I hope all of you got a chance to read the article I tweeted out towards the end of last week regarding the Eazy rape allegations. Lauren is the one I was speaking to this season and everything she said in that article, she had told me. Even included a few more details that never made that article. What I do appreciate though is Emma and Claire from the Huffington Post doing excellent investigative work before printing her story. I knew they were working on it (you probably heard me allude to it in my podcast with Emma), but I know Laure was reluctant all season to include her name or, hell, even tell her story. Why you ask? For moron responses like this:
There’s a reason someone who responds to someone’s rape allegations with stupidity like that needs to be called out publicly. And you know what? It worked. The whole point of putting someone on blast like that is to make them reconsider opening their mouth and running to Twitter with crap like that. That person has since deleted their tweets and changed their Twitter handle. I’m sure they’ll either start a different one and harass others, but you know what, for that short period of time, posting their tweets and having the masses come at them served its purpose. I just for the life of me can’t understand the people who, when reading about a rape victim telling their story, immediately take the side of the accused with the, “How do we know it happened” response. Or the ever-so-ridiculous “white women falsely accuse black men all the time.” Or my all-time favorite “Why did they wait so long to report it then?” All of those people can seriously go to hell. YOU are the exact reason why women like Lauren are afraid to come forward immediately. And if you actually read the story, Lauren tells you specifically the reason why she didn’t come forward immediately. An 18 year old high school girl, a sophomore college football player at A&M. Knowing what we know about college athletics and the amount of things that are covered up at the Div. 1 level, be honest with yourself. Do you really think they’d take her word over his? Puh-lease. And that’s sad.
There are NUMEROUS stories you can read about how that stuff gets swept under the rug at the college level. But since Sarah Fuller made news this past season for kicking at Vanderbilt, I’d like you to take the time to read this article about Katie Hnida, who was actually the first female college football kicker. I want you to read what she endured and tell me that it’s just that easy for any woman who has ever been assaulted to come forward and tell her story the next day to anyone. What an unbelievable story that I’m guessing most of you have never read or forgot about. I remember that press conference where Gary Barnett called her terrible. What P.O.S. that guy is. And you wonder why he hasn’t coached since then. Good.
One podcast guest that a lot of you have asked for in recent weeks to come back on again was Emily O’Brien, the epidemiologist from Ben Flajnik’s season that I had on in April at the beginning of the pandemic. Well, your wish is my command. She will be on this week’s podcast that I’ll try and release tomorrow night instead of Christmas Eve morning. No Bachelor talk whatsoever. We are only going to talk the virus and the vaccine. We’ve learned a lot more since April about things, and now with the vaccine rolling out, I’m going to ask her all the questions I know a lot of you have regarding it. I know I have a lot of questions too. Some won’t have definitive answers because we still don’t know enough yet, but, some will definitely have answers that maybe you’re unaware of. Even though I haven’t recorded it with Emily yet (that’s happening today) I feel confident that Emily isn’t gonna flake on this. I’ve been trying to get her on for the last month, and she finally had some time open up, so I’m glad she can fit me in this week. I think it’s a great time to talk to her since, in case you don’t remember, a lot of the things she said in April regarding the virus ended up being true. Now with the vaccine in distribution, a lot more to talk about. Can’t wait to record this one today and for you guys to hear it.