So a double dose today for you. In both the podcast and today’s column I have your episode-by-episode breakdown of Clayton’s season with roses, dates, eliminations, etc. up to the final 3. I don’t know the ending yet. Technically it’s a rose ceremony-by-rose ceremony break down since I never know how the actual episodes will air and if each episode will end with a rose ceremony and sometimes that confuses people. During these spoilers in the column I also included all the spoiler tweets that I was giving you in real time so you don’t have refer back to things. There are a couple group dates missing and not every group date rose is accounted for, but, all the 1-on-1’s are pretty much there along with the eliminations. Now, if you’ve been following the site or my social channels since filming began on Sept. 29th, there won’t be a whole hell of a lot in today’s column that will be new to you. It’s all just in one place now. Since we were out of the bubble and production was back on a normal filming schedule with travel, spoilers came easier than they have for the last 4 seasons, which is why you got tons of info while filming was happening from Sept. 29th through Nov. 20th or so. So please, I just ask if you’ve already been attentively following me, don’t send a “you didn’t give us anything new today” email. The laundry list of things you know about Clayton’s season were all spoiled in real time either here, on my podcast, on my Twitter, or in my IG stories over the last 2 months. Today is just a summary of all that, with a few extra things thrown in here and there. Pretty much everything in today’s podcast is also in today’s column. There might be some things I said in the podcast that aren’t in the column, and vice versa, but I tried to keep them as similar as possible.
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I go over all the episode-by-episode (or technically rose ceremony-by-rose ceremony) spoilers for Clayton’s season filling you in on all the dates, eliminations, storylines, and some of the group date roses. The first 35 minutes or so was recorded yesterday before women’s bios were released online. Then (33:23) I recorded another 15 minutes after that once the bios were released to cover a few things in regards to the bios, namely what the deal with Salley Carson is.
CampaignZero – link
8CantWait – link
PoliceScorecard – link
Rose Ceremony #1 (LA) 30 women down to 22
Yesterday, released the bio of Clayton’s women. Back on Sept. 25th, 33 women were released on the “Bachelor” Facebook page as potential contestants. 3 women who were in that initial cast list never made final cast: Breauna Jade, Kara Gandy, and Salley Carson. In terms of what happened with Salley Carson, I tweeted this yesterday:
Here are the bios for the women on Clayton’s season. One thing to keep in mind when reading these “fun facts” about them: some things are completely made up and written by production just for effect:
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) December 15, 2021
So while we will see Salley on the show (which is why she was on yesterday’s cast list released by the show), we’re getting into semantics because she doesn’t actually make it to night 1. She doesn’t get out of a limo, or is part of the cocktail party or rose ceremony. Everything that happens with her happened during quarantine and it looks like it was filmed, and she just chose not to ultimately come on the show.
Some of the limo entrances on night 1:
4×4 monster truck (Shanae Ankney)
Doctors outfit w/ lingerie (Kira Mengistu)
Arrived in Kangaboots (Melina Nasab)
Snake around her neck (Hunter Haag)
Claire got eliminated before the first rose ceremony took place because she got too drunk on night 1 and Clayton sent her home. At some point she called him a pussy, but I don’t know if that’ll get shown.
Teddi Wright got the first impression rose.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Claire Heilig (before rose ceremony), Daria Rose, Hailey Malles, Ivana Noble, Jane Paik, Lindsay Rae Dobbs, Samantha Jeffries, and Rianna Hockaday.
Rose Ceremony #2 (LA) 22 to 18
Group Date: This was posted a couple days before the date took place as they were looking for kids to be a part of a date:
(BACHELOR FILMING UPDATE): I promise now I have it right. Filming for Clayton’s season starts tonight at the mansion, not last night as I reported yesterday. The women move in to the mansion tmrw and dates start Friday.
Fridays group date involves a “birthday party” and kids.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) September 29, 2021
Cassidy Timbrooks ended up getting the group date rose.
1-on-1: Susie Evans. As shown in the promo, they got to take a helicopter ride, then got to jump off a yacht. Susie got the rose.
Group Date: Bachelor themed obstacle course – Sarah Hamrick won. I believe Sarah got the group date rose as well.
At the after party of this group date is where Shanae started her issues with people in the house and it’s established at this point Elizabeth and Shanae just do not get along. They have an argument.
At the cocktail party before the rose ceremony, it’s found out either because she told someone who then spread it or something to that effect, that Cassidy Timbrooks was still texting a guy while she was in quarantine before she got her phone taken away. This news made it’s way back to Clayton, and even though Cassidy already had a group date rose from that week, he decides to take it away from her and send her home.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Ency Abedin, Kate Gallivan, and Tessa Tookes. Cassidy Timbrooks got sent home during the cocktail party of the rose ceremony.
Rose Ceremony #3 (LA) 18 to 15
Group Date: This is the one group date in LA I’m unsure of what happened.
1-on-1: Sarah Hamrick. Took place in downtown LA and they did a bunch of challenges. Apparently this was in front of people, but no pics ever got out from this date. Sarah got the rose.
Group Date: Baywatch themed where they had to compete in beach challenges. Gabby won the challenges and got extra time with Clayton and Gabby also got the group date rose. Pics from that date were spotted by paparazzi:
(SPOILER): Here’s pics from the Baywatch group date yesterday
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 8, 2021
At the after party of this date, Shanae and Elizabeth’s feud continued and Shanae has isolated herself from most of the house.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Elizabeth Corrigan, Kira Mengistu, and Melina Nasab.