16. Maurissa Gunn: Atlanta, GA.
Instagram – maurissagunn (deactivated as of 9/17)
17. Jenna Serrano: New Lenox, IL.
Instagram – jennafromtheblockk_ (set to private as of 9/17)
18. Deandra Kanu: Plano, TX.
Instagram – deandrakanu (deactivated as of 9/17)
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzhBx-Gd734kdvmthVili-w
19. Kylie Ramos: Houston, TX.
Instagram – kylieramos (set to private as of 9/17)
20. Sydney Hightower: 24, Birmingham, AL. Actually went to the same high school as Hannah Brown at the same time as her (Tuscaloosa County High School).
Instagram – sydneynicolehigh (set to private as of 9/17)
21. Jasmine Nguyen: 29, Houston, TX.
Instagram – __jasminenguyen (set to private as of 9/17)
22. Eunice Cho: Chicago, IL.
Instagram – euniceashley (deactivated as of 9/17)
23. Tammy Ly: Syracuse, NY.
Instagram – tammykayly (set to private as of 9/17)
24. Courtney Perry: Venice, FL.
Instagram – _courtneyperry_ (deactivated as of 9/17)