Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” & Colton’s Documentary Released on Friday

Photo Credit: ABC

So tonight I’ll be taking my niece to a concert, therefore I won’t be able to watch the “Bachelorette.” So there won’t be any recap of the episode tomorrow, but I will have something for you. Been a while since I completely missed an episode, but hey, when KIIS FM is holding a Jingle Ball event and I can get tickets so I can see Dixie D’Amelio perform my niece can see her favorite artists perform live, you gotta do it. And lets face it, there’s zero drama on the Hometown Date episode anyway. We all know Rodney is going home, so, while I’m sure there will be some talking points to the episode, it’s always been tough doing a full recap of the Hometown Dates due to a lack of substance to them. We all know the guys ask the parents for permission (usually), there will be parents/siblings that are skeptical, and then there’s always one family they make to look a little crazy/kooky. I expect nothing different tonight. If I get back at a somewhat decent hour, maybe I’ll skim the episode and give my thoughts, but I don’t know how long this concert will be.

The trailer for Colton’s Netflix show “Coming Out Colton” was released yesterday for those that didn’t see it:

Here’s my thoughts on the whole thing. I’m able to separate Colton’s story of coming out versus what he did to Cassie. There’s no excuse for what he did to Cassie. None. Especially how he basically lied to my face when he came on the podcast last summer trying to garner sympathy for his breakup when we didn’t know any of this was going on behind the scenes. So for that, I find the guy phony. On the flip side, I know that him sharing the story of him coming out will no doubt help some kid out there who watches it and is maybe struggling with their own sexuality. So it’s not like this documentary doesn’t have a purpose to it at all. If this was just a show about cameras following around Colton’s life and had nothing to do with coming out, I’d be 100% against this.

I’m glad they are going to address the Cassie situation as evidenced by what was shown in the trailer. But will anything deep actually be revealed? Probably not. They can’t. They reached an agreement to not talk about it in depth to the public, so I can’t see this documentary doing any sort of deep dive into what happened. Will probably be all surface level. One thing Colton said to me on the podcast that I’ll never forget is he’s a businessman. And the fact he started filming this documentary before coming out to his parents and was using it as a tool for the basis of the show proves that. Do I agree with it? No. It’s his life, his decisions, but I don’t agree with the “business” aspect of how he chose to come out and exploit it this way. So yes, there’s a part of me before seeing any of it feels it’s exploitative. But I also know it will reach at least one person out there (and probably more) that are struggling with how/when to come out to friends/family.

I can never begin to put myself in that situation and know what it’s like to struggle with your sexuality pretty much your whole life. Colton clearly did. And his actions while dealing with all this aren’t justified. Whether I like it or you like it, this documentary in the long run will reach somebody out there who’s struggling, so I can’t say this is all crap. I also can’t say that since we haven’t seen it yet. I wanna see what he says, how he addresses the Cassie stuff, if he seems sincere, etc. before making any final declarations on the documentary. Because I’m choosing to watch it, or at least the first episode to see if I wanna continue with it, doesn’t mean it’s some black and white “Oh you support Colton over Cassie.” That’s a ridiculous statement to make. No, it doesn’t. This isn’t a choosing sides thing. I’d like to see how it’s handled and what he says about it. I’ve already told you numerous times since the story broke what he did was wrong. But because I watch a documentary about Colton doesn’t mean I’m supporting what he did towards Cassie. That’s very short sighted.
I will watch the first episode, maybe more, and then I’ll give my thoughts on everything that airs. But since the trailer was just released yesterday, those are my early thoughts.

“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…



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