Hi Steve,
I actually like it when this happens! It makes the season more exciting and more things to talk about at the end. Now I can go back and look more at Kelsey.
Thank you for more fun spoilers!
Comment: Hey, that’s one way to look at it. Might be a tad late in the game, but, still probably will help a little to pay more attention to Kelsey.
The most telling thing for me last week while we were waiting on your information confirming or not confirming the original spoiler winner was when he was asked on some podcast interview to describe each of the remaining women in one word off the top of his head…for Daisy he chose “kind”; Kelsey T – “strong”; Jenn – “spunky”; Maria – “one of a kind”; Rachel – “fun”; and Kelsey A – “beautiful”….
He’s such a genuine, caring person that I couldn’t see him being engaged to someone and calling her “kind” while calling another woman he WASN’T engaged to, “beautiful”….that was the first time I started to believe it was Kelsey A.
Comment: Oh I didn’t see that interview. Even so, I still never put too much stock into TV interviews the lead does because they’re coached to say things. And for me, I really only care about definitive, concrete, proof. Something like that is something that holds more importance after the fact now that we know Kelsey won.
I can’t believe people give you so much shit about getting the final person switched. For gods sake you’ve gotten all the other information and down to the last 2. Wow I think it’s awesome what you do get for us. I love spoilers and knowing the end of stories so then I can enjoy and see how it all comes together. Thank you for what you do. I appreciate it.
Comment: I know. But believe it or not, there is. And they are quite the loud bunch. But I think it says more about their lives more than anything.
Hi Steve –
Now that the spoiler has changed, I am predicting your niece and her friend will try to set you up with Daisy at the fan appreciation party. Ha ha, that’s not happening. I’m almost 25 years older than Daisy. I have no interest in dating a mid 20’s girl. Not to mention, probably a good chance Daisy will be Bachelorette and be engaged by the time of my party.
Did you find it odd that SNL would fire a guy before he ever appeared on air for offensive comments but have him host a few years later? Yeah that whole Shane Gillis thing was crazy. Then again, he’s basically the hottest stand up on the circuit now, so, I get why SNL could let bygones be bygones and have him host.
Farmer – I think most women on this show hope to come in 2nd to get airtime but avoid a life of isolation and physical labor. Yeah, I think maybe one woman in each group is probably interested in that life and that’s it.
Congratulations to Emanuel but that edit kept me on the edge of my seat to see if Nurys would zip through the puzzle and beat him. I’m definitely thinking Berna copied Colleen on the puzzle. I’m just glad that Jay or Michelle did not win. What an anti-climactic ending. I think his dirty laundry might get aired out on reunion tonight. Apparently he hooked up with 3 different women this season all while crying about his gf back home.
Which will you watch live – Survivor or Challenge reunion? Definitely Survivor, then will watch the reunion on my DVR when Survivor is over. Remember, Survivor for the first 2 weeks of the season are 2 hr episodes, then goes back to 90 min episodes the rest of the season.
Love is Blind – The online hateful comments on Chelsea since the Megan Fox comparison have been relentless. I’m not even sure if Megan Fox looks like Megan Fox at this point. Jimmy also gets a ton of hate (one repeated insult is that he looks like a “walking thumb”). Finally, Jessica, whom I think is one of the hottest women in recent memory on a reality show, gets blasted for her epi pen comment. As they give minimal airtime to people who don’t couple up, I have to wonder if men other than Jimmy were pursuing her or if her personality isn’t that great. For the LIB fans, I definitely recommend the Brazil, Japan and Sweden versions. In Brazil, almost every couple is banging soon after leaving the pods. In Japan, banging is not mentioned but they get extra credit for casting a 50+ year old guy.
Comment: I can barely tolerate the US version, I don’t know if I can do the other iterations of it. One LIB is good enough for me. I’m invested, but I can’t add more seasons.
Holy #@&%$!! That was a huge announcement today. But after watching last night’s show it makes sense. I was not getting good vibes from Daisy. And, to be honest, when Joey’s with her I don’t see a strong physical attraction. His date with Kelsey seemed much warmer, and was pretty obvious that she’s gaga over him and vice-versa. And I’m not surprised to hear that Daisy goes to Kelsey and tells her “she’s the one” when she realizes it’s NOT her. Daisy seems very mature and well-balanced, and a very genuine person. Might be the nicest gesture anyone has ever made on this show! Everything about this season is on a higher level. Even the quasi-villain Maria turns about to be someone very likeable. And, i especially like the fact that there aren’t so many professions of love thus far. and typically they start to fly around hometown dates. It’s been getting ridiculous in recent seasons how many people profess being in love and the leads telling multiple people they’re in love with them.
Last week you mentioned that you felt Joey was in the top three best Bachelors, and I agree. I think he’s number one. Mature, genuine, handles all his break-ups well. I’ll be sad when this season is over as who knows if we’ll eve see anyone match his standards. Extremely refreshing! I wouldn’t argue if someone had him as #1. He’s not the most excitable guy in the world, but, he doesn’t need to be.
Kudos on the spoiler – even if it’s a corrected one! It’s still getting to us long before the end. I’m actually happy it’s Kelsey as I’ve been worried about watching her get dumped at the altar. Not sure about Daisy s the Bachelorette. I’d like to see Jenn.
Comment: I wouldn’t get your hopes up about Jenn. Not happening. This is between Daisy and Maria. We’ll know in a couple of weeks.
No Bach related info in my comment/question today. Jimmy from LIB is 1000% Justin Thomas look alike. I said it to my self before you even said in on your pod. Now I can’t not see it when I watch lol. Apparently in an article he said he looks like Christian McCaffery, but I don’t see it lol. He’s telling people HE thinks he looks like CMC? How bold of him ha ha.
Glad you listened to the Johnny Manziel info and all that he said. As an Aggie, A&M should have named Kyle field after him. We built that brand new stadium because of him. Also after listening to all he said about Kyler Murray and Sumlin, all I’m left thinking is, “dang what could have been for the aggies”.
Seeeee yaaaaa
Comment: I still haven’t listened to the whole Club Shay Shay podcast, but I need to. I love how candid he was and held nothing back, even stories that made him look horrible. I really respect people who take accountability for their behavior. Especially someone like him who’s ego was clearly out of control in college. Tom Sandoval on the other hand…
Hi Steve. Your spoilers and recaps inject life into this old show and make it more fun to watch. My husband asks me why I would want the season spoiled, and I say it is because it adds another dimension to watching the show. I don’t care if you are wrong. The ending doesn’t matter as much as seeing it all play out and how the producers dictate the narrative. Last night they clearly tried to convince us that Daisy was the one, because they showed Joey’s face drop when she told him she wasn’t falling in love yet. His reactions to all the other girls’ professions of love have been much more tepid, and that is by design. Because of your spoiler they were steering us in that direction so they can set us up for a trick ending. So I hope you don’t feel bad over getting it wrong! It’s all part of the fun and keeps the producers on their toes having to orchestrate new stuff and keep us engaged.
Comment: I mean, if I was wrong every single season, your sentiment would probably change ha ha. You’d be like, “Geez, stop giving us the wrong ending.” But that’s why I know this is nothing more than a blip. Next season, I’m back at it trying to get as much info as possible.