I really don’t have a ton of stuff on last night’s episode. Why? Because lets face it, there isn’t much content on episode 1. Every single one of them, for the most part, is exactly the same. We get a video package of the lead, intro videos from the guys, 30 limo entrances, a cocktail party, and a rose ceremony. Some seasons have more drama on the first night than others. Last night was low on the drama for sure. I mean, there was zero drama outside of Aaron and Cody’s bizarre conversation in the backyard which will for sure be expanded upon next week.
A few thoughts though on last night:
-Kaitlyn and Tayshia were fine to me. Wasn’t overly excited about them, but I wasn’t put off either. Who hosts this show is just not that important to me. They have a totally different dynamic than Chris, so that’ll be different. Did they scream and giggle a lot? Sure. Was there some overacting on their part? Of course. On Kimmel last night, he had an “Oh My God” counter that hit 48, with a lot of those coming from Kaitlyn, Tayshia, and Katie. Some people will love them, some people will hate them, some people won’t care who’s hosting. Consider me in the last group. Unless they do something that totally plays a role in a storyline this season, I doubt I’ll really bring them up much.
-30 guys arrived last season, and 7 ended up getting eliminated. In case you weren’t following, the 7 eliminated were: Austin Tinsley, Brandon Torres, Gabriel Everett, Jeff Caravello, Landon Goesling, Marcus Lathan, and Marty Hargrove.
-They really ramped down the gimmick limo entrances. Arriving a bed of balls in the back of a truck, an RV, a box, and a blow up doll I guess would be considered the most “gimmicky” entrances of the season. And that’s not much at all really. Especially compared to seasons past. Probably a good thing since very few of them ever really hit big either with the lead or the audience.
-You knew the sexual innuendos would be flying and they were. Expect that to continue all season long because, I don’t know if you know this, but Katie is sex positive. Were you aware? Had that been mentioned before? Wasn’t sure if it had.
-I was fine with Katie as the lead. For a first night, she was fine. Like, I’m not sure what people expect. It’s not like last night she was gonna show up looking completely different or acting a certain way. She’s Katie. We saw her last season with Matt. We see her on social media all the time.
-Speaking of Matt, it was kind of odd/interesting that at no point during the show did they ever reference the fact that Katie was on Matt’s season or even showed clips of her from that season. Anyone tuning in last night for the first time wouldn’t have a clue who she is, where they picked her from, or why they chose her. Not a major deal, but it’s ALWAYS something they show in the video package of the lead to begin the season.
-Season preview showing Katie with the ol’ “I’m-done-shut-the-cameras-off-book-my-flight-home” as she walks away is just old and tired. Honestly, how many times have we seen a lead in the season preview say something to the effect of how hard it is, or they don’t know if they can go on, or they’re done? Like, all 42 seasons this show has been on the air? SPOILER: she doesn’t leave the show. I know, shocker.
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