Since tonight’s episode is so much more about the here and the now and what the big spoiler is, there really isn’t a shit ton to recap from last night. But here are some thoughts I did have:
-This is now two seasons in a row they had the final 3 all in the same place and made sure they all hung out and talked to each other. Remember when they did that for Peter’s season and how awkward it was having Victoria, Hannah Ann, and Madi all staying in the same place and making sure they all spoke to each other once each returned from their overnight? That was the first time we ever saw that before. I have no idea if that’s gonna be a thing moving forward, but geez, what torture. It makes sense this season because they were quarantined to one resort the whole time, but I wonder once they start traveling again if this becomes the norm, just so they can make these contestants squirm a little more and put them in even more uncomfortable positions.
-Speaking of “the norm,” I mentioned on page 1 about how we’re back on regular Bachelor filming schedule with the “Bachelorette” set to film mid March, run through end of April/beginning of May, then start airing later in May, with BIP to follow being filmed in June. However for “Bachelorette,” my guess is we’re gonna be the same as these last two seasons as it’ll be filmed in one location. March-May will be too early to do any sort of traveling. Not to mention the resort I was given a heads up about is set for all of filming, so, no travel once again. I think wherever they decide to film Paradise, that’s always a one location shoot, so nothing will change there. But come next September, when they start filming the next “Bachelor” season, you’d think that’s when things will get back to normal and that season will have the mansion and travel involved once again. International travel? Ummmm, I think that might be too early to say. I mean, some places you can travel internationally to. The Challenge filmed in Iceland over the summer. Temptation Island season 3 filmed in Hawaii. Other shows have filmed in other countries recently. We’ll just have to see. I would think at LEAST, next “Bachelor” season in Sept 2021 will be able to do some domestic travel.
-JoJo started off the episode by coming to Tayshia and talking to her about overnights. She told her this is where it gets serious and how scared she was on her season. Well, duh. You made the idiotic decision to bring Robby Hayes to your overnights, so of course you were petrified. Who wouldn’t be? I’m sorry, but if you take any Bachelor or Bachelorette in the history of this show, and you look at their final 3 and who they took to overnights, Robby Hayes sticks out like a sore thumb looking back on it now as the biggest WTF? Hell, he’s also probably the worst final 2 EVER in this show’s history to boot. Just so random, zero chance anyone could’ve thought she was gonna pick him regardless of the spoiler being out there, and just, well, has basically shown his ass post-show.
-At first when Chris Harrison came in to speak to the guys and said “31 guys now down to 3” I thought that wasn’t the most accurate thing to say. Yeah, they lasted past 28 other men who were sent home, but, they are now here for Tayshia. Tayshia technically only had 20 men on her season. But I don’t wanna nit pick here. It is possible Clare could’ve eliminated any of these 3 guys in her first two rose ceremonies, so I guess they did outwit, outplay, and outlast 28 other men. You got me, Harrison. Or as Game of Roses calls you, our Dark Lord Harrison. Which gives me a quick plug that @pacecase (Lizzy Pace) and @Bachelorclues will be on the pod next week, breaking down what we saw this season and looking ahead to Matt’s season. And oh yeah, their new obsession – baby IG accounts. Hilarious what they’re doing with Arie and Lauren’s twin announcement and comparing it with GlitterBaby, Krystal’s baby’s account. Look for that next week. Holy shit, I just realized I actually have a podcast episode planned a week in advance. That NEVER happens.
-Where were we? Oh yeah, overnight dates. Ivan is up first and let me tell ya’, this date couldn’t have been any more of a boner killer if you tried. Literally and figuratively. Quick story: during a pep rally senior year of high school, I had to just stand in a bucket of ice water for the whole assembly, as we competed in pairs against others from different classes. I remember the girl I was with was named Tina and I’m totally blanking on her last name now. Soccer player, that I remember. Anyway, I think the assembly lasted 30-45 min, and we were in it with our pants rolled up the whole time. So just from the knee down, I can’t tell you how painful it was to finally get out of that water and thaw out. First I was numb and couldn’t feel a thing. Then once the thawing started, it was some of the worst paid I’d ever felt in my life up to that point. We ended up winning for our class, but that was brutal. What I’m telling you is, there was nothing remotely fun or romantic about what Ivan and Tayshia had to do. Nothing.
-Sean Lowe and Lesley Murphy set the world record for longest kiss on TV during her 1-on-1 date on his season. I wonder if 2013 them was watching that last night thinking, “Hey, we could totally beat this record.” And I say 2013 them because, well, Sean is married with 3 kids now and Lesley is engaged and pregnant. Didn’t feel appropriate saying that they could break that record now. There really is a world record for everything isn’t there. The record Ivan and Tayshia set could probably be broken today if anyone cared to actually do it. I think they have that record now frankly because it’s just a silly record to begin with. Do I think hundreds or even thousands of people have tried but were unsuccessful kissing in an ice bath for 5:17 before they did it? No. I just don’t think people tried because 1) they didn’t even know that was a thing or 2) they didn’t care enough. But hey, knock yourselves out. I’m just saying that record could easily be broken today if anyone cared.