Now I want to answer some questions you may have from all this.
1. So if he knew he was gonna pick Madison (or wanted to) on that final rose ceremony day, and Madison leaves, why wouldn’t he just tell Hannah Ann it’s not her and go back to the states for Madison? Why drag Hannah Ann along until he spoke with Madison first?
Fair question, and I think really only Peter can answer that. I guess we’ll see how it plays out. If that was my mindset, that’s what I would’ve done. But, I can see his side. Maybe there was a side of him that was thinking, “If I let Hannah Ann go now, and I go run to Madison and she says no, now I’ve lost both.” Maybe he wanted to keep his options open. Granted, it would’ve looked really weird and Hannah Ann would’ve no doubt felt like a second fiddle if Madi didn’t take him back. But, it’s not like Peter didn’t care for Hannah Ann at all. We hear him at the end of the season say he’s in love with both women. So in that aspect, I can see why he’s saying, “Look, I cannot make a decision here until I hear from Madison.” Because in that moment, if he goes with Hannah Ann after Madi left, she’d no doubt feel like a runner up and only picked because she was the only one there.
2. What’s the timeline of how this all went down?
We know final rose ceremony day was Nov. 17th in Australia. Peter was running with his “Reality Steve isn’t gonna spoil this season and there’s a reason for it,” once he started doing interviews in the beginning of January. Was he still in limbo at that time? I don’t know. He might’ve just been answering that question in January, based off what happens in the finale. I do not know the timeline of when everything went down. We just know the finale was Nov. 17th and his season premiered on Jan. 6th. I don’t know when the “courting” of Madi in Alabama began and how many times he saw her. I just know the end result of where we’re at now.
3. So why was Peter saying that his season wouldn’t be spoiled and there’s a reason for it?
Because when Peter left Australia, everything was still in limbo. He hadn’t chosen either girl, but, he also hadn’t rejected either girl either. He would not make any decision until he spoke to Madison, and Madison was now back in the states.
4. What about Chris Harrison saying on Monday, “Even Peter doesn’t know how it ends?”
I was told this is because Peter is going to propose to her officially during the live show and he doesn’t know if she will accept. Apparently he has no idea if she will say yes. Hell, maybe he’ll get cold feet and not go through with it. Clearly Peter knows what’s happening in his life right now, who’s he talking to, and who he’s with. So to say “he doesn’t know how it ends,” is kind of a play on words. I think Peter will propose on the ATFR Tuesday, but we’ll see.
5. What about the scene of Peter saying “I’m so sorry…I never expected this to happen” where he’s crying in a house, then walking outside, then crying by himself inside again?
That scene has been proven to be a house in California rented by the show. I wasn’t told SPECIFICALLY who that was, but based on everything I just said, that seemingly is him finally telling Hannah Ann that he’s spoken to Madi and he’s not ending it with her in that moment and apologizing for seemingly putting her through this.
So there you go. Hey, now you only have to wait 5 days to see if it’s true rather than 3 months. Man, maybe I should do this every season? Bhahahahahahahahahaha. No f***ing chance. I want the spoiler out as soon as possible every season and this season is proof of that. It’s been a beating to be told every day for the last 3 months I don’t know anything, I’m holding out because ABC is paying me to, or get asked “Hey, who is Peter with” and “Why don’t you know yet.” Trust me. Not fun. But now I’ve finally received what I needed to receive to release the ending and we’ll see it all play out come Monday and Tuesday during the live finale. Should be interesting.
The “Reader Emails” segment is only on the podcast version, so listen after minute #20 for those. Enjoy.
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