-You know, when it comes to covering Daisy this season, I almost feel like I kinda need to sit it out. Because anything I say remotely positive about Daisy will be turned into, “Well of course you like her, your niece is her sister’s best friend” blah blah blah and will be totally misconstrued. So for the most part, I’m not gonna really cover anything that Daisy does on this show that in depth. It’s a lose-lose for me. I don’t think she’s involved in any drama, we know what the spoiler is, so lets just let the season play out from here.
-I do have an observation from last night after watching her 1-on-1 with Joey though, and that’s this. I know that people are convinced Daisy would be the perfect Bachelorette because of her backstory and everything like that. But after watching her tell Joey her struggles with her cochlear implant, and even seeing the clip from last weeks episode where she was having a hard time hearing someone in a conversation of 3 people, to me, my opinion is Daisy could never be the “Bachelorette” because it would be too overwhelming for her. Really? Her in a slew of 25-30 guys at a cocktail party? Her having a hard time hearing others unless she’s looking at them face-to-face? I’m sorry, I just don’t see it. I don’t think it’s something that would fit her whatsoever, and she’d probably be intimidated by the whole thing. It never struck me until I watched her date with Joey last night.
-The other observation from their date last night. Well, two. 1) Joey wears his emotions on his face. Horrible poker face. 2) Joey seems to be an EXCELLENT listener. Look, when you’re in the lead role, you probably go on 8-10 1-on-1 dates a season. And my guess is, on average, the lead probably really only cares about half of them. There’s the idea of being on a 1-on-1 and for TV purposes having to feign interest, and then there’s a genuine connection. Even with Edwina later on in the episode, I actually feel like Joey is listening to what these women have to say, which I don’t think you can say for every Bachelor before him. So kudos to him for that. His date with Daisy last night, given the circumstances for a first date, finding out about her cochlear implant AFTER the whole song and dance on stage, went about as well for a first date as we’ve seen on this show. Was really impressed with Joey.
-The Maria/Madina/Sydney dispute was a confusing one. Sydney I get was defending her friend Madina, but clearly admitted she didn’t hear the conversation. So for her to step in was her mistake. I kinda get what Maria was saying, but her aggressiveness and how she talked to the other women I could see how it turned them off. As I say every season, there’s different levels of “villainy.” When I told you months ago that Maria was the villain this season, I specifically said I had no idea how it was gonna come across, I didn’t know what level of villainy she was, but, she was the one woman in the house that the others didn’t get along with. Just going off last nights episode, Maria’s level of villainy is quite low. Like, barely above Brayden, who within the shows definition of villain, was about as tame as you could get. Maria isn’t necessarily a villain because of what she said, but more of how she said it and how she rubbed others wrongly. Fair or not, we’ve had one EVERY season for 48 seasons. Maria is this seasons. Doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, doesn’t mean she’s the worst human walking the face of the earth, etc. But in the context of this show, and how they choose to show certain contestants, she’s gonna be the one who doesn’t mesh with the others in the house. Hence, the villain.
I’m gonna finish up some thoughts tomorrow on this, but, I need to get this posted and head back to bed for a couple hours. Just need some rest.
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