You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. Episode. We’ve got some things to cover in bachelor nation, Jason Tardik, Kat Stickler, Daisy has, well, she hasn’t confirmed anything, but what we’ve pretty much known for the last couple of months was reported yesterday by us weekly, we now know where Maria is doing her first podcast appearance that was posted yesterday.
I’ve also got thoughts on American idol from Sunday night. I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet. But, I did watch Sunday Nights when it went from 10 to 8, and I’ve got some thoughts on that. Remember when I talked about Milf Manor 2? And I was like, what possible twist could they give us in Season 2 that’s gonna beat Season 1, where these women were dating men who were all brought in on their 20s, but they were the sons of all the women?
Well, we’ve got season twos twist. I didn’t watch the premiere episode, but I know what the twist is. Taylor Swift is dominating the charts once again, and maybe, maybe I’m going to fill you in on an addiction that I have, and it is probably one of the weirder things you’ve ever heard, but I’m seriously addicted to doing this.
Talk about that momentarily. All right, let’s get going. Um, we’ve got some things to talk about in bachelor nation. First up, I thought this was interesting. Look, nobody is remotely surprised. It’s not even really breaking news that Jason Tardik is dating Kat Stickler. They have posted from the same location, the same vacation spots, the same hotel rooms, numerous times over the last couple of months.
So. When people magazine broke this weekend, when, or it was last weekend, when they were at an event together in New York. And then right after that, sources tell them that Jason and cat were very cozy together. It’s just like, okay, they were there. That’s why they saw it. But again, they were at stagecoach this past weekend.
If you look on Jason’s Instagram stories again, he never posts with her. He always makes sure she’s out of shot and she always posts where she is. And they’re always in the same place. Like It’s the worst kept secret, but he had her on his podcast that aired yesterday. It was recorded a month ago, but on the podcast, he mentions that she was approached to be the bachelorette in 2021.
Now here, here’s the thing. When you saw the story, when I saw the story on us weekly, the story on the main page of us weekly, the headline said, Jason Tardik’s girlfriend, Kat Stickler was asked to be the bachelorette in 2021. So you click on the story and the headline says cat stickler was approached to be the bachelorette in 2021.
There’s a major difference between being asked and being approached. You know why? Because they approach numerous people. Hell, they even ask numerous people. It doesn’t even matter. It’s not even a story. If someone is asked to be the bachelorette, I’m sorry, cat stickler for however spunky she may be. Was never going to be the bachelorette.
She was never even considered seriously. Did they probably reach out to her? Sure. Do you know how many people they reach out to in regards to this? And how many times do I got to say it in 21 seasons of the bachelorette, 21, even though we’ve had 23 bachelorettes, because there were two seasons where there were two bachelorettes.
Every single Bachelorette is someone that was a contestant on the show before they’ve never wavered outside of this franchise to find their Bachelorette for the Bachelor. They did it a few times in the beginning, but ever since Brad Womack 2. 0, they’ve never done it once if, unless you want to count Matt James, but Matt James was set to be on Claire season and then the pandemic hit.
So probably he was going to be the Bachelor anyway. On Claire season, if he shows up on it, if there’s no pandemic and he becomes one of Claire’s contestants. He shows up, he becomes a contestant on that season. He was probably going to be the bachelor after that, for the sake of argument. If you want to say he was never a previous contestant, technically, I guess you’re right, but ever since Brad Womack 1.
0, every single person has been on the show before they just don’t deviate from the franchise. So every time I hear something about a contest, Oh my God, they reached out to her and dancing with the stars. People. I remember Maxim Smirkovsky was reached out to apparently by, it’s just like, okay, but that’s not even a story.
Cause it doesn’t matter if they were reached out to unless somebody was literally. Signed a contract was set to be announced and something happened literally last minute. It’s irrelevant if somebody was asked to or Approached to be the bachelorette. I just thought it was funny The other story that came out yesterday by us weekly was that Daisy is dating a guy named Thor Herbst Thor who is the God of Thunder Daisy is now dating him That’s her ex boyfriend from San Diego State They obviously were hanging out while the show was airing.
