Good morning Steve!
Long time reader, first time writer.
Bringing Aven onto the stage while Tino was still sitting there was so tacky / cringey. Although we know production was behind it, what did Aven have to gain by playing along? Did he get paid / bribed? It may seem like a stupid question but I just can’t figure out whyyyyy Aven would do something so cringe just because production asked him to….don’t think he was obligated to? He had a decision right?
Thank you! Great job this season, as always!
Comment: Leaving this here because it actually was addressed post show by Rachel on a podcast. Aven did not know Tino would still be on stage. They not only keep you off stage, but you aren’t watching monitors of what’s happening on stage when you’re back there. So until he was literally within eyesight of the stage, so probably 20 feet away, did he know Tino was still there. And at that point, on live TV, he’s not turning around and walking off. He had to just go through with it. This was all production’s doing. They cared more about creating a TV moment than they did for how it would make Tino feel. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hi Steve
This is my first time to email and I just felt the need to do so.
First off, thank you for your spoilers. I enjoy the heck out of them. I like to watch the relationship form knowing they will end up with their person (or at least whatever production will show of the relationship forming).
After watching AFR last night, and after hearing Zach say Rachel was different when the cameras were off, I tend to lean more toward Tino. Rachel never let Tino finish a sentence (which was frustrating to watch). I believe that is why he came off as talking in circles. Also, I agree with you as he was trying to explain his “reasoning” not an “excuse.” He probably really thought in his head they were over or “on a break.” Something was obviously said about returning the ring and just dating, because Rachel never denied she didn’t say that. She only asked him if “they broke off the engagement.” In addition, Rachel never took any ownership of her part of this situation, she was only saying “do you really want to go there.” Tino should NOT have done what he did, and he apologized for it and took ownership. But, as everyone knows, there are two sides and we only heard what Tino did, not what lead up to it or anything that Rachel could have done or said differently. Quite honestly, Rachel came off more of wanting the “bachelorette” status with all this, and to me Gabby was the more authentic one. I thought both could’ve handled it better than they did. It wasn’t fun to watch.
Now about Erich, sure he did Amanda wrong. But, I really don’t think he thought he was going to fall in love with Gabby. I do think he thinks he is in love with Gabby. I really don’t think he is all that bad of a guy. He’s a guy doing guy things. I know doesn’t sound right, but it is what it is. What Nate did was a heck of a lot worse! If Erich lead both of them on, then that’s a different story. But, he never contacted Amanda when he got back (except the text saying he’s sorry and good luck to her). He spent 2 months with her. I believe AFR was 4 months after the season ended, so that means he spent whatever time he had with her during the season and the 4 months after as well. So, he has spend more time with Gabby than what is lead on to believe.
Well, that was long for my first time to email. Sorry! lol By the way, I never heard what happened in the Michelle and Nayte breakup. Do you have any insight on that situation?
Comment: As I said earlier and in the past, nothing Erich has done is criminal, he hasn’t physically hurt anyone, but is that the low bar we’ve set for guys in this franchise? Not enough has been made about the fact that Gabby agrees Erich treated Amanda like shit and she wasn’t surprised Amanda released the texts and she said she would’ve too. But then if he was so disrespectful to Amanda, why is she so cavalier in thinking that he could do that to her at some point?
The FINALE!!! Horrible. I never liked Rachel and last night she sealed the deal. Cheating? Thought that meant having sex with someone…………….not a kiss. Granted a kiss would piss me off, but not enough to end a relationship.
Neither one of these relationships will end well. Not with Aven or Erich. Both are doomed……………………..BTW, where in the world does Gabby get all of her hooker outfits?
Comment: Sweet. Women hating women. Gotta love it.
And maybe I’m not Tim Gunn here, but…hooker outfits? Really? I didn’t think Gabby or Rachel wore anything close to something resembling a “hooker outfit” all season. I loved some of their dresses. I would hate to even ask you exactly what your definition of “hooker outfit” is anyway? Can only imagine how much your hatred towards other women would spew out in that answer.
I read somewhere that Sean Lowe either told someone, or mentioned in an interview, that “having Zack Shallcross as the next bachelor was unanimous”. Is this true? Does that mean the lead is chosen by previous cast members and staff taking a vote?
Also, do you ever think the franchise will let America vote on who gets to be the show’s lead?
Comment: I never heard that and no, previous cast members don’t choose the lead. Nor will the lead ever be voted on by the fans.
Hi Steve,
I just had a quick question about ATFR (as Rachel and Tino kept calling it). Tyler got to have his face to face with Rachel on Men Tell All, and Zac and Aven got to have their face to face on part 1 of the finale. Why didn’t Gabby have a face to face with Johnny and Jason? Were they invited back and didn’t want to come? I know they both left awhile ago, but given all the filler in last night’s episode, I would have loved to have seen Gabby have a conversation with either of them.
