Well it’s finally here. Through a lot of sources and all the notes I’ve gathered throughout the season, here are all your spoilers for Joey’s season. Every date, rose, elimination, and some storylines to look for when his season begins on January 22nd, 2024. The earliest I’ve ever had in a while, which I tell you all the time, I never know when I’m gonna get info on any given season – I just know that I will. I’d say this one is pretty detailed, there’s no other site out there that’s close to having any of this. The show has one run :15 promo for the season thus far. That’s it. And now from this point forward, there’s really nothing else to figure out for the season. Kinda fun, no? At least for me it is. If I find out any more details as the season goes on, obviously I will add them to these spoilers. But this is pretty much everything. Once the season starts, every Monday I’ll be putting that episodes spoilers on social media to refresh peoples memories since it’s still another 2 months before the season starts. Enjoy.
Rose Ceremony #1 (32 women down to 22)
-When the Bachelor Facebook page released all the potential women for Joey’s season before filming started, they gave us 32. All 32 women ended up being cast. No one got cut prior to filming.
-The biggest story of night 1 was what happened with Lea, the girl who met Joey on the ATFR of Charity’s season and was a given a card that she couldn’t open until the night of the limo entrances. Back on October 18th, I spoiled on Instagram that the letter gave her the opportunity to steal someone’s 1-on-1 at any point during the season.
However, Lea decided against that and threw the letter in the fire. She said she felt like she wanted to be chosen by Joey for a 1-on-1 and not have to steal one from someone else.
Joey respected this decision and, in turn, gave Lea the first impression rose.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Chandler Dewgard, Kayla Rodgers, Kyra Brusch, Lanie Latsios, Natalie Crepeau, Samantha Hale, Samantha Washington, Sandra Rabadi, Talyah Jackson, and Zoe Antona.
The 22 women remaining after the first rose ceremony were:
Allison Hollinger
Autumn Waggoner
Chrissa Perez
Daisy Kent
Edwina Dorbor
Erika Cardenas
Evalin Clark
Jenn Tran
Jessica Edwards
Katelyn DeBacker
Kelsey Anderson
Kelsey Toussant
Lauren Hollinger
Lea Cayanan
Lexi Young
Madina Alam
Maria Georgas
Marlena Haddad
Rachel Nance
Starr Skyler
Sydney Gordon
Taylor Weins
Rose Ceremony #2: 22 to 18 (Los Angeles, CA)
Group Date: 9 women on this date: Erika, Evalin, Jess, Kelsey T., Lauren, Lexi, Maria, Rachel, and Taylor. Wedding themed group date with all of them in wedding dresses. Wedding reception and there was a live audience. They had to do a toast in “roast-like” fashion. Jessica Edwards got the group date rose.
1-on-1: Daisy Kent. Took a helicopter to the BeachLife Ranch Festival in Redondo Beach, CA.
(SPOILER): Video and photo of Joey and Daisy on their 1-on-1 date at the BeachLife Festival in Redondo Beach now. pic.twitter.com/gY8JZUTzuB
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) September 23, 2023
Group Date: 10 women on this date: Allison, Autumn, Chrissa, Edwina, Jenn, Katelyn, Kelsey A, Madina, Marlena, and Starr. They went paintballing. Two former contestants were on this date – Demi and someone I can’t remember. They made the girls on the date choose who got the 1-on-1 after, and they couldn’t agree on anyone, so they drew names. Edwina was the one who ended up getting 1-on-1 time with him after the date. Edwina Dorbor got the group date rose.
Lea Cayanan and Sydney Gordon did not get dates this week.
Lauren Hollinger eliminated herself during the cocktail party. Thought her sister Allison liked him more and she wasn’t feeling it so she left.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Erika Cardenas, Marlena Haddad, and Taylor Weins. Lauren already self-eliminated during cocktail party.
Rose Ceremony #3: 18 to 15 (Los Angeles, CA)
Group Date: 8 women played the “Bachelor Open” tennis. 4 teams of 2. Evalin & Kelsey T. Starr and Rachel. Jess and Katelyn. Autumn and Daisy. All had to play in Halloween costumes. Kelsey and Evalin ended up winning. Katelyn DeBacker got the group date rose.
1-on-1: Jenn Tran. Went surfing.
Group Date: 9 women on the date: Allison, Chrissa, Edwina, Kelsey A., Maria, Madina, Lexi, Lea, and Sydney. This was a Talent Show date. This is where drama started brewing between Sydney Gordon and Maria Georgas. It had to do with initially Madina being self-conscious about her age she was one of the older ones on the show. Maria made a comment about it that Sydney heard, so she told Madina and Maria had issue with Sydney. Kelsey Anderson got the group date rose.
Joey cancels the cocktail party in exchange for a pool party the day of the rose ceremony, something that seemingly happens all the time when there’s major drama. The pool party ended up being all about the Maria vs Sydney drama.
Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Chrissa Perez, Evalin Clark and Starr Skyler.