We are down to the final 2 on Michelle’s season. Filming wraps this week. She had a date yesterday down in Mexico near the Iberostar Hotel in Punta de Mita and they went jet skiing together. Got some pics from it, however, it was from a bit of a distance and I can’t make out which guy it is. So until I know for sure who it is, and until I find out who the other guy is in the final two, then I’ll let you know. But filming wraps this weekend, so the initial date of Sept. 10th that I heard of the ending seems to be either right on or a day off. But yeah, I’ve looked at these two pics I have numerous times and it’s just not clear enough to make out who it is. It’s not Joe and it’s not Nate and it’s not Peter – the only three guys we’ve seen pics of her on a date with so far that’s gotten out publicly. But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t be the other guy in the final two that I don’t know yet. This is going to be fun trying to figure this one out. Or, per usual, I can just wait until I’m told and that’ll be much more solid. Anyway, that’s the update on where we’re at with Michelle’s season.
So the DWTS announcement came this morning of the whole cast, and yet again, not a ton to get excited about in terms of names. Well, maybe for most people. There’s 3 that interest me: Marty Kove, better known as John Kreese from the “Karate Kid” and Cobra Kai, has been cast as your resident old person this season. Zero chance to win, but hey, as long as he tells his pro “No Mercy” and threatens to make their knuckles bleed, that would be highly entertaining. Cody Rigsby is my favorite instructor from Peloton and he’s been cast. Considering he’s a former backup dancer for Katy Perry and Nicky Minaj, I expect him to do well. Would be shocked if he doesn’t make final 3 at least, if not win it all. And then of course last but not least, David Fucking Silver himself is on this season. I didn’t see the pairings announced yet, but I gotta believe he’ll dance with Sharna. If DWTS knows what’s right for them, they will have a Hip Hop Week and we can see moves like this from David again:
This needs to happen. Please. I’m begging you DWTS production. Let David Silver dance!
Here’s your IG Follower update from @Bachelordata since Monday’s shit show of an episode. This is actually from last night. It’s changed even more since then. Not only has Brendan dropped well below 300k followers, Natasha has gained over 200k followers since Monday and is now over 300k total. I’m not sure we’ve seen this big of growth and subsequent decline of followers in this short of time ever. Pretty fascinating reaction.
So here are my thoughts on last night’s episode:
-I think one thing that needs to be established is that Alana and Chris did NOT have a pre-show relationship. Had they hung out? Yes. In the infamous San Diego trip, that ironically, Jessenia was on and hooked up with Chris during that trip. But Chris and Alana only knew each other and had never had any pre-show relationship. But clearly he had an eye on her since his tongue was down her throat within minutes of her showing up, followed by him saying “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.”
-With that said, Chris couldn’t have handled that any worse than he did. I know that everyone is comparing Jessenia dumping Ivan for Chris and Chris dumping Jessenia for Alana as the same thing, and while on the surface it is, Jessenia handled hers way better. She told Ivan to his face in a sit down conversation how she was feeling. Chris just went off, made out with Alana, Jessenia catches a glimpse of it, she talks to him right after and he doesn’t admit anything other than “I’m so in my head right now,” then makes out AGAIN with Alana on the dance floor in clear view of Jessenia. So no, I don’t think the situations were exactly the same.
-Chris handled it poorly, his communication skills with Jessenia sucked, and she had every right to be pissed at him for what he did. However, lets be real here, no matter what you think he did, he was bullied off that beach. Totally ganged up on by some of the guys and that was completely unnecessary. It wasn’t wrong of them to confront him, but c’mon, you all watched it. I know people love Joe and Riley so far this season, but I’m sorry, be objective. The way they spoke to Chris, how forceful they were,
it was way over the top and not at all necessary compared to what he did. There’s no other way to call it other than it was bullying in its purest form. If they don’t have the same exact energy for Brendan next week, that’s messed up.
-As for Brendan and Pieper, yeah, that was the most talked about thing last night on social media last night. Me and plenty others had that same sentiment while it was airing, which was, why are they so mad at Chris and Alana yet nothing towards Brendan and Pieper? Well, we all expressed that before we saw the previews for next week when it’s clear that that’s when the cast jumps all over their ass and Brendan and Pieper eventually end up leaving. Not to mention, a few contestants took to Twitter last night to tell people who were saying to just wait til next week. So yeah, it’s happening. But still, I was STUNNED how mad they were at Chris, a guy that Joe earlier in the episode said didn’t matter. Blake Horstmann first said this last night, and he hit the nail on the head. The reason they were all over Chris so hard is because he doesn’t have a following. He isn’t one of the “cool” kids, barely anyone knew him, and basically, he’s low in the pecking order when it comes to the cliques in this franchise. No established fan base, barely anyone remembers him, and he didn’t come in with any notoriety whatsoever.
“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…