Thanks for considering this!
Comment: I think probably bc at that point, they weren’t big enough storylines to the end result. The Rachel/Gabby stuff was compelling enough for a lot of people. Did we really need to see Gabby have a live convo with Johnny when he’s since gotten engaged? Or with Jason who’s terrible on camera? I, for one, didn’t miss it and was fine with them not appearing on the ATFR. Just didn’t fit in to everything that happened that night.
I like how you started your column today:
“…you knew every main thing about this season before it happened. That’s what I’m here for. Be sure to tip your waitress.”
I read that and realized that I’ve been a long-time follower of you and your spoilers but don’t know how to support you. I also started listening religiously to your daily roundup back in July when it started and I’ve loved it! For those of us that would like to tip our waitress ?, how can we do that? Maybe I’ve missed something on your site but I don’t see a way to donate.
Keep up the stellar work, it really is magical.
Comment: The best thing you can do for me is listen to the podcast, and if you’re so inclined, purchase some of the products I read ads for using my code. That’s all I need. No need to tip me anything, I’ll never ask for money for anything I do. It’s a free service. I get paid on my website based off the traffic to my site. And for my podcast, advertisers pay me and it helps when you purchase stuff using my codes. No commission is involved in that at all. But purchasing, means you’re listening, which means those ads are being heard, which is what those products want. That’s all you need to do to support me. Thanks.
Great job in this absurd season. There are lingering questions that I hope you won’t give up on.
What was Rachel’s therapy all about? Probably dealing with online criticism and just the after effects of this show. I think anyone in that position should probably go to therapy post show. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Who was Tino on the phone with when she came outside? Who knows? Probably a family member or friend to ask what to do I would guess.
When they hit the “rough spot,” did his parents say, “I told you so?”
Such opposing narratives they have!
There’s just a big, fat, missing SOMETHING.
Comment: Yeah I said it post finale night – their communication skills with each other were highly lacking. Seemed like they wouldn’t have been a good fit long term based on the two talks we watched – the Happy Couple weekend convo that was filmed and then them live on stage. Just not good all around.
Dear Steve,
thanks for your work and your spoilers!
I am writing regarding two points.
The first is what you said about Vanessa’s Facebook post on the Brock Turner case. I fully agree with you, the post is absolutely disgusting, victim blaming and she should not be a candidate on the upcoming season. However, as a woman I was also surprised by how shocked you seemed that any person could have such an opinion. As I am guessing you have since seen, there are, unfortunately, a lot of people that agree with her and our society is unfortunately not yet at a point where people realise that the only person at fault for abuse is the abuser and victim blaming happens constantly, as I think many women can attest to. Because of this I would not be surprised if Vanessa still makes it on the show and if the show same as with Erichs blackface would just sweep it under the rug. While I hope she doesn’t make it on the show, I guess we will see in the end what happens. Well she didn’t, so it worked. They release the cast early to avoid things like this that could be a distraction down the line. Have you noticed that the only people to talk about the Vanessa post are the podcasters and content creators. NONE of the major outlets had it: People, E!, US Weekly, or But if she would’ve been cast? They ALL would’ve run with it at some point. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised people could actually blame the victim for drinking too much in that situation because there are some really demented people out there, but seeing the response was definitely cringeworthy at times.
Secondly, I had a question regarding the happy couples weekends. When situations like the Rachel/Tino conversations happen or back with Peter/Hannah Ann and Becca/Arie, do the leads call production telling them that this will go down or how is production informed enough to know when to show up with cameras? To me if I had been Rachel or Tino I would’ve rather had that conversation in private and then go back to production afterwards or is it somewhere in their contract that they need to have production present for relationship altering conversations?
Thanks for all you do.
Comment: Yeah, production is well aware. I think they realize they are on a TV show and if we’re going to see all the happy stuff, they have to show us the warts too or else they wouldn’t be being “real” with us. I get from a TV perspective. But this show isn’t real life, so yeah, of course you’d normally have a convo like that with a significant other in private.
Hi Steve,
The jingle for your daily roundup podcast is really catchy!
But please help me figure out what he is saying – it’s driving me nuts.
I know this is totally wrong, but this is what I’m hearing:
Grow up! (or Throw up?)
My good believe the same to me
Sign up!
A real man ain’t supposed to be
Right up
Please help!
Comment: Your guess is as good as mine. I honestly don’t know. I emailed Jimmer, the lead singer of the Rave-Ups hoping to get an answer, but haven’t heard back as of now. I’ll let you know if he does.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.