The amount of weirdness that has gone down in the last 24 hrs is pretty unrivaled. From the Clare/Dale stuff to something I dealt with last night regarding spoilers. I tell ya, just when I think I’ve seen it all when it comes to doing what I do, something new happens. Gonna be a fun next couple days I’m sure as I’m finalizing things and getting closer to the confirmation I need. I will keep you updated but shouldn’t be much longer. If not tomorrow. Not a ton of “Reader Emails” today and that’s fine. I forgot to remind you guys yesterday I could’ve used some more. Next week you’ll make up for it, right? RIGHT? Don’t worry. I’m not threatening you. Yet. But also, I will extend my offer to being part of this week’s podcast into today’s post as well. I’ve got 8 questions so far for the podcast. Was looking for around 10-15. So there’s still time to get a question in. Either go to yesterday’s post, or even leave at the bottom of today’s post. Create a Yappa account, record your question on audio (no video), click “Post Yap,” and you’re done. That’s all you need to do to hear yourself on tomorrow’s podcast. Some good questions already, I’d just like a few more. Post them in the next few hours. I’ll probably cut them off by around 2:00 or 3:00.
Clare and Dale. Oy. What a bizarre last 24 hrs that’s been. Yesterday I wrote what I wrote because I knew nothing about their relationship post show. As I said on my live last night, once the show is over, the only things I ever hear/see about the final couples is if I choose to follow them on IG. So I know nothing more than anyone else knows when it comes to the couples post show. I knew nothing more about them once their final episode aired. And Clare and Dale basically spent the last month together from beginning of December until beginning of January. That’s all I knew. Then yesterday afternoon, Dale announced to everyone they’d broken up when he posted this to IG feed and IG story:
Clare and Dale have broken up…
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) January 19, 2021
Well, I wake up this morning, and Dale has deleted BOTH of them off his IG. Whaaaa? So maybe everyone who chimed in with their “I told you so” comments yesterday might wanna reign it in a bit. If you post a breakup story, then delete it – something’s up. And I don’t think what happened yesterday on his post is the full story. Just read that thing. In every breakup we’ve ever gotten in the history of this franchise, I’d say that was one of the more poorly worded breakups ever. Not to mention Clare never released anything herself about any of it. And now Dale’s deleted it? Guess we’ll see what happens in the coming hours/days, if anything. UPDATE: He just reposted it again. Geez. Someone needs to make up their mind.
@BachelorData is back with their 24 hr Instagram growth chart from Monday night to Tuesday night. Sarah dominated the competition and it wasn’t even close. Although Serena P. had the second highest growth rate, she gained 4.5 times less followers than Sarah did. Head scratcher. But hey, Sarah got exactly what she wanted by going on the show, so I’m guessing she’s happy. Take a look at the numbers:
So screen time doesn’t necessarily equate to the largest follower increase, I guess? 4.5 times more for Sarah for…what? Serena P. had a normal date, came across likable, wasn’t involved in any drama whatsoever, never said anything negative in an ITM, yet she’s 13th on the list of the women this season in terms of most followers? Bizarre. Clearly she’ll have more by the end of the season, but this doesn’t bode well for her in the short term.
“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…