Crazy ass weekend I tell ya’. One of my busier ones in recent memory. After my post on Thursday, within literally 10 minutes, I was basically told, “you need to check on a few of the things that you reported,” and lets just say that was coming from places/people that would know things, so I spent all weekend trying to get stuff together. So overall, what I reported Thursday is basically correct, but there were some things that were wrong and I will be able to fill in a few details I didn’t have yet. Immediately after my tweet Thursday that sources were coming to me with new information, that started a string of “production is trying to screw with him” emails and tweets. Let me put this out there right now. That didn’t happen. Production hasn’t done anything to me. Do you honestly think that even if someone from production contacted me I’d believe a word they said? Why would someone from production want to help me? According to Chris Harrison, I’m ruining these people’s lives by crapping on the work that they do. So now they’re gonna want to turn around and help me? If anything, if someone from production did ever contact me, I’d actually think the opposite of whatever they were telling me was true. Just like the Nick plane video. There were those saying production planted that video to me so I’d put out the wrong spoiler. Please. As if people even know who is telling me what at any given time. People think they know my sources, but again, they have zero proof. It’s all just guessing. Unless you know who I’m talking to, what they’re telling me, how they contacted me, and how they know what they know, throwing out “I bet production is trying to screw with him” as a take has no basis. Easy to say. Means nothing.
Lets get right into it. You know what I reported on Thursday in regards to the final rose ceremony and what I was told happened post show. Here is the updated version with some things to fill-in-the-blanks starting tonight based on new sources that came to me since Thursday:
-One thing I reported recently was that it was clear Barbara’s plea of “don’t let her go…bring her home to us” was the same day as when Madison met the parents. But I never knew who she was talking about. Most people assumed it was Madison. It’s not. You’ll see tonight Barbara is talking about Hannah Ann. I don’t wanna say the family didn’t like Madison, but after meeting both, the family was much more pro-Hannah Ann. But Peter’s mind is on Madison. That’s where the struggle happens.
-Madison leaves prior to the final rose ceremony as we know. I don’t even think it’s the morning of either, because that doesn’t really fit. I believe she leaves the day before. One thing I reported early on that I was told stands true: Chris Harrison speaking to Peter at the final rose ceremony saying “There’s something I need to tell you, something we all just found out, etc.” does NOT have to do with Madison leaving. Peter already knew that happened. Chris Harrison is telling Peter something along the lines of Hannah Ann is considering leaving too. But, ultimately, she doesn’t.
-The main thing I was wrong about: on Thursday I said that Peter cancelled the final rose ceremony until he could talk to Madison, who had already left. Didn’t happen. Peter gave Hannah Ann his final rose AND they got engaged that day. Don’t ask how I didn’t find out that for 3 months, because I don’t know. But yes, Peter and Hannah Ann did get engaged on the final day in Australia.
-Peter and Hannah Ann have since broken up, which is the scene you see of him telling someone “I’m so sorry…never expected this to happen.” Peter is 100% definitely not with Hannah Ann right now as I reported, nor will he somehow end up with her in the next two nights. There will be a very intense conversation with her once she’s live in studio tomorrow night I’m sure.
-When Peter broke up with Hannah Ann and ended the engagement, it was ultimately to pursue Madison.
-The biggest question is where is Peter and Madison’s relationship now. I don’t think it’s as solid as I reported on Thursday, but I also don’t think it’s dead in the water. We will obviously get our answer to that tomorrow night when they are together live. He’s with her or they’re working on things. I can’t imagine she’s 100% sold based on what he did during overnights, then going and getting engaged to Hannah Ann on the final day. But then again, it’s no different than what Arie did and he’s now married and has a baby with Lauren, so I guess anything is possible.
So in regards to what I reported on Thursday, unless I went into detail about who I spoke to, what they told me, etc. it really doesn’t mean much. You don’t need to know those details because they ultimately don’t matter. Some of what they told me ended up being true (Hannah Ann is 100% not with Peter, Peter is with Madison, they’re dating and not engaged), and some of it wasn’t (Peter cancelled final rose ceremony, not 100% sure of their relationship right now). This is how I believe the next two nights will play out. I know some people will doubt it and you clearly have a right to, but, I think ultimately you’ll see that Madison leaves Australia, Peter gets engaged to Hannah Ann, they stay engaged until he breaks it off, and since he ended it with her, he has pursued Madison. Exactly where they are in their relationship right now, I think is why the show is saying “Even Peter doesn’t know.” Maybe they are solid and he’s gonna propose tomorrow night. Maybe not. That’s gonna be what we’re all waiting for.
Gonna be a wild two nights, so get ready. Lets see if my new sources over the weekend came through and this is what we’ll see. I’m confident it is.
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