So Clare had 31 guys to start her season. She eliminated 14 guys during her time there (7 on night one and 7 more over the course of the next two rose ceremonies), and left with one of them – Dale Moss. So that means 16 guys were left when Tayshia came in and took over as “Bachelorette.” They were:
Chasen Nick
Joe Park
Ivan Hall
Blake Moynes
Ed Waisbrot
Demar Jackson
Brendan Morais
Kenny Braasch
Jason Foster
Tyler Cottrill
Ben Smith
Jay Smith
Zac Clark
Riley Christian
Bennett Jordan
Then, the show brought in at least 4 more guys who never met Clare, had to sit there and quarantine an extra 2 weeks while Clare filmed, then were brought in for Tayshia. They were:
Spencer Robertson (who received her first impression rose)
Montel Hill
Peter Giannikopoulos
Noah Erb
Again, it’s possible Gary Briggs and/or Karl Smith were also brought in just for Tayshia, but those are the only 2 I’m not sure about. Either they were brought in for her or they were never on the show.
And as mentioned earlier, no one that Clare eliminated that I know of ever came back on the show, so that means that Tayshia had 20 men for her season. Also as far as I know, none of the guys left the show once Clare left and Tayshia came in. In terms of the transition of how the guys were informed about Clare’s decision, how was Tayshia introduced, who told them, how the new guys were brought in – I don’t have details on that. We can assume that since Clare had 3 rose ceremonies, it looks like she’ll be in 4 episodes. Assuming they end episode #3 with the 3rd rose ceremony, the following week will be the transition from Clare into Tayshia. But since we never know how they’re gonna edit these episodes or maybe not end episodes with rose ceremonies, that’s just a guess at this point.
So what about Tayshia? I can report today that I’m almost positive Tayshia’s final four are:
Ben Smith
Zac Clark
Brendan Morais
Ivan Hall
I say almost positive because things were done so differently this season. I’m hearing guys outside of final 4 had family/friends brought into the bubble to meet Tayshia, but I’ve been unable to confirm that. I don’t know if we have a traditional final 4 where, once you’re down to 4, that’s where they meet family, then once we’re down to 3, it’s overnight dates, then when it’s down to 2, they meet Tayshia’s family, etc. Maybe that did happen, maybe it didn’t. I think those are her four based on what sources gave to me, timing of when I received it, and where it came from. I also heard with a couple weeks left in filming that “Brendan and Ivan” are her front runners. Again, I have no idea how true that is or was. And I’m not saying she ended up with either one of them because I don’t know if she did. I’m just telling you what I heard since I don’t have concrete spoilers yet on what happened at the end. I hate to even say that because I know how sites take and run with everything I say. Because if she doesn’t end up with one of them, I’ll get screamed at for having the wrong spoiler. I’m telling you I don’t know who she chose, if anyone, as of this moment.
I do know that I have a picture of Ivan on set dressed up very late into filming, so he’s gotta be in the final 3 at least. I know people online have emailed me saying Ben’s sister Madalyn told everyone he’s final 2 or something like that, but that’s not been confirmed and I haven’t been told that. Could be true, could not. There’s a lot that’s been floated around that I’ve been hearing, but nothing concrete. Yet another thing I’ve heard about Tayshia’s season is that it was, well, “messy.” I do not think we had a normal ending with Tayshia’s season. That doesn’t necessarily mean she didn’t pick someone, or that she did and changed her mind, etc. It just means that I don’t think we’re gonna get a traditional ending of, she was down to two men, chose one over the other, and they’re a happy couple right now. It’s possible it’s still up in the air. Maybe that’s why I haven’t heard. Or maybe she did pick someone, they’re happy, and I just don’t know about it yet. I’ve just been told repeatedly the ending of her season was “messy” and full of drama. So do with that what you will.
So that’s what I got for you today. That’s pretty much everything I know up to this point. I don’t think I’m gonna break down dates, and roses, etc because I just don’t have enough of them at this point. Although I will cover some of the dates in a future post and what happened on them, including the dodgeball date, which is what lit a fire under Yosef’s ass enough to go after Clare – even though he wasn’t on the date. Weird.
Also, in case you missed my tweet yesterday, the women for Matt James’ season of the “Bachelor” left for filming yesterday and today. They will quarantine for 7-10 days and I heard filming starts on October 10th. Granted, we have another one location shoot for Matt’s season, so I don’t know how much will actually get out while filming is happening, which will be up through the week of Thanksgiving. But as long as that goes off without a hitch or an outbreak of coronavirus, we should be back on schedule with our “Bachelor” programming. Matt’s season will air starting first Monday in January, the next “Bachelorette” start filming in March, begin to air in May, BIP films in June and airs Aug-Sept, and all is good with the world. Lets hope.
Right now I’ve got a few of Matt’s women, but if the show continues to do what they do and release all the potential cast a few days before filming, that means we should be getting first names, age, city, and head shots around Wed or Thurs, Oct. 7th or 8th – assuming filming does begin on the 10th. I’ll release a few of them I have beginning of next week, and then once ABC posts all of them, it’ll be a matter of hrs before I have the rest of them for you.
Happy “Bachelorette” season and stay tuned for more info as it comes through.
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