Hi, Steve
When I watched the previews at the end of the episode last night I was assuming that the scenes they showed with Joey were filmed in Hawaii (which is where the chyron shows he lives.) But then you said those scenes were filmed in Fiji. I’m not doubting your spoiler, just wondering… Did he have his hometown date in HI, or somewhere else? He lives in Hawaii now. His hometown was filmed in Pennsylvania where his parents live and where he grew up. The preview was from him in Fiji for overnight dates.
Two things that are bugging me about how people are behaving on this season:
1. Charity constantly nodding and saying “uh-huh” and “yeah” while she’s talking 1-on-1 with the guys and they’re opening up to her about something. Do they get coached that they should do that to show that they’re actively listening? Because that’s NOT what active listening looks/sounds like. Gabby did it a lot last season, too. It comes across like she’s trying to hurry them up through their story (and it’s really annoying as as viewer.) I hear ya’. It’s a giant pet peeve of mine with people who do that. Drives me nuts.
2. The guys swaying from side to side (especially Braydon) while standing at the rose ceremony. I think I noticed it most in Episode 2 when both he and Aaron were swaying back and forth. Can’t these guys stand still?? Again, super distracting and annoying. I haven’t noticed that. They did?
Your daily roundup always goes to the top of my feed and I listen while walking the dog (our first morning walk is about as long as your episodes.) Keep up the great work!
Comment: Nice. Thank you. Two best things anyone can do to support the podcast is hit the “Follow” button so it automatically downloads to your device every morning, and use the promo codes for any of the products I endorse on the podcast.
Hi Steve, so what are your thoughts on Joey as the next Bachelor?
Comment: I mean, all we have to do is look at their own criteria for who they cast in the role over the years, which is, did they finish top 4 of their season? Yes. Did the fans develop a connection with them? Yes. Did they get their heartbroken? Yes. Do they have a good backstory? Yes. So yeah, he’s clearly in the running. As I say every year, I do not care who gets the lead role. As long as there’s a season, that’s all I care about.
Hey Steve,
Did you see the petition Ashley I made to put Ben Higgins as the host of the Golden Bachelor??? So cringe! I know Ben has grumpy old man energy, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be a better host than Jesse. I know Jesse isn’t in his golden years, so it may be odd to see him mentor Gerry, but at least he’s older than Ben. And Jesse overall has done a great job as host. This is one of the dumbest things Ashley I has done- she (and Ben, who probably asked her to do this) is shading Jesse and going to put themselves on the show’s naughty list lol.
Comment: I didn’t hear about it until people told me. I mean, I’m assuming Jesse is hosting the show since he was the one who informed Gerry on a Zoom call he was the Golden Bachelor. So I don’t know why they’d try and pitch someone else to host. Seems kinda pointless.
Hey RS…I know that you can’t get every single thing right about the show, but you do get more right than not. However, I’m confused on your Joey information. Before Monday’s episode, you didn’t know where he finished on the season. You said you thought he didn’t make it to Fiji. Then we saw the preview of him there. Then on Tuesday you said you knew the order of the overnight dates with Xavier going first, then Joey, then Dotun. How do you know order if you didn’t know Joey made it to Fiji until Monday night?
Comment: Fair question. Hmmmm, how can I answer this? Because it sounds like you’re gonna doubt how I know regardless of what I say since I haven’t provided any proof. But I can. I could post something that I currently have in my DM’s that would confirm the overnight date order went Xavier, Joey, then Dotun. However, that would 100% compromise a source so I can’t show the proof. Just know I do have it. So while I understand the skepticism, there’s nothing I can do to prove to you without compromising a source, which is something I’ll never do.
Hi Steve,
I listen to your daily round up every morning (Big Fan)
Regarding the golden bachelor , do you think they’ll have the same format as the regular bachelor/bachelorette shows? I can’t see the seniors getting into a hot tub or going to the fantasy suites , just curious as to how you think it’ll be seen., group dates and all , maybe they can do a bingo night that would be funny lol , but anyway i appreciate all you do for us viewers , keep up the good work!!
