Hi Steve,
Big fan!! Keep up the great work, love the spoilers!
I just want to get your take on the IATSE situation and the strike that’s looming. There’s a few Instagram accounts I’m following that are sharing stories of these workers and they are horrible! Working 100+ hours a week, no meal breaks, no OT and low wages. I would guess that maybe you’ve known someone that has worked for one of the bachelor shows and if this is something that you’ve heard for years?
Thank you!
Comment: Am I the dumbest, most ignorant person alive that I don’t have a clue what the IATSE situation is or what’s at stake? Well, I don’t.
Hey Steve,
So I have a few questions…
1) Since the cast of this past season of Paradise was probably larger than past seasons (and excluding night one eliminations) is it possible that next seasons cast could also be similar in size as there were probably still a fair few contestants from these past few seasons of Bachelor/Bachelorette who did not make it on the beach. Of course I know there maybe be some who turned down the offer this year and may do the same next year. Probably close. This past BIP season had 4 previous seasons to choose from – Peter’s women, Clare/Tayshia’s men, Matt’s women, and Katie’s men. Next season will have 3 seasons to choose from (of people that haven’t had a chance at all) – Michelle’s men, Clayton’s women, and whoever the next “Bachelorette” is, her men. So they have another big pool to choose from before they start dipping back into past contestants.
2) I do not intend to shame anyone with this question but I was curious about something. That we know of, has any past lead from either show ever been spotted out in public or posted on social media hanging out with anyone from their season that they didn’t choose so soon after the season finished airing and it was NOT for some special event (I know several alumni were recently at the Governor’s Ball music festival)? To be more specific as to what I’m referring to, I know Katie recently had to address the fact that she considers John Hershey from her season (who was eliminated in week 2) a friend and they now live in the same city if I’m not mistaken. I know she and Blake are currently doing the long distance thing but in other circumstances it’s not like, for example, we saw Rachel Lindsay hanging out with Kenny before she and Bryan wed or JoJo hanging out with Grant or something within the first year or so of her engagement to Jordan. Am I being too judgmental?
Comment: I don’t see it as a big deal at all. Especially since John didn’t last on her season. If the guy had made it to overnights or final 2, and she was hanging with him as much as she does, then yeah, that’d be bizarre. But he was pretty irrelevant to her season enough to where it’s not like they developed anything sexual/romantic.
How likely is it that producers PAY contestants to do something they wouldn’t otherwise do, such as having Kendall show up on Joe’s proposal day? Ever hear rumblings of this? I know they emotionally manipulate contestants but I wonder if they ever provide financial incentives. You get paid to be on BIP. As for Bachelor/ette, no, they don’t pay you to do stuff. But by doing what they tell you to do, it absolutely puts you in good favor with them (most of the time. Sometimes they’re asking you to do it because they want you to be the villain without even knowing it).
Also, it was previously discussed that when it comes down to the Paradise finale, people who aren’t intending to propose are often told by producers there is no date planned for them. I was racking my brain from past seasons… Does it seem like there has been a maximum of three dates?
Comment: I believe so. I know three is the max engagements we’ve ever had in a BIP finale. But I can’t remember if there were ever 4 or more overnights.
Hey Steve,
I have noticed that the game of roses podcast has had some major key players on their podcast. I can’t imagine production being happy with this. Any chance some of the same cast members may go on your podcast in the future ?
Comment: Probably not. While we both cover the same show, what they do is different than me.
We always see Rachael with Matt all over the USA. Doesn’t she have a job?
Comment: Influencer, like most of these contestants who don’t have jobs either. Influencing IS their job. Rachael isn’t the only one and certainly won’t be the last. I would worry less about what Rachael or any of these people do for work. It doesn’t affect your life, my life, or anyone else’s life in any way, shape, or form. Who cares what they do or how much money they make off it? This is what the show is now, the contestants all know it, and they try and capitalize on it. Some succeed more than others. Just the way it is.
Hi Steve,
I have 3 questions this week:
1) What is going on with that Abigail and Clare situation? There’s pictures going around showing that Clare posted a picture on Instagram and tagged Abigail. Do you know anything about this? Go back to last Tuesday’s column, Oct. 5th. It’s all covered in there.
2) Why wasn’t Victoria Fuller on Bachelor in Paradise? Didn’t want to do it.
3) How could that girl that was supposed to get married a few weeks ago even get chosen to be on this season of The Bachelor? Isn’t there a whole application process/interview process that takes place which would have started a couple months ago? How long ago would she have applied? That’s so messed up!
Comment: That situation has a lot of questions surrounding it. But since she’s not on, there’s really no reason to discuss something that isn’t happening. It sure was bizarre though. Anyone will tell you anything to fit their own narrative. That situation would’ve been no different.
Hi Reality Steve,
Does Clayton have a compelling story? Really curious why he was chosen as the Bachelor. Was it more of his story/personality or not having options among Katie’s men? I haven’t heard, but my guess is not really any more compelling than previous Bachelors. Lets face it, most Bachelors are cast because their story is they were 1) liked by the audience and 2) dumped by the Bachelorette, thus, the fans are interested in seeing them find love. It’s not too much deeper to look into than that really.
Also, there have been hints that Joe and Michelle knew of each other prior to the show. Will this be a source of contention among the guys? He seems to make it far. Pretty sure it is. And they definitely knew of each other pre-show.
Thanks for all of your work; it sure has been a busy time between Katie, BIP, Michelle and now Clayton.
Comment: Good to see back on a normal travel schedule with Clayton’s season as more gets out. Although once they go to Austria, Croatia, and Iceland, I wouldn’t expect much public stuff getting out then. Never really does.
Ok, so I first saw the news about Michelle’s final pick on Bachelor Scoop on Instagram, then later I saw your spoiler. Did they get the spoiler from you, or did you get it from them?
Comment: Take a wild guess.
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