You guys know what today is, right? Today is May 1st. And I just want to put this PSA out there for everybody. And you don’t have to agree with me. You don’t have to follow this rule, but I suggest you do. If anybody in your life comes up to you today and says. It’s going to be May. You should probably cut them out of your life forever. Like we’ve been doing this every year on May 1st, or sometimes I guess on April 30th, when people come up to you and say, Hey, you know what tomorrow is?
It’s going to be May. Okay. Get it. Justin Timberlake. Ha ha. It’s just not funny anymore. You know, because when the same joke is made every year at the same time, it’s like, okay, it’s so dad jokey and so not funny anymore. That yes, I seriously think you could, you should consider cutting someone out of your life who tells that joke today.
Just know that keep it, keep it in mind. So I did not watch American Idol from Monday night. I don’t know if they eliminated two more. We down to six or did they keep eight? I don’t know. I’ll find out when I watched the episode either today or tomorrow, but there’s one thing I wanted to bring up and I know it happened the other night because I did read about it.
Former season five contestant, ninth place finisher, Mandisa. Uh, passed away a few weeks ago. And I know that, uh, this past Monday or on Monday’s episode, there was a, um, a dedication to her and it was performance of shackles by idol alums, Melinda Doolittle, Danny Gokey, and Colton Dixon, basically honoring, uh, Mandisa’s passing and Mandisa was part of probably the season.
I, I, I know it doesn’t mean I liked the winner the best, but I probably liked the season the best. And that was season five, because this was a powerhouse top 12 might’ve been the best top 12 from one through 12 that this show has ever had. I mean, you had, yes, you had Taylor Hicks winning who never went on to, you know, sell a bunch of records or anything like that, but it had Catherine McPhee, it had Chris Doherty or Doherty, Chris Daughtry, Kelly Pickler did MND says, well, like.
It had some bangers in there, some really, really good singers. If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t this Jennifer Hudson season two where she finished like seventh shit, that woman’s got an EGOT. So if I’m not mistaken, yet another one to add to the list. However, what’s circulating now after Mandisa’s death was her audition, uh, with American Idol.
And this is what I was talking about when I’ve been talking about. Simon back in the day, he was must see television. But when you look back on it now. He would never get away with the things that he said back then in today’s day and age, and it was really gut wrenching to read again what he did. Like, it brought back memories of like, oh yeah, that’s right, he did make a comment about Mandisa’s weight.
Because she was a rather large individual at the time she’s even talked about this. But when she auditioned, she sang fallen by Alicia Keys and they put her through. Simon said the audition was terrific, but then after she left the room, he made a face and he turned to Paula and said, could we have a bigger stage this year?
Which is just awful, fucking terrible. And. Mandisa didn’t see it until the audition episodes aired, and then she confronted him later on that season, which we saw on camera. And she easily could’ve walked off that show. She could’ve easily given him a piece of her mind. But she said to him, Simon, a lot of people want me to say a lot of things to you, but this is what I want to say to you, is that yes, You hurt me and I cried and it was painful.
It really was, but I want you to know that I’ve forgiven you and that you don’t need somebody to apologize in order to forgive somebody. And I figure if Jesus could die so that all my wrongs could be forgiven, I can certainly extend that same grace to you. So once again, You know, they hugged it out. He made a comment like, I’m just so appalling, aren’t I?
And it’s like, again, did Simon, this is a woman who was literally fat shamed on national television on a show watched by 30 million people. And she had to go to him to ask him or to tell him she forgives him. He didn’t come to her first. Nobody went to him and said, you know what, Simon, that was rude. You should say something to her and apologize.
She had to come to him, and he’s still making smart ass comments like that. Now look, Simon’s done a 180 since then. He’s not nearly the judge that he was back in the day. He will literally critique your singing and your performance, but he stays away because he knows better. It was awful what he did back then.
And I think a lot of people back in the day did stuff like that. When Piers Morgan was one of the first judges on America’s Got Talent, he did the same thing. You know, the acerbic British guy comes from overseas just to rip on contestants. And, you know, it was the thing to do because Simon started it.
