so Kaitlyn and Tayshia had to quarantine for 2 weeks before the Men tell all? Or was that reduced? It was never a 2 week quarantine. It’s only a few days now.
Also as presenters for Michelle’s season they still need to quarantine, so does this mean they are now going to be 2 months away from home?
Explains why Kaitlyn is sad. Thanks for the spoilers
Comment: Yeah, I would think so. They’re already away from home, Michelle’s season starts filming next week and runs through the second week of Sept, so yeah, pretty close to 2 months.
Hi Steve,
I always enjoy reading your spoilers and take on what’s happening so I’m wondering if you can clarify why Justin is one of Katie’s final 4/3. I actually had to look up his name before writing you.
I clearly see the connections she has with Blake and Greg. And, I truly expected Michael and Andrew to round out the final four because that’s the show’s formula … final four, then two, then an “engagement”. But Justin??? What did I miss?
Katie’s season hasn’t been my fave so maybe I simply zoned out during her time with Justin? But to me, he wasn’t any further along than the guy who went to her room knowing he wasn’t “the one”.
Can you shed any light on this? Did I miss something?
Thanks for keeping the show fun.
Comment: There’s contestants like that every season. Probably because somebody has to make the final 4, 3, 2, and 1. So she kept him. Only she can answer that.
So you’ve said multiple times it’s hard to know exactly how events unfold due to the “bubble” seasons. Did you know this Andrew event was going to happen the way it did? Did any point when you were watching last nights episode say “oh dang what’s happening?! Am I wrong?!” Lol. I’m sure last nights episode left a lot of people real confused on how she ends up engaged to blake after her “make out” goodbye to Andrew.
Comment: Wow, people are really reading into that Andrew exit more than I thought. It’s very possible to be sad sending someone home and then picking someone else. Happens a lot on this show.
A couple of questions here:
Thought Becca and James Bonsall would a couple in BIP since Becca likes the hunk type but heavily involved with Thomas instead. Sorry if I missed somewhere in your spoilers but who did James get involved with in BIP even they didn’t make to the final day. I’m not 100% sure.
Do you bother getting the info from the same sources or private detective whatever you call it (paid or not) what former bachelors, bachelorettes and contestants are up to? Or just during the filming of the Bachelor/ette and BIP franchise?
Thanks for what you share in your spoilers as always!
Comment: Private detective? Uhhhh, no. I’ve never done that. Nor would I. All these people share their lives on social media pretty much all the time. Why would anyone ever need to hire a PI to find out what former contestants are up to? I spend way more time covering it during filming. Once the season is over, my extent of what I know about them is what they put out on social media unless someone sends me an email or tip about something. Other than that, I don’t pay attention because I’m usually on to the next season.
Hey Steve!
So I was confused with the whole Andrew thing last night. First off when she sends these guys home especially down by the wire I thought they stayed at the resort? But either way I don’t get the back and forth between them. Why did he give her the card that says he’ll wait for her for him to turn her down? And for her to ask him to stay as if she wasn’t the one that didn’t give him a rose. Idk seemed like a weird edit to me and all for Michael A. to self eliminate like that same day or the next. Seemed pretty messy to me.
Comment: The whole thing didn’t make sense, other than Andrew rejecting the offer to come back.
I know Michelle lives in MN but I was wondering if there was a specific reason they are going there for part of her season… are they just trying to switch it up or was there a purpose to it? I remember her saying she didn’t want to film in the spring because she would have to leave her classroom but her filming schedule is still going to cut into next school year. Do you think she is going to continue to work during filming? Crazy idea I know….. but that would really change it up and would probably be more like real life dating. She would find out the dirt about her remaining men by that point for sure so I’m sure producers would t go for it.
Comment: I can’t imagine Michelle will be back in school the first day of next school year. My guess is she takes a lot of time off. Maybe first semester. But I don’t know for sure. However, filming ending the second week of September, and then needing some down time, along with then having to promote the show before it starts airing on Oct. 19th, I don’t see how she teaches during the first part of the school season.
Hi Steve! Huge fan for many years, thank you for being a highlight / something I look forward to each week. I live in Dallas so lmk if you ever want to come to Bach night, pretty big deal with my friends ?
Two questions for you:
1. I don’t think we had a 2 on 1 all season, has that ever happened before? Yes. It basically never happens anymore. They’ve kind of gotten rid of it the last 4 or 5 seasons.
2. I could never not watch a season but this season more than any others has seems extra boring, any thoughts on why? I don’t dislike Katie and it seems like she has a pretty solid group of guys overall so I just can’t put my finger on it, maybe it’s just the not traveling.
Comment: It’s possible it’s the not traveling and the fact that where they are looks like it’s the Sahara desert. Like I’ve said, I’m sure Hyatt Tamaya is much better in person and to actually stay at. It just doesn’t translate well on TV.
Hi Steve – it seems like every week there’s another reality dating show starting up. Is it true that Chris Harrison is doing one? Have you heard anything? I know you’ll probably say no, but if any of those shows tried to pursue you, would you do it? I think you’d make a fantastic bachelor – and I can only imagine ratings would be huge. Reality Steve on a reality dating show – someone needs to make that happen.
Comment: There was a click bait story on Chris Harrison hosting a dating show, but nothing has been written since. No details of anything.
I will never be on a reality show. They’d never ask, and I’d never do it. No interest.
1. What was Brendan and Blake’s relationship pre show? They were friends.
2. Do you fee like Andrew could be getting set up to be the next bachelor? We saw way more air time from him than a lot of the other guys that made it to hometowns. The whole goodbye heartbreak story seems like a it could be a segway into that… who is your top pick for the next bachelor just based off Katie’s season? I don’t know who is gonna be the Bachelor. Andrew and Michael A certainly got the edits to be, but only one can be chosen. Or maybe they’re headed in a different direction. Haven’t heard anything yet.
3. Has funding been cut with producing this show? I can’t wrap my brain around why so many of the dates are repetitive! I get they can’t travel but to do the same dates time and time again on back to back seasons?? I just don’t get it. Blake sculpted a penis on the group date with Tayshia and now he’s doing more sexual art with Katie. The cuddling date was so similar to the date with Matt and Serena where she too felt uncomfortable. The truth or dare date was exactly the same! I’m over it. They’re not traveling so shouldn’t their budget be put into coming up with NEW creative date ideas?? Or maybe going back 5 or so seasons if they want to repeat because maybe those are not as fresh in our minds? Rant over. Would love to know your opinion on this. I wouldn’t just say they’re repeating dates from the last 2 seasons. They’re repeating dates from many seasons back. When you’re 42 seasons in, it’s basically impossible to have new date ideas every season. Impossible.
4. How many seasons have not done a 2 on 1? Is it off Katie didn’t have one this season? Plenty. There hasn’t been one in a while now. They’ve basically gotten rid of them.
5. Maybe I missed this in your earlier columns but did you find out about the Greg fight recently? Or have you known about it since filming?
Thanks for all you do!
Comment: I didn’t find out about the Greg fight until a couple days before I posted about it, which was last Wednesday.
So, I’m pretty sure that in the past you have said you’re team Kelly. And I don’t disagree with that. But through quarantine, I’ve watched the entire series again, and I’m torn. So, I’m curious… what episode changed your mind? At what episode did you go from Brenda to Kelly?
Comment: There wasn’t one episode or one storyline. I just always liked Kelly over Brenda. It was never close. Just never got the whole Brenda vibe when she was on the show. Easily my least favorite character.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.