The first 1-on-1 with Kelsey T seemed like they basically wanted to give Joey vertigo having them do all that Cirque de Soleil stuff. Holy Jesus, no thanks. There’s a reason those people are professionals and do that for a living and we overpay to watch their shows. They’re excellent. Throwing an average person like Joey and Kelsey T up in these contraptions seemingly is only gonna make one or both of them wanna throw up their lunch. While Joey seemed to be kinda ok with it (?), on the inside he looked like he was miserable doing all this acrobatic shit. I think he’d rather be hitting forehand winners down the line than being strapped in a drape and bouncing up and down like he’s in a baby bouncer. Who thinks of these dates?
We’ve heard some tragic stories from the women this season on their 1-on-1’s. It’s been endless. From Daisy’s hearing loss, to Lexi’s endometriosis, to Kelsey A’s mothers passing, Joey has been dealt with some heavy stories. Kelsey T. was really no different and, again, not something I think we’ve ever heard. Talked about having a great relationship with her father until she decided not to either “join” or “participate” in his religion, and then he basically cut her off. She didn’t name the religion, but this seemed much more serious than “Hey Kelsey, I wanna see you going to church more.” This sounded more about mind control and when she wasn’t interested in succumbing to whatever he wanted her to join, he decided to basically cut off his own daughter. That’s brutal. Don’t get me started. I’m not gonna speculate on what this was so we’ll just leave it at that, but that was a pretty rough story to hear and I feel for Kelsey having to go through something like that.
Maria’s “Pretty Woman” date seemed to be planned for her all season knowing she was Canadian and knowing they’d be going to Canada in episodes 6 & 7. So it doesn’t surprise me she got her 1-on-1 in her home country. I think Joey likes Maria, I think Joey’s attracted to Maria, I think Joey and Maria get along quite easy. I also think Joey never saw her as the woman in the end for him. Their relationship, at least what’s been shown to us, seems to be pretty surface level to two people who are physically attracted to each other but there isn’t much depth outside of that to their relationship. The date itself is a date we’ve seen numerous times as well. The one thing I caught was when Maria was being picked up, there was only 6 women on the couch with her – Lexi and Kelsey A. were missing. Which I think lends to the fact of what I’d reported, which was that Lexi’s departure happened before the 1-on-1’s. Maybe it happened after Kelsey T.’s but before Maria’s date, but I really don’t think it happened in the order it was shown last night. Just a hunch and Lexi not even being there when Maria was getting picked up for her date tells me a lot.
Lexi goes to Joey’s room and basically tells him her timeline doesn’t match up with his so she’s gonna peace out. She’s Outtie 5000. Yes, we said Outtie 5000 in the 90’s and I have no idea why. I don’t even know what it means. Have no idea what it’s a reference towards, no idea who came up with it – nothing. But yeah, I’d throw you an Outtie 5000 at you on occasion. Moral of the story, I was an idiot when I was a teenager. I never said I’m gonna “skidaddle” though. Thank God I stayed away from that one. Where was I? Oh yeah, Lexi is making like a tree and getting out of there (you better know that movie reference). I’m gonna guess that Lexi was gonna be part of Joey’s final 4 if she didn’t leave. Just a guess on my part. But it’s neither of theirs fault. Sometimes timing just doesn’t work. And that’s what happened in this situation. Nothin to be mad at here. Just two people who couldn’t get on the same page. We’ve all been there.
Next week we know Daisy and Kelsey A. have 1-on-1 dates, but I didn’t pay enough attention to the preview to know if the remaining date is a 4 person group date where he gives out two roses or what. We know Kelsey T. and Maria don’t get 1-on-1’s since they just had one. So either Jenn or Rachel get a 1-on-1 and there’s a 3 person group date, or, it’s what I mentioned earlier. I’ll got watch the preview again today and report back. And hopefully the press release for next weeks episode comes out today and will explain a little better. I do remember at the time based on when they filmed this episode and when the first hometown was (Daisy’s), it didn’t seem like it was an episode that had a rose ceremony. Seemed more like it was like a typical episode-before-hometowns where roses were given out on the dates.
If I hear anything more regarding the ending that’s never happened before, you’ll be the first to know. I really wanna get to the bottom of this because I do find it interesting and, the more I think about it, I’m pretty sure it was a producers idea that wasn’t too hard to execute.
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