmed again?
Comment: June 7th til around June 27th, give or take a day.
Hi Steve,
I’m so confused about the privacy policy because if you’ve seen Caelynn and Dean’s Instagram lately, which I’m sure you have, they’re already posting everything and confirming they’re still together. They weren’t being very subtle even before Monday’s episode. Isn’t there a contract or rules or something that doesn’t allow them to post together? Or do they get to evade that because technically they aren’t one of the finally couples? Paradise has always been much more lackadaisical when it comes to that. Since Dean and Caelynn officially left the show on Monday, they were allowed to finally show people “officially.” Just like Connor and Whitney did last night. But are they technically supposed to be seen together hanging out like Dylan and Hannah were in San Diego last week? No. But are they going to get in trouble for it? No.
Dean over Connor seems like a really easy choice for everyone and in any ideal world, a girl should choose Connor. I mean those post it notes for Hannah were everything. But I think with Caelynn, because she’s so young, she was always going to pick Dean if he came back for her. I think every girl wants to tame the player. They want to be special and Dean is brilliant at that. The things he said to Caelynn last night about wanting a relationship because she was the right person, I think that’s something a lot of girl, especially one’s who’ve been made vulnerable by past situations like Caelynn has been, want. Will it last? Unlikely. But do I get it? Yeah a little bit. Oh, I totally get why she chose Dean. And she ultimately realize later on in life how moronic it was. They’ll have fun in the short time and then it’ll fizzle. She absolutely was intrigued more by the chase of Dean rather than the comfort of Connor. No doubt.
What is up with this season’s guys getting big celebrities? Tyler and Gigi are very obviously a thing. And Mike and Demi Lovato seem friendly flirty. People already came onto this show for this sort of fame, that’s only going to increase now. Wells and Sarah too. Yeah, some of the guys have lucked out. But that’s definitely the exception and not the norm.
Last question, do you believe that the Demi and Kristian plotline on ABC was a way to keep up with the gender fluid version of Are You The One on MTV?
Thanks for all that you do.
Comment: I don’t think it was to keep up with them because that show, while breaking ground this season, just isn’t a talking point in pop culture. My podcast guest tomorrow, Andy Dehnart from RealityBlurred.com, has some really good insight that he’s written about regarding it and we discuss it. So look for that.
Dear Reality Steve,
You freaking rock dude. I discovered your blog before I even started watching the show. Needless to say I wouldn’t be able to handle this show without your “sophomoric slanted” view on things.
I don’t always watch ontime so I’m hoping this makes it into this weeks reader emails. I have a few questions/ comments.
1) Has there ever been a contestant as naïve or immature as Matt Donald? Immature in a literal sense- doing handstands in the hot tub, constantly bringing up his mom. Just wondering because I find it super comical but not on-brand for bachelor contestants. (Obviously there have been many emotionally immature contestants on this show, cough cough Dean cough) He definitely doesn’t seem to fit the average contestant model.
2) The forced storyline between Demi and Kristian is really mind blowing. I’m not sure I’d feel the same way if I hadn’t read your spoilers but knowing what we know it’s pretty comical. I noticed Kristian is an aspiring actress. I don’t think she’s doing too great of a job personally, but it’s an interesting thing to note. She’s no stranger to acting and faking emotion. Sorry I’m rambling (feel free to not include all this), but Demi kept reiterating last night that she isn’t a physical or touchy person. I don’t think it’s fair her to say that because I think I remember her spanking Colton and trying to be VERY touchy feely with him. Just felt like a forced story line yet again. Whatever, Demi you got what you wanted. It’s all about you. I think people need to separate what Demi has done with Colton and Derek versus what she does with Kristian. Two completely different things. I understand where her hesitation comes from with Kristian. What she was saying made sense last night.
3) Will you be getting Astrid and Kevin a wedding gift? I know they technically didn’t leave the show together but figured I’d ask. Also, any thoughts on their relationship? I know you don’t follow people too closely post show. No. I don’t do BIP couples. I haven’t followed them closely at all. All I know is they got engaged recently. But I couldn’t tell you a thing about their relationship.
4) I’m playing fantasy football for the first time and am the only female in my league. Any veteran tips for me? Just know that there’s waaaaaay more luck involved in fantasy football than skill.
