-I think one thing that ended up being clear as day last night was how Tayshia responded to what Ivan said to her on her overnight and what Zac said to her. Ivan told her he’s falling in love with her, which she replied with, “I’m falling for you too.” On Zac’s overnight, he told her, “I’m in love with you” to which she replied “I’m in love with you too.” Those couldn’t be any more different if you tried. Ivan seems like a great dude. Great backstory, everyone loves him and his family, but lets be real, there was never a ton of true sexual passion between the two of them. They just seemed like really good friends and someone she really liked…but never as a serious boyfriend or fiancé. I think that’s apparent. Sharleen loves to break down the “I love you’s” so freely thrown out on this show. They drive me nuts too. Partially because I don’t think these people truly mean it, and partially because it devalues the meaning.
-Lets face it, none of these people are “in love” with the lead when they say it at the end of filming. They barely know this person. They’re either 1) in lust or 2) in love with the “idea” of a future with that person. But you can’t possibly say you’re in love with someone you’ve been on one date with, hung out at a few cocktails parties with, and haven’t had any serious discussions about life with. You’re just not. It’s why the show is so bizarre in what it wants its ultimate goal to be. And it’s why Tayshia, and every lead for that matter, is expecting waaaaaay too much when they’re down to the end, and they say things like, “he/she isn’t giving me what I want.” Well no shit. They barely know you. I know that’s what the SHOW wants you to say, but the lead is the one that pushes for it every season. I mean, Tayshia sent Ben home last week because he didn’t open up enough to her. Was even bothered that he wasn’t emotional enough after she sent him home. This is the same guy that told her about a 15 year eating disorder and that he tried to kill himself twice in the last 3 years in back to back weeks on national television. I just think you’re putting unrealistic expectations on these contestants and it’s just silly.
-And hey, you think maybe that’s why Ivan got an overnight in a cramped airstream with a “master bedroom” that was as big as a one bedroom apartment’s bathroom, because she wasn’t as into him as Zac? Sorry man, you got hosed on your overnight. Zac got an actual suite and a king size bed to lay Tayshia down on and do whatever to. You got some small, scrunched up room in an airstream where you were probably gasping for air all night long all while barely fitting on the bed together. Did they even get a queen bed in that thing? My college dorm room twin bed thought their bed looked a bit undersized. I don’t wanna say Ivan had the worst overnight date in the history of the show, but…I’m going to. Ivan had the worst overnight date in the history of the show. And I don’t think it was close. Treehouses, tents, etc. All better than what Ivan had just because of the location. At least they were in another country and the experience was probably pretty cool. An airstream in Palm Springs? No thanks.
-So we found out last night Tayshia found out through Zac’s family that he didn’t want to have kids. We know Tayshia wants five, soooooo, how was that gonna work? Oh yeah, Zac tells Tayshia he’s always said that because it was the easiest thing to say. He didn’t really believe that. Zac says he does want kids and can’t wait to be a dad. Followed up by, “I know I love you” which Tayshia responds “I love you too.” Sooooo yeah, you compare that to Ivan. And hell, even if there are those that are holding out some sort of hope for Ben, I mean, HE was the one that told HER last night he was in love with her. We haven’t heard her say anything in return. I highly doubt all the sudden Tayshia comes back tonight with, “Ben, I love you too!” Not happening. Not to mention, I’ve never been told at any point in the 3 ½ months since this show has been done filming that Tayshia was with Ben or Ivan. It was always that she chose Zac at the end of this thing. It was the post-filming stuff I was unsure of. But that seems to be pretty clear now. I’d be pretty surprised if they weren’t still together.
-As for Brendan, man, poor guy. First off, for those who are unfamiliar, before his date even took place, production already knew Brendan was eliminating himself that night. I’m sure he was telling them for weeks how he felt and it’s very possible Brendan tried to leave earlier than he did. We’ve heard that countless times over the years from contestants after they’re done with the show. But regardless, they knew going into that date that the end result was he was going to eliminate himself during the night portion. Don’t let anyone fool you otherwise. Which is the exact reason they put him on a date looking at rings and diamonds from Neil Lane. What we never saw during this date was the front of Brendan’s pants which I’m sure were filled with urine. What a shame. I think it’s safe to say Brendan would’ve rather been receiving an enema than be on that date.
-Over dinner, another “I don’t know where you are” and “you’re tough to read” came out. Look, this is the show. Some people know what to do and some just don’t. But I don’t think anyone in the history of this show that’s ever won kept their feelings bottled up inside all season long. You have ZERO chance of winning unless you tell the lead what they want to hear. Period. End of story. Even if you don’t mean it, which, I don’t think most truly do, you still HAVE to say it to have any chance. Some contestants are just better at it than others. I applaud Brendan for not telling Tayshia what she wanted to hear if that’s what he felt. And I don’t fault him at all for thinking he was ready to move on in a relationship and possibly be engaged, then realize after weeks on this show, maybe he wasn’t. That makes the most sense since you realize that not everything is peaches and roses like this show wants you to believe. Clearly Tayshia wanted him to be the guy in the end. She said that on their first 1-on-1 and she said it again twice last night. But we don’t always get what we want. Two way street, and yeah, maybe if Brendan opens up more we would’ve had a different ending this season. But he didn’t so we don’t. He moved on, and so did she.
So that’s where we’re at heading into tonight. Anything other that she picked Zac, then I totally whiffed this season. And I’d be really surprised now if they didn’t get engaged that day and are still engaged to this day. Nothing else fits or would make sense to me based on what I’ve heard recently and what I’m seeing. I wouldn’t expect too many surprises tonight, especially with no ATFR. This should be pretty straight forward. Enjoy.
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