So yesterday I felt so just “blah” when I woke up that I never got around to writing out my thoughts on Monday nights episode. I will combine my thoughts over the last 2 nights in today’s column. Starting with Lexi where I thought it was great that she shared her endometriosis story with America since there are way more people that watch this show over people who follow her on IG where she went into more detail on it. Last week, I included all 3 of her videos in the column for you to watch. The crazy thing is, of all the women who have ever appeared on this show in 28 Bachelor seasons, I gotta believe someone else besides Lexi has suffered from it. Lexi is just the first one to talk about it openly, and for that, I applaud her. Couldn’t have been easy to share that with him knowing all of America will judge her. The reaction so far has been positive, which is good. I just hope the sentiment stays that way since we know how brutal this audience can be, even on the most sensitive of topics.
The group date on Monday where the women were, ummmmm, auditioning(?) to become a knight was pretty laughable. I mean, I’ve never trained to become a knight. I have no idea what it entails. But I’m pretty sure to be granted knighthood, you really don’t have to catch flying sausages in your mouth. Call me crazy. Then again, this show HAS to put its women in some sort of activity every season that completely embarrasses them. And sometimes you just have to scratch your head about it. You know why? Because YOSEF’S DAUGHTER IS AT HOME WATCHING!!!!!! Don’t they get it?
As for the 2-on-1 on Monday night, there’s really no need to keep talking about this feud. Clearly things aren’t adding up. What Sydney is saying isn’t matching up with what’s being shown. And both women have taken to social media throwing shade, so it’s really impossible to know who to believe. Either Sydney came on this show and just decided out of thin air, “I’m going to make up every single thing about Maria in order to try and get her eliminated from the show based on nothing,” or, editing has left some things on the cutting room floor. I’m sure we’ll hear more at the WTA because without a doubt, the WTA this season will be a blood bath because it’s gonna no doubt center around Maria and Sydney’s feud. And then after last night, you’ve also got Leah and Jess who have a problem with Maria. So either all these women are making all this up out of, I don’t know, jealousy or whatever, but I’ve been covering this show long enough, and when that many women have an issue with one person, it usually isn’t for no reason.
Now, Maria hasn’t done anything remotely egregious that we’ve been shown. However, it’s pretty clear to me, as I reported on this very thing months ago when I first heard it, it’s just that she was the one girl this season that the women didn’t get along with. Hell, in last Monday’s episode when she sat with Joey at the pool, Maria admitted to him that “maybe I don’t realize how I come across.” And that could just be it. She definitely is confident, but yes, in a house full of other women competing for the same man, that can come off as cocky, aggressive, etc. She definitely isn’t good at arguing because when women do have an issue with her, she tends to interrupt and get louder. And if that’s the case, we’ve absolutely seen way worse “villains” than her. You’re never going to put 30 women in a house and they’re all gonna get along. Ever. We’ve seen this happen for 28 seasons now. Just so happens Maria is that woman this season. Which is fine. Doesn’t give anyone the right to send death threats and nasty messages to ANY of them. Maria’s gotten them, Madina’s gotten them (which they’ve both shared on social media), and I’m sure Maria has to. Man, the WTA is going to be a shit show.
If you heard my podcast this morning, I flat out say it: Last night’s episode, to me, was a whole bunch of nothing. And that’s not a knock on any of the contestants, or the dates. My thoughts are it’s just the same exact thing we’ve seen over and over and over. Kelsey A. and Rachel get 1-on-1’s, there’s a group date, there’s more Maria drama at the cocktail party. And drama that we’ve seen 100 times before. Jess is all fired up and can’t wait to talk to Joey at the cocktail party. And then what happens? Oh no! Jesse ends the cocktail party before Jess can talk to him and, whaddya know, Maria already with a rose DID get time with him. I mean, 48 seasons in, at this point, if Jess didn’t talk to him it’s because producers purposely didn’t allow her to. She should know this and realize that was all a set up. No, they didn’t “run out of time.” If they wanted Jess to talk to Joey, producers would’ve made it happen. They control the narrative on everything. So Jess got done in by producers and overreacted. Period. BUT, that’s exactly what producers wanted. They saw how much she wanted to talk to him, so they made sure the opposite happened, and they got the desired effect they wanted. This is nothing new.
Maybe when next week rolls around I’ll have more profound thoughts on what airs. And maybe it was just because I had to endure 4 hrs over the last 2 nights. But man, these episodes really did nothing for me. I can’t bring myself to dissect the drama on this show when it’s stuff we’ve seen 100 times before. It’s wash, rinse, repeat at this point.
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