As always, appreciate all you do. Can’t wait for Peter’s season spoilers!!
Seriously missed your Tuesday recap at work today. Hope all is well
Comment: Oh, I’m fine. Just still recovering from Vegas and just know I slept most of yesterday. When I spend 4 days in Vegas, it usually takes me a couple days to get back on track once I return. And it has nothing to do with partying or staying out late there, since that rarely ever happens. It just beats me down to the point where I need some time to recover.
Hey Steve,
Question: what is the amount of time that passed between when Dean left and when he came back? I’m confused on how she could have “moved on” so far past Dean when it would have just been a matter of days between them. Was only a few days. Like 4 or 5. Nothing Caelynn said or did really made any sense other than the fact it was pretty on brand for her. She’s been very hypocritical about things since the second she showed up on Colton’s season.
Also, I know you said the reunion airs on Sept 17, but do they have anything airing on Mon Sept 16?
Comment: No. That’s the DWTS premiere.
Hey Steve,
Your coverage of Demi and Kristian the last couple weeks has been giving me a weird feeling and watching last night’s episode I finally realized why.
I’m a queer woman from Texas who just (a month ago) married another woman at a 110-person wedding … and I was TERRIFIED to kiss my wife in front of all those people for the same reasons Demi articulates. Keep in mind, I had my first girlfriend 13 years ago, came out to all my friends and family 8 years ago, and have been with my wife for four years, introduced her around, etc.
I think it’s undisputed that as overwhelmingly positive as the coverage of Demi and Kristian has been, they’ve also been attacked on social media, etc. I feel like I see you acknowledge how scary that can be for “villianized” contestants on the Bachelor(ette), so why wouldn’t it also be scary for Demi? In her case it’s about something that is true and inherent in her (but not wrong) rather than a mean girl bullying situation or an unflattering edit.
My point is … yes it’s silly that they played it like their relationship wasn’t that serious and Demi had some magical realization. But everything after Kristian showed up on the beach has had a real feeling of emotional honesty to me. Is it true she just came out to her parents? Idk, probably not, but it seems plausible even if she had a long-term relationship with another woman (I didn’t come out to my parents until I was well into my second gay relationship, personally). But I think there’s probably a genuine desire on her part to include a queer relationship in the Bachelor(ette) franchise, and I think her fear is also totally real.
None of this to say you have to like how they played it … I just want to point out that this kind of thing is never easy.
Anyway thanks, hope you’re having fun getting ready for Bachelor filming!
Comment: I agree. I think it’s two different points were debating here. The way it was handled pre-show and how it was presented was ridiculous. But since she’s come on, they’ve definitely dealt with issues that I’m guessing a lot of same sex couples do.
Hi Steve,
I have many caelynn questions, if you happen to know any details:
1) have you heard if caelynn/dean are the real deal or just another dean thing that will die like the last ones? I think this is a fun, short fling that’ll eventually fizzle.
2) is caelynn still friends with Cassie? I never see them post together anymore or even like or comment on each other’s posts. I think they are, but like a lot of these contestants who seem like BFF’s, once they start moving on with their lives, a lot just go their separate ways. I have no idea what’s happening with them, if anything.
Other questions:
1) if you had to pick between Hannah/Dylan or Katie/Chris, which one do you think will have a better shot of the wedding next summer? Between those two? Probably Hannah & Dylan.
2) any intel on why reunion was filmed so early? No, but that was definitely weird. To air the reunion 20 days after it was taped is a first I can remember.
3) do you feel like it’s time to end paradise and bring back a bachelor pad style show to liven things up more?
Comment: I don’t know how Bachelor Pad will liven things up. And BIP is renewed for next season already.
I’m really curious about your thoughts regarding Holly’s behavior on Big Brother. I’m sure you’re not watching the live feeds, but are you reading anything other sites about all the drama she has created with her drinking and arguments with Jackson? What do you think about Holly’s showmance and how she has conducted herself as a HG? She doesn’t seem to be at all focused on winning this season. She seems to be a hot mess.
Comment: I hope the second she gets out of that house, she kicks Mickie to the curb. It’s disturbing what I’ve seen.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.