Next week is the DWTS’s finale. Don’t you think ABC will move Tayshia to Monday nights afterwards?
Comment: Yeah, they added two Monday episodes in December on the 14th and 21st. So basically Tayshia is gonna end up with 9 total episodes, one of those being an MTA. More than I originally thought, but still less than a normal season if it was just her.
Hi Steve:
First I want to commend you for your explanation of why what deuxmoi does is so insidious and dangerous, and the precedent it sets. Unfortunately, it’s not really a precedent and the problem of spreading lies and disinformation via social media, emails, etc. is pervasive in all aspects of our lives now, and particularly in this past year regarding COVID and the Elections. And the more people click on this false content, the more they are fed it through the algorithms of the sites, reinforcing the false beliefs. If you haven’t already seen it, I’d strongly recommend watching the Netflix original documentary/drama hybrid: The Social Dilemma… it’s worth an hour and a half of your time to maybe understand why people have gone off the rails in our society… and facts no longer matter. However, I also lay blame with news media that is no longer unbiased. Every one of them has an agenda, and there are very very few truly independent sources you can trust. I wonder what they are teaching in Journalism curriculum these days.
Comment: Don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware this happens everywhere on the internet. And yes, I’ve seen The Social Dilemma. I pointed it out because it directly affected me by the influx of people who immediately believed it, or, who emailed me asking, “Is this true?” Also, their biggest story two weeks ago was how Dale was basically galivanting all around NYC and making out with women, none of which was ever proven. And if you read Page 1 today, you’ll see what I’m talking about how ridiculous those stories were. Well, unless Dale is the biggest P.O.S. on the planet right now and playing Clare. Seems highly unlikely. I think I’ll take actual video and audio evidence of him together with Clare 2 of the last 3 weekends, rather than a bunch of emails with no proof of any infidelity on the weekend he wasn’t with her. Will deuxmoi apologize or retract? Of course not. It’s just gross.
Hi Steve,
I read your most recent batch of reader emails, and I saw a new survivor fan in there. Welcome to the family anonymous emailer! If you’re really that interested in survivor, have you checked out Rob Has a Podcast? I’m a patron, and it’s absolutely been amazing to get connected with the survivor community to that level. I’ve gotten to speak to Rob Cesternino through that numerous times, and he’s the best. Do you ever listen to RHAP Steve? I can’t say I’ve listened to many but here and there over the years I’ve listened to certain podcasts. He does a great job and all props to him for the empire he’s built with RHAP.
Steve, I’ve loved the few times you’ve had Stephen Fishbach on the podcast. Have you ever thought about reaching out to other survivors? Who would you love to have on the podcast if you could have anyone, and why is the correct answer Tony? Just sorta kidding, but I’d think it’d be hilarious to get the two of you on the phone together.
Also, thanks for approaching this Bachelorette season with some actual perspective! Gone are the days when people watch television without judging everything about them (or did those ever really exist?)
Comment: I’d love to have Tony on the show because I think he’s now the greatest player in history. Maybe once a new season eventually starts back up I’ll reach out to him.
Hi Steve! I love following you and always appreciate your insight on all things bachelor/bachelorette. One thing you mentioned in your article about bringing Tayshia in early got me thinking. I completely agree with you that clearly they already had her in the resort quarantining before production is willing to admit. I’m curious though, do you think this is something theyve been doing season after season…potentially always have a backup bachelorette or bachelor in the event the first is a total disaster? I wonder if they always have someone on stand by to call in at the last minute if needed but this season they had to act earlier and bring Tayshia in due to Covid. It would make sense considering we’ve heard so many stories about people who were “almost cast” as previous bachelors and bachelorettes. Just curious your thoughts on this! Thanks!!
Comment: No. They have stand bys and alternates when it comes to contestants, but not for the lead.
Hi Steve,
I was just watching this past week’s episode, and I started thinking about how Bachelor in Paradise ‘21 is gonna look. At this rate, we’ll have people from Peter, Clare/Tayshia, Matt, and whoever the next Bachelorette is season’s coming down. Do you think they’ll expand the main cast because of this? Also, do you think there’s a chance that bachelor in paradise could be a longer season because there’s more people? Or, I guess, do you think there’s any chance they could do the same type of quarantine thing this winter for Peter’s women/ Clare and Tayshia’s men to leave paradise open for Matt’s women and the new bachelorettes men?
I don’t think that’s super likely, especially since I’m sure you’d have already found out about It if It was, but I thought I’d throw It out there.
