Did you notice how last night from the very first scene of Joey shooting an ITM in Montreal they have started laying the groundwork for Joey feeling insecure that none of the women want him and that he’ll choose someone at the end but they won’t choose him? Yeah, don’t be fooled by that. They’re going to drill it in your pie hole for the next few episodes that Joey is going to get rejected in the end, which means the exact opposite is gonna happen. Hell, we even saw on the preview last night of Daisy basically saying she’s not gonna say things just so she can get a rose. So clearly that’s gonna be the show trying to put doubt in the viewers minds that Daisy is a finale candidate. Same tricks, new season. Don’t be fooled.
You know, every time this franchise either visits Canada or mentions it (thinking Blake on Katie’s season), they ALWAYS have to mention poutine. Always. It’s never failed. Canada apparently has no other redeeming qualities other than a plate of fries covered in gravy which, if I’m being honest, sounds damn tasty right now. I’ve never had poutine. But considering fries are my vice, I’m 99.9999999% sure I’d hoover a plate of poutine and enjoy every second of it. I just don’t know why this show seems to diminish Canada every chance they get to this plate of food. I’m sure they have much more to offer. You know, like maple syrup and moose like Lea said when she arrived in Canada. I wonder how the Canadian Tourism Board feels about all these stereotypes being thrown out there?
They started with a group date of 8 women which is rare for this show. Especially when it’s down to 10-12 people I can’t remember when they ever started with a group date and immediately that meant they knew who had the two 1-on-1’s for the week. But it happened last night, and the daytime group date, I’m sorry, seemed like it was something thrown together in about 15 minutes. There was nothing special about that date at all. It seemed like it was more “lets get through the day portion because night time is when all the good stuff will take place.” And basically it did. The day portion only gave us numerous women left feeling insecure about their relationship with Joey because the numbers were dwindling and they were seeing him having connections with other women.
So at the after party, two big things happened: Jess was let go and Lexi came to a revelation based on what Joey told her. The Jess elimination I can’t say any of us were surprised. She had gotten to week 6 without a 1-on-1 and it was clear others had a stronger relationship with Joey, so he let her go. Which I’m sure gave Nick Viall all the warm fuzzies since according to Mr. Expert, Joey was taking the easy way out this season by not elimination any women before a rose ceremony. This apparently has really bothered Nick and didn’t feel Joey was being genuine by doing this. For the love of God, can someone put a muzzle on him? Since when is he the authority on how leads should navigate their season? Has anyone ever told him that maybe, just maybe not everyone has to do what he thinks they should do and every leads journey is different? Well no, clearly they haven’t told him that because he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. The. Worst.
Then Lexi has a talk with Joey and he does something I can’t say I remember any past lead ever flat out telling another woman during a date. Joey laid out his marriage/kids timeline. Have we ever seen this before? I honestly can’t remember ever hearing this. Anyway, Lexi tells him because of her endometriosis, her clock is ticking more than others and she’s looking to have kids within the next couple years. Totally understandable. Joey shoots back with he wants to be engaged for 2-3 years and then wants to be married at least 2 years before having kids. Soooooo, ladies looking to bear Joey’s children, start your 5 year clock now! Hey, it’s Joey’s choice and he can do whatever he wants. I guess I’m just surprised he admitted that publicly, because I’m guessing most women who choose to come on this show in hopes of getting engaged, aren’t on that timeline at all. He’s already telling someone at the end of this thing if we get engaged, expect to wait 2-3 years before we get married? Uhhhhh, if that’s what he wants, ok. I’m just not so sure others are following suit. Joey is one of the top 3 Bachelors this show has ever had in my opinion. His timeline doesn’t take away from that. I just find it interesting he said that out loud.