Comment: It’s hard to know since we’ve never seen them do a show like this, but if I’m them, I tone down the sexual innuendos and focus less on the physical aspect of things – the hot tubs, the multiple make outs in one night, focus on any fantasy suites – and kinda turn their attention towards connections, backstories, and getting to know the women more.
Hi Steve,
I listen to both of your podcasts everyday, and I really like them both! Thank you for all the work you put in daily to keep your listeners/readers informed.
Can you please put me on the list to contact next year for your Fan Appreciation Night in Las Vegas? I would really like to come. I wanted to come this year, but hotels were just too expensive for me. Anyways, I’m looking forward to it, and I can’t wait to try the chicken strips. 🙂 The early list for people who want in is already about 40-50 people deep. It doesn’t guarantee anything since flight/hotel confirmation is your admittance into the party, but I’ve never had this many people this far in advance want to be a part of it. I’m sure I’ll have the date set in January of 2024. I would think the party is either gonna be June 7th or 14th next year. So anyone interested, just know that’s what we’re looking at. Is it possible I hold it on my birthday and do Friday, May 31st? I guess. I’m gonna look at hotel prices those 3 weekends and see which one fits best.
I heard on the Sport’s Daily today that you started watching “Quarterback.” I am an almost 61 year old sports fan, and I watched the whole series in two days. I am from Minnesota, and have watched the Vikings since I’ve been four years old, (I wonder if I’ll die before they win a super bowl? haha) and it was so great to see Kirk Cousins, along with Mahomes and Mariota. It is SO well done, and I think every episode gets better and better! As you said today it’s unique, because we actually get to see their everyday lives. From watching this, I got to see what an amazing husband/father/man Kirk Cousins is. The show definitely highlighted how Kirk was repeatedly pummeled by the defenses, making me wonder where the hell our front line is. Patrick Mahomes is an incredible talent, and he’s a “warrior.” (I’m not sure any of us realized how bad his ankle injury was during the playoffs last year). I learned about Mariota too, but when he basically walks out on the team he is no longer on the docuseries.
If you have the time, please email me back once you’ve watched the whole series. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you! Have a great day!
Comment: I would suggest listening to today’s Sports Daily, as I talk about Cousins a lot. Sounds like you already do, but definitely listen today.
The show is excellent. And even if you’re not a Chiefs, Vikings, or Falcons/Mariota fan, as long as you’re a football fan, I don’t know how you can’t like the show. It’s really unprecedented access we’ve gotten to players before that covered a whole season. As for Cousins, I go over a lot of this in the pod, but here’s the short version. He’s been a starter in the league for 9 years now. He’s led his team to some great seasons. He’s put up some great stats. He’s got the best receiver in the NFL on his team. But at some point, he’s gotta start playing well when it matters most, and that’s the playoffs. 9 year starter in the NFL and his career playoff record is 1-4. While he’s absolutely a serviceable NFL QB, he’s never going to be considered elite until he plays better when the lights shine brightest. And unfortunately, he just hasn’t. Ultimately at the end of your career, you’re judged by how well you played when it mattered most. And right now through 9 seasons, his resume is very thin in that area. Facts are facts.
I appreciate your work you do for us. Thank you.
I know you aren’t going to pursue info on the Golden Bachelor, but I thought info might have come to you. All reports I have read said that Gerry and his wife has two daughters; however, pics show four women. I’m not sure if the other two are their partners or daughters from previous relationships. Let us know if you have heard anything.
PS. It is my understanding that Gerry is just a different spelling of Gary.
Comment: I did see that pic of four women, but I didn’t deep dive into seeing who the other two were, so I’m not sure.
Thank you for the Daily Roundup. I enjoy it!
