-Oh yeah, we had hometown dates last night. I don’t know what it is, but when the hometown dates are the family visiting where filming is, versus how it normally takes place with the lead traveling to four different hometowns, something just seems…off. It’s not like it’s rushed, since all 4 hometowns roughly got the same amount of time I believe. I just feel like, I don’t know, maybe it is rushed. I just feel like we got less and less time with the family these last two seasons versus past ones. Obviously there’s also less people involved because they’re not gonna fly 8-10 family members to Nemacolin, whereas sometimes we’ve gotten huge family gatherings for past hometown dates. What I’m trying to say is everything just feels different and the families seemed to have played less of a role these last two seasons in quarantine. Maybe that’s just me. Speaking of Nemacolin, Matt was actually at Nemacolin last night with his mom for a watch party. If you looked around Snapchat last night, you could’ve seen videos of it. I was notified earlier in the day he was there, but had no idea if it was true or why he was there. Then I saw videos on Snap that were sent to me to confirm it. Man, this guy travels everywhere, doesn’t he? Now he’s gotta get on a plane to LA for ATFR this weekend.
-Kind of a difference in some of the daytime activities for hometowns last night, no? Lets see:
-Michelle got to ride bikes
-Bri got to, uhhhhhh, I already forgot what they did
-Serena got to play hockey and teach him about Canada
-Rachael got to freakin sky dive from 12000 feet!
I mean, that wasn’t even fair. Look, it’s not like you need any more proof that Matt picked Rachael, but holy bejesus. I think that’s the first time we’ve ever had skydiving on a date before. None of the others got to do anything remotely close, yet here they are jumping out of planes and crash landing. I’m surprised Rachael didn’t break her leg or her back on that landing. I know she said they did a good coverup job on the makeup, but still. That looked way worse than how she came out looking afterwards, because it seemed like she barely had a hair out of place. Matt was definitely playing favorites there for sure as his girl easily got the best day time date there was.
-Because so few from the family were allowed to attend, there really wasn’t much that stood out on the actual family visits. One thing I got last night from a lot of people was the fact that Bri had a newborn sister, yet Bri is 24. I remember tweeting this a while back, but Bri’s mom had her at a very young age. I wanna say at 15 or 16. Hence the reason how she just recently had another kid. So I gotta believe her mom is late 30’s. All the families seemed normal last night, and yes, I’m including the Kirkconnell’s. Nothing they did stood out at all. Seemed like normal concerned parents, like the other three families did. Weren’t any crazy uncles this time around. No bizarre family rituals we had to sit through or anything of the such. Maybe that’s why something seemed off. We just had a bunch of normal families doing and saying normal things.
-My favorite portion of the overnights was that intense 2-on-2 basketball game with Michelle and her parents and Matt. I don’t know who was on whose team, but it was nice to see Michelle’s skills. She was a former Div 1 basketball player at Bradley, so she’s got some game. I’m not talking about a benchwarmer either. I’ve seen her stats. She played and started and was pretty good, so, she could certainly run circles around Matt. You know who else she was better than? Peter the Pilot. Remember how awful he was at basketball last season on Madi’s hometown with the Auburn basketball team? No wonder Madi moved on to a guy who could actually walk, chew gum, and dribble a basketball all at the same time. And be a flat earther. Lets not forget about that brilliant take from MPJ.
-Serena was the only girl this season to get two 1-on-1 dates. I mean in the traditional sense. When Rachael got the group date rose last episode, she got her own 1-on-1 time with a private concert. But Serena was the only person given two date cards that gave her a 1-on-1, yet, she’s the one who basically eliminated herself last night because she couldn’t get there with Matt. Maybe she was intimidated by his “I’m going to marry one of you” stance, which is ironic considering he doesn’t even get engaged to Rachael at the end of this thing and just gives her a promise ring. But it makes sense for Serena to not be there with Matt yet. She’s till young, seems like she had some heartbreak in the past, and there were others ahead of her relationship-wise with him. She will absolutely be a hot commodity down in paradise though, for sure. We’re down to our final 3 and overnight dates now, so next week, it’s buh-bye Bri, setting up Michelle and Rachael in the finale. Or next episode. Who knows if they’re cramming everything into the March 8th episode.
And oh yeah, it’s been 2 weeks since Chris Harrison’s interview with Rachel Lindsay. Would be nice if someone from the network or the show would actually address what he did. No hurry, people. Good Lord.
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