I don’t know. She claims that that’s not the reason why she turned down the bachelorette gig. Who knows if that’s true or not, but her dating Thor isn’t really news. Once again, if you followed either of them on their Instagram stories, they’ve been in the same place numerous times over the last couple of months.
Now, the thing that was told to me back when the show was airing, when somebody told me, Hey, it’s not Daisy because she’s engaged to her ex boyfriend. I’m like, no, she’s not. She’s not engaged to Thor, the God of Thunder. Was she hanging out with him? Yes. And then it gets, obviously it got more serious again, but that’s typical in this franchise.
I, you know, I don’t know anything about their relationship, but it’s very, very typical for an ex boyfriend to come back into your life. Once you become popular from going on the bachelor, I’m sure the God of thunder was not too thrilled with Daisy becoming America’s darling and gaining 900, 000 followers and probably getting DM slid by a bunch of guys.
So, you know, she went back to her ex. This is nothing new. So many women in this franchise do it. Does it end up working? Yeah. Sometimes for some, it has worked for Melissa Rycroft. Her boyfriend got insanely jealous that she got engaged on the show and now they’re married with kids. So it has worked in the past more often than not.
It doesn’t because again, I’m just, I’m totally speaking out of turn here, but I don’t think the God of thunder. I think this is more a jealousy thing. And he not saying he doesn’t want her, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have her, and he knows that she’s got a shit ton of options after appearing on a Joey season of the bachelor.
And finally, it was announced yesterday on a Instagram reel that Maria’s first podcast interview is going to be with Alex Cooper from the call her daddy podcast. Now, it’s really interesting because. It seems like the contracts are changing for contestants because you’ve never really, you’ve had to do at least one, if not multiple podcasts within the bachelor franchise, the fact that they’re letting Maria.
Do call her daddy first before she speaks to anybody. Just makes me think that the pot, that the contracts for these contestants have changed. How could I not think that call her? Daddy is insanely popular. She has rebranded herself and I don’t listen to it, but. From everything that people have told me, it’s not what it was.
It isn’t a bunch of sex talk anymore. She’s totally rebranded. I think she will talk relationships and sex, but when she was doing call her daddy, uh, with Sophia and literally their whole podcast was talking about orgasms and the gluck gluck, that’s not what this is anymore. She’s more of an interview host, which is fine.
I mean, a good for her for pivoting because that shtick of let’s talk about who we banged this weekend and who we gave head to. That gets old after a while, you know, um, and there’s plenty of podcasts out there that already do that. So where does it fit in? You know, what makes you stand out or anybody else?
The fact that she has pivoted, got herself, what, 60 million from Spotify after leaving Barstool. Um, I think obviously you could say she, she hit the jackpot. The fact that she has rebranded and become more of an interview podcast. I say good for her. And if Maria is allowed to go on her podcast for her first interview, that’s great.
It’ll be interesting to hear. I mean, clearly Maria’s dad went on a podcast and said, I don’t think I’m going to talk about my daughter being asked or whether she was, or wasn’t asked to be the bachelorette. Because that’s unfair to Jen. Well, if Maria goes on a podcast and talks about it, then what does her dad’s answer mean?
Because isn’t he look, we all know Maria was asked. And we all know Maria was in contention. Now we have also heard four different stories about how, how close was Maria to getting this? Did she turn it down? Did she accept the gig and then got fired after three days? Was she difficult to deal with? Did she demand more too much money?
Did she demand her best friend to be her producer? Did she demand having her phone? All this stuff that we’ve heard, all these rumors. I hope she at least addresses it because then it could just put the rumors to rest, but those are other things that other people have been reporting publicly. And I just thought it was irresponsible to report that stuff when we have no idea what’s true.
So hopefully in this interview, Maria addresses that this podcast is brought to you by mint mobile. Mint mobile has phone plans for 15 a month. When you purchase a three month plan. I’m guessing all of you listening right now are sitting there with a mobile plan over 100. I certainly was before Mint Mobile came around with this deal.
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