Hey Steve!
Just got a few comments for ya here!
1-I might be the odd ball in the bunch but I actually like the timing of Charity’s season this year. 8pm-10pm just works better for me. Instead of being right in the middle of dinner, bath and bed time for my kid. I can actually now get my kid to bed and watch most of the episodes! Overall the problem is that moving it back an hour is gonna hurt them. Claim to Fame did better numbers. I guarantee if CTF came on after Bachelorette like it did last summer, Bachelorette would’ve done better.
2- I just want to say an early Congratulations to you on the Daily Round up, coming up on a year of it!! I know it’s a lot of work for you but I very much enjoy listening and appreciate all the work you put into it. I guess I can proudly say (lol) I’ve listened to every episode since you have started! I also join in with you at the end with a little C-ya! That’s crazy you’ve listened to every episode. EVERY episode? Like, you’ve never missed one? In a year?
3- In regards to your Sports Daily podcast on Wednesday. You were talking about sports card memorabilia. My husband collects cards in most sports. It really got big during the covid years and people picked it up as a hobby and now its a huge craze. I have learned a lot about memorabilia because of it. You can typically “buy in” to a box opening of cards. You get randomized spots into a team in the MLB or even just a division in NFL. Through out the entire break, any card that belongs to your division or team is yours. It’s kinda like gambling, you’re taking a risk and you may or may not get anything good! Check out Backyard Breaks on tik tok!
Any ways, sorry this is long!! C-ya!
Comment: Gotcha. That makes sense. I just had no idea box opening had become such a craze. That’s nuts.
Hi Steve! I listened to your JoJo and Jordan podcast (I am so glad you had them on!) I had heard you talk about the podcast issue so I was purposefully listening for it and I have to be honest… I didn’t notice the pauses nearly as much as you must have noticed them. I was thinking you didn’t even have to mention it because I thought it was such a non-issue! When you brought up your interview with Mark Wahlberg, and the pauses in that podcast, I thought to myself, “oh right, I kind of remember that,” but I think at the time I just thought Mark is such a deep thinker, that he was taking extra time before answering. If you listened to it on anything that was 1.5x speed or more, you definitely wouldn’t have noticed it. But yeah, Jordan was definitely on a 2-3 second delay. For my Sports Daily, everything I asked him it took 2-3 seconds for him to respond, but because that one was shorter, and there were less than probably 10 questions I asked him, I just edited the dead air on those.
Let me make you feel better with an example. I am a professional photographer. Am I the best photographer in the world? No. I am self-taught and I didn’t have a professional camera until I was 30 but I’ve gotten better over the years. I am in tons of photography groups and sometimes photographers will post an image and be so torn about whether to send it to their client or not. Why? Because the photo is slightly out of focus. I am always the one saying, “PLEASE send them this photo! They will love it! Not only will they not care that it is not technically 100% perfect, but they will not even notice. In fact, they will make the picture their profile picture and all of their friends and families will go on and on about the picture because they don’t notice the technical issues either. All they see is the professional quality of the photo of someone they care about. ” This is exactly the same with you. None of us have the listening ear that you do! Maybe you could have Jordan and JoJo on for a follow-up once the season is over and you could ask them about what happened with their wedding then!? Jordan will definitely be on the sports podcast again. I think it’d be a while before I have them on the weekly pod again unless something so crazy happens in the The Big D finale that I have to put them on. I hope that show gets renewed. I really like it.
I’m so glad you’ve been discussing vanderpump rules! I started watching this past season after Scandalvol hit and of course I will be watching future episodes. I know you said you aren’t going to go back and watch 10 seasons, and I feel the same way, but you must go back and watch the very first episode! Trust me!!
Since we are almost the same age (I’m 43) and we both love Beverly hills 90210 (except that I love the High School episodes the best and I am team Brenda and Dylan) I wanted to ask you… Have you ever watched the TV movies from the ’80s/’90s called dance till Dawn and camp Cucamonga? Steve, you must watch them! Or at least look them up and look at the cast for each movie!! SO many stars!! I remember hearing about it back in the day and the name sounds familiar but I never watched I don’t think. If I did, I don’t remember it at all.
