Hi Steve –
Have you bought anything cool with the hush money from ABC? Do they pay you in Bitcoin or wire money to your account in the Cayman Islands? (Just kidding for the non podcast listeners).
Some random thoughts:
BIP – Not really surprised Greer and Brooklyn were early exits. Based on no information, I suspect the guys don’t want to be linked with someone who had a blackface “scandal” or someone who is not shy about being confrontational/willing to call people out.
Big Brother – They snub Jackson in the past winners clip but not the guy who used his winnings to fund an illegal drug business (way before your time). Ha ha I’ve read about that guy. Quite the scheme he ran.
Farmer Wants A Wife – No idea how the show performed but 1) too short an episode for 4 (non charismatic) guys and all those women, 2) women who seemed like they would like to be on Bachelor and I couldn’t see wanting this lifestyle. The 2nd place women seemed relieved not to be picked. I watched the first episode, had every other episode saved in my DVR, then deleted all of them. Just couldn’t bring myself to watch.
Survivor – I think I may be against the jury seeing the challenges. If we or the remaining contestants saw whom they cheered for, it would give us an idea how they were leaning. Then again, the contestants would see this and alter their vote outs which could be interesting so I guess I don’t know!
Comment: Yeah I can see both sides. I just wanna see it done to change things up after 44 seasons. At least do it one season and see how it plays out. They could certainly tell the jury watching the challenges no cheering. Or, just choose not to show the jurys reaction to us viewers.
My overall thought was no drama last night. Is this the first time we’ve never seen a “may I steal you away”? Good point. Yeah, never saw that the first night which definitely seems like a first. However, I think that first night was wonky due to the weather and nothing was normal. Guys were basically all in the same area most of the night since nobody wandered outside. Remember in the past we’d have a contestant take the lead out front, in the backyard by the fireplace, over near the pool, etc. We got none of that in the first episode because of the rain.
I agree with your take on Brayden, very non villainous to me. Will he rub guys the wrong way? Most likely since we saw previews. They’re really trying to make him something he isn’t on the show.
I liked Dotun’s presence and maybe this is a new edit where the winner doesn’t get any 1 on 1 the first night. However their height difference seems so awkward to me, but that has nothing to do with the heart. I mean, Xavier is 6’6”, so he’d be tall for her too. Isn’t Aaron 6’4”? The only one who is height desirable to her is Joey at 5’10” but who knows what her type is.
Simply reading bios before the show started, I thought Xavier would be a good match, just based on seemingly his intelligence along with his location, being in closer proximity to GA and Charity’s family.
I’m looking forward to hearing her final choice.
PS Spenser was very different, I couldn’t even watch his 1 on 1 with Charity after watching how awkward his Limo exit was. I cldnt tell if he was really like that or if it was an act? I’m surprised he was even cast, not suave like most of the guys
Thanks for your podcasts and recaps!
Comment: Yeah, I know nothing about the guy but when you compare him to the other 24, he did stick out like a sore thumb.
Hey Steve!
Was reading your recap of Bachelorette last night and saw your tweet about Claim to Fame. Definitely a show worth watching! You are correct that the guy Chris on the show I am pretty positive is Donny Osmond’s son. Others that I think I figured out:
Hugo is Jimmy Carter’s grandson.
Gabriel is Nick Cannon’s brother (they seem to have similar personalities).
Cole is Alicia Key’s brother.
Mainly found this out by listening to guesses/found a website where they guessed then looked up photos. I really enjoyed Season 1 so excited to see what other celebrity relatives are on the show!
Appreciate you still typing up these recaps as someone who likes to read at work but can’t always listen but I listen to your podcast, too!
Comment: Having not watched the show, isn’t it kinda easy to find out who’s related to who based on social media? Unless none of these people have ever posted with their siblings/relatives before, seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to find at some point.
Hi Steve!
Been following you for many years. Thanks for all you do and for making me laugh on the pod! Love your takes.
Wondering about your thoughts on the new hosts of Bachelor Happy Hour…I know Serena and Joe will keep it very franchise-friendly ?. But curious if you thought it was odd that the show didn’t invite Becca and Thomas to host?? I’ve listened to Joe on his other podcast and while he’s a friendly guy, it seems like he is just not into it and does little research ahead of time if any. You got that right.
Also thought it was odd how Becca addressed the pod ending… Do you assume she knew there would be new hosts but obv couldn’t address that? ?
Thanks Steve and happy spoiling!
As a follow-up, Thomas now addressed this issue… Clearly there are some sour feelings about how the franchise handled it
Comment: Yeah I don’t know the behind-the-scenes of what happened, and who knows if Thomas and Becca could’ve really committed to it this season with a baby due soon. I don’t see how they could’ve done that. Tia quit once she had her baby (or maybe was let go, I don’t know). But does Becca really wanna focus any attention on this show other than watching it when she’s gonna have a newborn soon? I’d guess no. But yes, it does sound like either they were told nothing for months and then had the bomb dropped on them, or, something in negotiations broke down.
Hi Steve,
Is Brayden related to Ryan Bowers, who was on Emily’s season? They both have that chiseled jawline. Not that I know of.
p.s. I’m one of the “readers” instead of podcast listeners, but I understand the reasoning! Oh well.
Comment: There will still be the same to read during the season, so no worries there. But transcribing the podcast after I sometimes finish it at 1am, and then it coming across with no punctuation and no paragraph breaks, it’s just too much extra work. And a 25 minute podcast transcribed would be loooooooooooong to read, and I’ve seen that people do not read long form anymore. Especially a podcast transcription.
Hi Steve.
Yay, new Hannah B podcast…”you get a podcast, you get a podcast” ?
I’ll at least give it a try but sounds more lifestyle than Bach tea.
Comment: Podcasting is what everyone is doing. None of us should be surprised more Bachelor Nation people are doing it. But to each their own. Hannah knows she has an audience. Doesn’t she still have the most followers of any female in Bachelor Nation history? She’d be dumb not to try and capitalize with a podcast. Her goal shouldn’t be just to have a podcast to have podcast. Her goal should be to have a good podcast, which isn’t easy to do.