25. Savannah Mullins: Houston, TX.
Instagram – savannahmullins (deactivated as of 9/17)
26. Mykenna Dorn: Langley, BC, Canada
Instagram – mykennajean (set to private as of 9/17)
27. Lauren Maxey: Miami, FL.
Instagram – lauren_ashley_m (deactivated as of 9/17)
28. Alexa Caves: Chicago, IL.
Instagram – lexaraebeauty (public as of 9/17)
29. Lauren Jones: Los Angeles, CA.
Instagram – lovelyluxe (deactivated as of 9/17)
30. Shiann Lewis: Las Vegas, NV.
Instagram – shiannjanay (deactivated as of 9/17)
31. Hayley Heckmann: Los Angeles, CA.
Instagram – hayleyheckmann (public as of 9/17)
32. Natasha Parker: New York, NY.
Instagram – natashajp (set to private as of 9/17)
33. Alexis Thind: Whistler, BC, Canada.
Instagram – pilot.alexis (set to private as of 9/17)
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.