“Although we’ve come, to the ennnnnd of the road, still I caaaan’t let go, it’s unnatural…” As we all slow dance to this in 1993 at Grad Night, I guess you can say this still applies today. Tonight is the finale of officially the most different season this franchise has ever had. First time they ever had to film a season all in one location, first time they ever had to replace a Bachelorette mid season, first time not one picture got out of any date all season, etc. The list goes on. And then in a couple weeks, we run it back again as basically the same exact thing happens with Matt James season. Zero pictures got out of dates, a filming in one location all season, etc. And I’m guessing when the next “Bachelorette” season starts filming in March, we’re looking at the same thing. Speaking of which, I was told this weekend of a resort that they might be filming at for “Bachelorette” season come next March. And no, it’s not La Quinta or Nemacolin. The resort I was told was neither of those. Haven’t got it confirmed yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. Looks legit, but I’m diving into it more to see if I can run with it sooner rather than later. Anyway, we’re back on schedule with our normal production when it comes to this show, so that’s at least some sense of normalcy that we get back.
There is no ATFR tonight, just a two hour episode on how Tayshia’s season will play out. I don’t even know if they’ll have a taped update on how things are going. You’ll know if they do if her final rose ceremony happens to end at 90 mins or 105 mins into the finale, since then they’ll have time on the back end to show filmed footage of what’s been going on since. If the end of the episode and the final rose ceremony happens at the end of the episode like it normally would, then know we’re not getting any taped update. Unless it’s really, really short.
So where does that leave us heading into tonight? Well, just know that ABC does not release their finale to screen to the media early. So no, I won’t be hearing about any spoilers heading into tonight that come directly from the episode. But for those wanting answers, here’s what I can tell you: It’s not Ivan and it’s not Ben. So what I reported at the beginning of the season was true. She chose Zac at the end. As for an engagement or where their relationship stands now. I said at the time there was no engagement and I didn’t know what their relationship status was now. I still don’t have a solid answer to that, but, I think after watching last night’s episode a few things are pretty clear: 1) it’s definitely Zac and 2) I’d be really shocked if she didn’t get engaged at the end of this thing. So that bit info was probably wrong. Tayshia has said the word husband and engaged so many times the last few episodes, it really makes no sense to get to the end and NOT have that. Hell, that’s only happened twice in the last almost 30 or so seasons – Juan Pablo and Colton’s. I just don’t see that happening here. So she definitely picked Zac and good chance they’re engaged. And if that’s the case, I highly doubt they’ve called off their engagement some time in the last 3 months. So if you’re asking me what I think happens tonight, there’s your answer. Picked Zac, engaged, and still engaged to this day. Just wish I could’ve been more confident all season to have been telling you that.
That’s why things this season, at least for me, were very weird. Because I was told a lot of things that ended up being true, but I just never had a lot of details surrounding them. Like hearing Brendan self eliminated, but not knowing if it was at #4 or #3. It’s clear watching last night that Tayshia was broken up about Brendan leaving, and her reiterating more than once last night that he was her guy from the very first date, will probably have a lot of people questioning then picking Zac, but I think there are ways around that. I don’t find that her saying that about Brendan but then being with Zac is really all that big of a deal. In the moment, yes, she was bothered and upset Brendan left. But that really just made her realize that the relationship wasn’t for her and she moved on. As for the info I presented last week where I told you I was told by two different people that Tayshia had ended things with Zac and was talking to Brendan post show. Good thing I didn’t report that as fact. Was always leery about that info and it’s why I said last week I have no idea if it was true or not. Well, now we know it’s not true since Brendan went on Rachel and Becca’s podcast today and specifically said he has not spoken to Tayshia since the season ended filming because he respects her too much. So now that that rumor has been proven to be false, it all points to Zac and Tayshia in the end and they are still together.
I don’t know what to tell you other than she’s definitely not with Ivan or Ben. As for Ben’s role in tonight’s show, that’s probably the only thing I’m unclear on. We ended last night with Tayshia leaving Ben on the couch to run and talk to producers. How much longer does Ben stay in tonight’s episode. Does she walk back in the room and tell him basically “too little, too late?” Does she let him show up at the rose ceremony? If he does, does she really give him a rose over Ivan and Ben actually WAS the final 2 all along like originally reported? Man, that’s tough to see through all this. Why would she let Ben back, pick him over Ivan, only to just send him home basically a few days later at final rose ceremony? That doesn’t make much sense. For dramatic and TV purposes I guess it would, but in reality, that wouldn’t make Tayshia look the greatest. If anything would shock me in tonight’s episode, it would be if she keeps Ben over Ivan, only to let him meet her parents and then dump him at the end.
Like I said, there will be no spoilers posted on IG today because ABC does not release their finale episode for screeners. So for those that keep track at home of my record every season because, well, I guess they have nothing better to do, you can mark me down for being partially correct this season. Had the right guy, Zac, but was wrong about the “engaged or not” part. I never wavered all season on whether it was Zac she chose. I never heard it was anyone BUT him. My confusion was always based on where the relationship was now since I was hearing info that it wasn’t going great. I really didn’t know. I said at the time an engagement didn’t happen. Pretty sure now that it did and we’ll see that tonight. That’s just a combination of what I’ve heard in the last few days asking around and what I saw last night. And they’re still together as we speak. Did I get a definitive answer to those? No. But enough, “Yeah, that’s what I heard as well” to where I’d say I’d be pretty surprised if that’s not what we see tonight. So there you go. Enjoy tonight…