Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 7 Spoilers

The “Bachelorette” Katie – Episode 2 Recap, More BIP Contestants, & All That Greg Stuff

Photo Credit: ABC

-Once Katie sent Cody home, she needed time for herself because her worst fears were coming true – that some guys weren’t there for her and were just out for fame. Welcome to the “Bachelorette” Katie. It’s kinda what this show is. Of all people, you should know this. Whatever the case, Katie is having all the sads outside and a producer tells Andrew S Andrew S decides to go outside and console her – even though she just said she wanted to be alone. This earns Andrew points though and sets him up as an early favorite to win over Katie’s heart. You always wonder things like when Andrew went and consoled her, why didn’t someone else? Or who was being held back? Or did the other guys think Andrew was just going to shoot an ITM? A lot of TV tricks we aren’t made aware of as an audience that I’m constantly thinking about while watching this show. There was a reason Andrew was the one who did that when I’m guessing all the guys wanted to. And for that Andrew ended up getting the group date rose.

-At the cocktail party before the rose ceremony, Katie is in great spirits and gives a mini speech about being here for the right reasons. Which should’ve been the audiences cue that at some point during the night, Katie’s mood would be changed because someone wasn’t there for the right reasons. The first guy she pulled aside was Michael the single dad because he was someone that didn’t get a date that week (we clearly see he gets next weeks 1-on-1 date in the previews). Now I don’t know if Michael was incredibly nervous, and it’s very possible they’ve had great conversation before this, but right when they sat down, he kissed her on the cheek and on the hand and Katie didn’t give much of a response. Just thought it seemed a little off since I don’t remember them having any sort of moment last week. The guy definitely comes off as a little shy and maybe that was his way to ease the tension, but it just seemed out of place.

-Karl was up next and one thing that I hope a lot of you picked up on, but this dude was clearly buzzed if not drunk this whole night. I’m sure that give him the liquid courage to blurt out to Katie that he’s not 100% sure that 100% of the guys are there for the right reasons. Didn’t want to name names, and Katie asked for at least some examples of what he was referring to, but he totally eased her mind by saying “I don’t want you to stress about that.” Exactly Karl. You smart. Because one way to make sure a woman doesn’t stress about something is telling her information that would absolutely make her stress and then not following through with any details on it when she asks. Remember, Karl was originally part of Clare’s initial cast last March. Imagine if he would’ve done this to her? She doesn’t need MEN. LIKE. THAT.

-So Karl plants that seed in Katie’s head and now she’s gonna lose it. With shake voice, she addresses the men and says that if they’re not here for the right reasons they can “get the f*** out.” You know, the thing they’ve been showing in the promos for the last 2 weeks. So then the guys have a meeting to determine where the hell that blow up came from since Katie was perfectly fine when the night started. Karl raises his hand, says it was him, he told Katie he didn’t think everyone there was there for the right reasons, and all hell breaks loose. The guys ask who he’s talking about, Karl doesn’t name anybody, and it escalates into piling on Karl. The whole thing was wild to see play out and of course Karl is the one to blame. And I’m sure Karl was egged on by production to have that conversation, but still, the guy looked horrible in doing so last night.

-What exactly does that accomplish other than making you the #1 target and making sure there’s drama in the house, which I’m sure is exactly what production wanted. Every word out of Karl’s mouth to Katie made it all about him, he was trying to her savior without even really telling her what he was saving her from. Yes, drinking definitely played a role. As did production. But still it ultimately fell on him for being the one to start the fire, then when everyone is screaming fire, does nothing to put it out. He’s the worst type of contestant to be around if you’re in the house, but he’s the best type of contestant for production. He’s essentially doing their dirty work. “Hey Karl, you feel everyone here is really in it for Katie?” “No.” “Then I think next time you talk to her you should give her a heads up. She needs to know that.” And that’s how it works ladies and gentleman. Very simple.

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