Yet again, another week where there is so much to get to in the world of this franchise, that the recap portion of what we saw last night basically takes a back seat to everything else. I’m pretty sure I’m like most people at this point who are just wanting to fast forward through the end of the season, since we all know what’s happening off the screen has completely overshadowed what’s happening on screen. Sucks because there are some really great girls left, yet, everything is overshadowed by what’s happening behind the scenes. Breaking news last night, which I’ll get to first. In addition, some things to discuss upcoming this week, both on social media and within this show. I think Arie’s season was the last time we really felt this way since what happens at the final rose ceremony is irrelevant to what’s happening now. Since we knew in the finale Aire had picked Becca, but by the time the finale rolled around, we all knew he had dumped her and was with Lauren. No, not that Matt changed from Rachael to someone else, which he hasn’t. Just more so that we all know Matt picks Rachael in the end, but after last night, well, they are no more. Womp womp.
As reported by Emma and Claire at the Huffington Post yesterday evening, I was able to confirm that Matt and Rachael broke up within the last week. I don’t have an exact day, and I don’t have any details as to why, but judging by Matt’s IG post yesterday, I get the sense that the guy was put in a no-win situation, so basically no matter what he did, he was going to take some heat. If he sticks this out and shows up with Rachael on the ATFR as a couple, it’ll be “how is not affected by what she did.” Now they’ve broken it off, it’ll be “why couldn’t he stand by her?” If you didn’t see Matt’s statement yesterday, this is what he said:
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Shortly thereafter Huffington Post posted an article saying they recently ended things, I was able to confirm it, and here we are. This is the first real statement Matt has made since everything went down. I think he released something on his IG story a few days after the Chris incident, but it wasn’t more than 3 sentences long. Not sure why it took him this long to say it, but we finally got something and it was pretty strong against the show, Chris, and Rachael. Now knowing that their breakup was recent, certainly makes things more interesting come this weekend. Why?
The ATFR is filming this weekend in LA. Before you ask, as of now, I don’t know who will be hosting. Nor do I know what they plan on doing, what the format will be, etc. And whoever hosts the ATFR, does that mean they’re the new host when the “Bachelorette” starts up filming next month? We don’t know that either. Here’s what I do know:
-The “Bachelorette” filming has been delayed about a week, so probably 3rd week in March is when it will begin
-The “Bachelorette” will film in the US
-Katie was originally going to be the “Bachelorette,” and once the shit hit the fan with the franchise the last couple weeks, the course of action changed, and they are now in discussions on who to go with. All I’ve heard is it won’t be Katie now.
-Because the breakup is so new, when these two see each other again, does some reconciliation happen? Is there any way they make it through this? Does Matt possibly have the balls to ask Bri or Michelle for a second chance? Does he leave solo?
Remember, this is the first non-live ATFR since, gosh, I wanna say before Emily Maynard’s season. We’re coming up on almost 10 years since they haven’t done a live ATFR. So this is all new territory we’re dealing with here. Will there even be an audience? I’m not sure. But this sure is gonna be messy. I can’t remember the last couple that couldn’t even make it to their ATFR taping. Maybe Ben and Courtney. They had broken up, but were also kinda in limbo. So who knows how this plays out.
However, what I reported before was accurate, in that Matt and Rachael never got engaged at the end of this thing. He gave her a promise ring. Hmmmm. A promise to stay together 3 months? Whatever the case, that’s what we’re getting at the end of this season. A lot obviously came about post filming, all stuff Matt had no clue about while he was falling for Rachael and ultimately choosing her. It’s really going to be interesting seeing what Matt says is the reason for the breakup with Rachael. This is completely guessing on my part, but I would assume he broke it off with her, and probably from all the negative press. There just doesn’t seem to be any other reason why a week before taping the ATFR. They’ve been together this whole time. Accusations have been out there since the night of the premiere 2 months ago. Like, WTF? Why now? I just can’t wait to hear from every party involved in this thing, because there’s a lot of questions out there that definitely need to be answered.