Finally, I’ve been cracking up listening to your daily podcast (which I love and have been listening to since the day you started!) that people are so mad at you for not having Charity’s winner yet. Since I have been following you since the Jason/Melissa/Molly spoiler, I know what has happened with every single spoiler, and as a fan, it is super fun to follow along each season no matter when you get the spoiler (even if it’s the day of the finale like with Peter’s season!) Or even if the spoiler turns out to be wrong (I literally watched the end of the Desiree finale and thought to myself, “we are running out of time! where is Brooks?!!” Sometimes I would miss your column the day of the finale, and there had been a change that I was unaware of, so than I’m shocked when I watch the finale. (I feel like that happened with Ali’s season?) I actually loved it when you didn’t have the final winner before Zach’s season because it was fun to watch the first episode and try to guess the winner… Obviously I was guessing from the four you had already said where the final four, but I predicted it would be Katey!!
Comment: I get it. There are definitely plenty of listeners like yourself who feel that way. I’m just saying as someone who spoils for a living, and knowing how “spoiled” some fans have been because of the quickness and accuracy of past seasons, they expect me to have it right away all the time, and when I don’t, they act like they’re entitled to something. And then the bombardment of the emails comes about when I’m gonna have it, or when will I know, when I literally repeat myself in columns and podcasts with the same line, “When I know, you’ll know.” So when I still get asked, “When are you gonna have the spoiler for Charity’s season,” it just gets old. How am I supposed to answer that?
Hi Steve,
Regarding Special forces S2, do you know when they will wrap since most of the rumoured cast members are already home. Do you think both Tyler and Nick did the show together.
Comment: Filming is over I know that. Nick clearly did it. Did Tyler? Are they really gonna take two guys from the same franchise? I guess they could but I thought they’d want to mix it up more.
Hey Steve –
2 follow ups from the daily podcast:
1. You talked about people commenting on there finally being a black couple making it to the end and how these people are forgetting Michelle. As a white guy in his 50s, I am speculating they have not forgotten and are factoring in Michelle’s mother being white. Based on reading their responses, I really do think they had that bad of memory. This didn’t sound like people were breaking down the parents of the leads and their ethnicity.
2. You revealed that as a kid you prank called girls and played “I just called to say I love you” into the phone. Have any of those girls reached out now that they know you were the mystery caller? Did you ever call 867-5309 and ask for Jenny or have any other pranks to report? Ha ha I think they knew literally that day that I did it because I was the one picking on them in school and making it known I liked them. You know, how all 4th graders do. Good Lord that was embarrassing. What was I thinking?
Absolutely called 867-5309 numerous times back in the day. I can’t remember if people picked up or not. And yes, prank calling and being a total idiot was something we used to do all the time after school. No caller ID back then, no *69. It was bad. We’d say some of the stupidest shit back then and think it was hilarious. It wasn’t.
Not really a question but a comment. I had low expectations for Charity. Thought Ariel should have been chosen. But Charity is surprising me! Why did we not see this personality on Zach’s season? Are you surprised at all?
Comment: Not really. I thought we did see some personality on Zach’s season and I knew her hometown date really solidified it for her. She made the most sense and can totally see why they chose her. I think she’s been great. The dates/storylines are nothing new and repetitive, but she’s been absolutely fine as the lead. No issues with her whatsoever.
Hi Steve,
Helping out with your inbox volume. I struggled to get through this second episode. In all fairness, I had it on but didn’t pay 100% attention as I am traveling, but are they reaching with the drama? This whole “spring break” thing, from what I seemed to hear, came across as a nothingburger. What are the guys supposed to do when she is not around, just sit there and twiddle their thumbs? Every season the contestants spend time together. That can include working out together, fun in the pool, sitting around chatting, etc.
Unless I missed something more significant, it seemed like they were making a mountain out of a molehill.
Comment: Yes, they absolutely made a mountain out of a molehill. Said it on the podcast and in the column. Brayden is about the tamest “villain” we’ve ever seen on this show. Because you do backflips into a pool on the guys day where they are never seeing Charity, that doesn’t say anything about how seriously you’re taking the show. They’re reaching on that one. I’m sure Brayden gets more annoying as we move along, and maybe he says something that really gets under Charity’s skin. But through two episodes? He’s literally done nothing wrong and this is just production trying to find drama in the house.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.