Have you heard anything about Victoria Fuller and Greg Grippo? I follow both on Insta and they are not posting fun things together like they used to. No. And I get this email every day. I don’t follow either on social, but the fact that people are telling me this every day, I don’t know, usually ends up meaning something because you’re all following them closely. And how many times have we seen contestants post about each other non stop, and then all the sudden it slows down, and voila! A breakup announcement follows shortly thereafter. I don’t know a single thing about their relationship, nor do I claim to. But if their social media activity has died down as much as people are saying it is, well, I guess we just wait and see. Based on past relationships, it’s been shown to never be a good sign. By the way, what happened to her podcast?
Also, Kaitlyn Bristowe and Jason Tartick? Something feels off with them too. I wish they would just get married after all this time.
Maybe the summer heat is getting to me and I need to stop analyzing social media!!
Comment: I think it’s fair to wonder that, and maybe talk amongst your friends about it. I just hope you aren’t sharing this with either of them or writing it on their IG captions. It’s unnecessary. It’s their relationship. Let them handle it however they want to.
Good evening! Hope all is well. Love your page and podcast. My question is about Brayden and him coming back. When he left obviously they out him up in a hotel would he have normally gone to the airport and headed home or do they wait til the rose ceremony is over and send them all to the airport together? I guess basically what I’m asking is did they purposely keep him around to go back and cause more drama? Thanks for what you do!
Comment: When Warwick got eliminated in San Diego, he was sent home the next day. That’s the case for anyone who gets eliminated before a rose ceremony. But Brayden was kept around because that was gonna be his storyline. Yes, he was purposely kept around so they could do exactly what they did.
Hey Steve-
You mentioned the free fries promo at McDonald’s on the podcast. I encourage those who eat at Mickie Dees to get the app. It has all kinds of deals and freebies and lets you special order everything and enables you to cut the line. It’s the closest many of us can get to the high roller treatment of Reality Steve in Vegas. Mmmmmmmm…fries.
For the Mount Rushmore of bullshitters on your weekly podcast, I nominate Colton, James Taylor, Paulie and Evan (Temptation Island). Am I missing anyone? I think you nailed the biggest four. Can’t think of anyone else who came on with agenda and spewed that agenda successfully better than those four did.
Do you feel you are losing out on collaboration deals with shows you love and talk about regularly or does the content and supply of guests outweigh that? It’s all up to the shows themselves. They just aren’t doing paid collabs anymore like they used to. Not sure why. I’d like to do both where we collab, I get paid, and I promote the show and have their contestants on, which also increases engagement. But just not to be right now.
I recommend watching at least 1 episode of Deep Fake Love on Netflix. Some similarities to Temptation but they show participants videos of their partners and make them guess if the videos are real or fake for prize money at the end. This tech is pretty incredible and has already been used in political smear campaigns.
Comment: I’ve heard of that one. But now I’ve got too many shows on my plate. If I don’t get to it before football season, you can pretty much eliminate me picking up any new shows til after the Super Bowl.
Hi Steve,
Johnny Bananas recently had Wells on his podcast and Wells mentioned how he had this whole plan in place to get Bananas on Paradise last year. Apparently, Wells was in talks with producers, but it fell through because Bananas made it too far on Ride or Dies and the filming schedules overlapped. What are your thoughts on a franchise overlap like that? Not sure if Wells was exaggerating how much input he has, but he seems very committed to getting Bananas on the show.
Comment: I find it hard to believe. The Bachelor/ette has been on 47 seasons. Bachelor in Paradise just completed its 9th season. In 56 seasons, no contestant has ever been on MTV first, then come into this franchise. Hell, basically no one who’s ever been on a previous reality dating show on any platform has then come on to the Bachelor/ette. So why all the sudden would they do that for Bananas? This show doesn’t cast people who are known commodities already. 56 seasons in the books proves that out. They can talk about it all they want. I just don’t think it was ever realistic. They would’ve done it by now if that’s what the show was after.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.