Comment: We’ve already been told by Rob Mills that Paradise will be back on schedule filming June 2021 and airing in its regular slot after “Bachelorette” late July/early August 2021, and they will be picking from Peter’s women, Clare/Tayshia’s men, Matt’s women, and the next “Bachelorette’s” men. So they will have plenty to choose from.
As for will they make it longer, have a bigger original cast, etc. We just don’t know any of that yet. We’re still 7 months away.
Hi Steve,
This is more of a comment than a question, but I’m honestly surprised Clare wanted this gig. Her edit during the show was bad, no question, but they have a history of giving her a bad edit. They made her look like a nut job on BIP, when she was talking to a producer but they made her look like she was talking to random animals. It seems like since she laid into Juan Pablo at the end of that season, it’s been downhill for her since then.
Ultimately it doesn’t matter, because she found someone, but it was just a random observation. I get it…to a certain extent. If it were anything but the lead of this show, you’d have to advise someone in her position to never do it. But on a position like the lead of the show, even if you were to lay out all the negatives, the idea of being the “Bachelorette” I don’t think really any would turn that down. It’s too lucrative.
I’d be curious to know what their plan was for Tayshia if Clare hadn’t fallen head over heels for Dale at first sight. Were they going to walk up to Clare and say, “Sorry, you’re too old and no one likes you, so we brought in someone new, time to leave, sucks to be you!”? The only other thing that makes any logical sense is that they’d do what they did with Britt and Kaitlyn and Byron and whatever the name of the other guy was, but that went over pretty terribly. That being said, they don’t seem to care how things go over, so maybe that was their backup plan. Since it didn’t play out this season, I’m sure they’re saving it up for their next “most dramatic season EVER”.
Thanks for all you do. This show is a total train wreck that I can’t look away from, but I appreciate the sarcasm you bring to spoilers!
Comment: It’s tough to speculate on something that didn’t happen. What I know is before Clare’s first night of filming, they knew Tayshia was going to be brought in as the “Bachelorette” at some point this season. It was not, “Oh crap, Clare and Dale are suddenly madly in love, we need to pivot 2 weeks in.” Maybe they didn’t know the exact date Tayshia was gonna be brought in, but when I say it was pre-planned, what I’m saying is they knew before Clare’s first night happened Tayshia was coming in. Can I prove it? Well no, not without revealing sources. But they knew.
Can we get an explanation of why Ben V is always saying I love you on Instagram in stories and on pictures ? Is he seeing someone ? Does he really love his followers that much ? I wish it was to Tayshia , but I know that is a slim chance.
Comment: I have no idea. I don’t follow Ben or have the slightest clue what he posts other than he’s a fitness guy and does a lot of gym stuff.
Hi Steve,
Couple questions for you.
1) Do you think that since Easy is playing the role of the “comedian” and in a sense commentator this season that’s why ABC isn’t to quick to dismiss him from the season in regards to the allegations against him? I for one can’t stand seeing him on the screen. Trying to figure out why they’re choosing to air Eazy the way they are is an effort in futility. No one has called them out publicly outside of me, so I guess they feel they don’t have to.
2) did you ever go on Demi’s podcast or are you still in contact to do so ?
Comment: I don’t have the slightest clue. Haven’t heard from her in over a month. If she wants me on, she can ask me to come on. Which she has. Twice. And then never followed up. So it’s probably not happening.
Why do you think certain bachelor people (Hannah B and Madison) don’t go in the actual official bachelor podcast (Rachel/becca or Ben/Ashely) but go on off the vine with katelyn.
Comment: Not sure. I mean, we know why Hannah Brown wasn’t. Rachel contacted her after the incident this summer, and Hannah said no according to Rachel. As for Madi, I’m not sure.
Hey Steve. Looking forward to your spoilers and input this season. It always makes the show more enjoyable for me.
A few questions about Matt’s season.
1. Any idea why they brought Madison Nelson out to Nemicolin and cut her before filming? I don’t see how they’d give up the opportunity to drop a past “ex” on him – especially when we know nothing about his dating past. No. But it’s possible, just like with 4 of Tayshia’s men, that they held on to women and brought them on later. I wouldn’t be surprised if Madison was one of them.
2. I know you said you saw some texts between Matt and Madison and they seemed somewhat serious. Did you get anymore intel on what went wrong? No.
3. Will Matt’s mom be on his season? I mean, every parent of every lead has always shown up. So yeah, I gotta believe she went to Nemacolin to meet the final 2 at least.
4. Is it fair to say Abigail and Mari will make it far / be favorites this season?
Comment: We just don’t know yet. Abigail getting the first impression rose bodes well for her. As for Mari, I have no idea.