This is one hell of an interesting week in Bachelor Nation, and frankly, none of it is positive. After tonight’s episode, I think there will be even more discussion about the men cast on this show. More on that in a minute. Before getting to “Reader Emails” starting on Page 2, I will run down what you will see on tonight’s episode. I think it’s important to note that the Zach Jackson 1-on-1 date is probably going to stir up a lot of discussion. I will let you all watch tonight and I will give my thoughts in tomorrow’s column because I don’t want to put any pre-conceived notions into your head. The bottom line is I already know that the reaction will be mixed on it. Some will say it’s not a big deal and Clare overreacted, and some will say that it absolutely is a big deal. I don’t think there will be much in between. Lets watch it play out, the context of everything behind it, and it’ll be discussed tomorrow. And that’s all on top of what to expect once the episode picks up from last week, where we’re about to see Yosef go off on Clare. Couple that with the TikTok video from the girl last week who shared her experience with Yosef two weekends ago and, well, lets just say not a whole lot of positive publicity coming from some of the men on this season. And lest we forget about the Eazy situation which I will address in tomorrow’s column and will discuss on tomorrow’s IG Live with Ashley. I have an update on that.
So as we head into tonight’s episode, last week we left off at the cocktail party before the rose ceremony, and Clare was making out with Dale. The rest of the episode looks like this:
-As they hinted at last week, Yosef has his panties in a bunch over the stripping dodgeball date that he wasn’t even a part of. It’s bad enough he’s getting bent out of shape over something he didn’t even participate in, but then to take it out on Clare and blame her shows his ignorance on the whole situation. He calls Clare “trashy,” the “oldest Bachelorette,” and “classless” all while repeating numerous times how he has a daughter, and setting an example for her, blah blah blah. The lack of self awareness by this guy is frightening. Considering how many people have emailed me STARTING BACK IN MARCH about this guy and how he treats and plays women, it’s hilarious how he thinks Clare is such a bad person and he wants to set an example for his daughter. Does he not realize that the numerous women who’ve contacted me with they Yosef stories in the last 6 months are all daughters too? What a complete buffoon. He’s the one yelling in the previews “I expected more from the oldest Bachelorette” and Clare sends him home.
-So with Yosef already gone, the rose ceremony happens. Garin Flowers, Tyler Smith, and Blake Monar are eliminated at the rose ceremony.
-DeAnna Pappas shows up to have a pep talk with Clare and Clare gushes to her about Dale. DeAnna talks about “when you know, you know” and she never had that feeling until she met her husband, Stephen Stagliano. The guys are waiting around for the date, but Clare says to them there’s no day date and they’re just gonna have a long cocktail party that night. Clare is shown getting a ton of alone time with Dale, and the guys are starting to get suspicious about their relationship. Dale gets the group date rose. The editing is certainly doing Clare no favors because what they’re showing us is making it seem like, while we know Dale was her front runner from the word go, that she doesn’t care about any of the other guys there. By far, this episode is the worst one yet for Clare and it’s not even close.
-Her 1-on-1 date is with Zach Jackson and they have a spa date during the day before getting in some pool time. It’s during this time that Zach has some uncalled for aggressive behavior towards Clare that triggers her. Again, people will have to make their own judgment on this and I’ll elaborate more tomorrow after you’ve watched the episode. The end result ends up being that Clare does not show up for the dinner portion of the date, Chris Harrison does and tells Zach that Clare will not be coming to dinner, and it’s best that he leaves.
-The second group date is with Margaret Cho and she helps the guys prepare for a roast. The guys who were on group date #1 get to be in attendance for this group date, probably so that we could see Dale again, as some roasts are directed his way. Afterwards, Clare doesn’t give out a group date rose because she doesn’t feel like she got what she needed from them. Interpret that as you may, but I have a feeling she’s gonna get a ton of shit for that.
-The episode ends at the group date after party where the guys are upset at what is perceived Clare starting to favorite Dale. In addition, there are ITM clips of Clare saying “can we speed up the rest of the night” and “thanks for coming” when referring to the men. The “can we speed up the rest of the night” is actually caught when her mic was still on and she wasn’t sitting doing an ITM. Also, Dale’s pants ripped at some point during the episode and Clare puts Dale’s pants on her head. Again, not a good look or great edit she’s being given, but, I’m sensing these are being shown on purpose.
-In the previews for next week is when they show Chris’ line of “You’ve blown up the Bachelorette.” I originally reported in the season spoilers that Clare had 3 rose ceremonies. I didn’t know who went home at what one, but that by the time she leaves the show, she’ll have eliminated her 8 guys on night 1, along with Tyler Smith, Blake Monar, Yosef Aborady, Garin Flowers, Zach Jackson, Brandon Goss, and Jordan Chapman. Jordan is the one I was wrong about. She never eliminates him. Clare does NOT have a 3rd rose ceremony. Next week is when the transition is made from Clare to Tayshia. Now, WHEN we’ll see Tayshia appear next episode I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’ll be at the very end. Next week I assume will be Clare’s conversation with Chris, Clare and Dale talking, Clare addressing the guys about her decision to leave with Dale, and Chris Harrison informing the guys what happens from here. It’s the only thing that makes sense. But the 16 guys remaining after Zach J. gets sent home tonight all meet Tayshia, along with Spencer Robertson, Montel Hill, Peter Giannikopoulos, and Noah Erb, who were brought in only for her, which gave her a total of 20 guys.
-And also in the preview for next week, we get our first glimpse of Tayshia. So this is the first time ABC has acknowledged publicly that Tayshia will be a part of this season. Hence why it seems likely next episode will be the end of seeing Clare and Dale on the show and Tayshia will arrive.
So there you go. A lot to cover in tonight’s episode that I’m sure will bring about tons of different reactions from people, which I’m sure will mostly be trolls screaming from the top of their lungs on social media how much they hate Clare and can’t wait til she’s gone. Oh it’s coming. Get ready. So easy to predict some things, you know?
“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…