And at the time Simon did it, he was must see television and, you know, 30 to 35 million people were watching idol a week. But to see him say that, and just to have that resurface, that was awful. But I’m glad that, um, you know, she is getting her due. They gave her, I haven’t watched it yet, but I haven’t recorded it that they gave her a, I guess, farewell performance and to honor her on Monday show.
Finally, I want to end with this. Did you see this story yesterday? And it comes with, uh, it involves Melissa McCarthy and Babs, Barbra Streisand. So. Melissa McCarthy posted a picture at some event on Instagram and Barbara Streisand writes in the comments Melissa posted with I believe her her husband and Barbara Streisand posts in the comments.
Give him my regards Did you take ozempic? It was up for I don’t know how many minutes but it Immediately got deleted, but everyone saw it because it made a story in us weekly. So Barbra Streisand had to address it. And she said, OMG, I went on Instagram to see the photos we’d posted of the beautiful flowers I’d received for my birthday below them was a photo of my friend, Melissa McCarthy, who I sang with on my encore album.
She looked fantastic. I just wanted to pay her a compliment. I forgot the world is reading. So she didn’t even address what she said. She didn’t say I shouldn’t have said that. And clearly You know, this is Babs in her eighties, probably thinking she was sending Melissa McCarthy at DM, but asking her about Ozempic and it’s just like, good God, way to go boomer.
Speaking of Ozempic, as you know, I’ve been on it for almost two months now. And. Because I am a diabetic, I’m not taking it for, um, any other reasons. It’s a, it’s a medicine for diabetics and, you know, finding out back in March that I am a type two diabetic, it was suggested to me, decided to take it. And I will say, um, it works because I literally have no appetite anymore.
I, okay. I shouldn’t say no appetite, but what it’s supposed to do, it’s doing, you know, sometimes I eat dinner around five 30, six o’clock now, and I’m not really a snacker, so that’s the last thing I eat before I go to bed. 6 o’clock, maybe 6. 30, 7 o’clock at the latest. So, morning comes around. Some mornings I wake up and I’m like, yeah, I could eat something.
And some mornings I wake up and I’m just like, I’m just not hungry. I’m not gonna go force myself to eat anything. And then I don’t eat till lunchtime. Usually around noon. So that’s almost 18 hours straight of not eating. And that happens probably four days a week. Where I eat dinner at six o’clock and I don’t touch food again until noon the next day and that never happened in my life before Ozempic.
So it’s definitely working. It curbs your appetite. That’s the whole goal of this thing. And even when I do eat, you know, I haven’t eaten for 18 hours sometimes like I just described. But when I sit down at lunch at 12 o’clock and haven’t eaten since 6 p. m. the night, the day before. I’m not sitting there going, Oh my gosh, I am fucking starving.
Please give me all the food. No, I just get a meal and sometimes I can’t even finish it. Not because I’m sick. Not because of anything other than is it, these are meals I get all the time. It’s just this stuff I tells your brain or tells your stomach, Hey man, you’re full, you’re just not eating as much. I have not weighed myself since March 7th when I went into the hospital, but I do have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow just for another checkup to see where I’m at to see if I can maybe get, um, taken off my.
You know, three times a day, insulin shots before I eat. That was the last conversation we had a month ago. So maybe that’ll how I would, that’d be great. So I don’t have to take five shots a day and just take two, one in the morning and one at night, long lasting insulin shot. We’ll see. I will be interested to see what I weigh tomorrow.
Um, I’ve had at least five people in my life have said. You’ve definitely lost weight, but I haven’t weighed myself and I see myself every day, so I can’t even tell they’ve told me, I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised eating way less. I’m just not eating as much, but I’m also not starving myself. I just, it just makes you feel full and I don’t crave anything.
I don’t crave food. Not that I was like always gorging on food, but you remember when I told you this whole thing, My thing was I was door dashing at like nine or 10 at night. A lot. I haven’t done that once in two months, not because I haven’t like, I can’t say I haven’t had the urge to, but I’ve also just been like, you know what?
Even if I did get that, I just, I know I wouldn’t finish it. So what’s the point of getting it? So, anyway, thank you, uh, Babs, uh, for getting me on the Ozempic track, uh, or, you know, having that comment yesterday to me, to get me to talk about Ozempic. But the good thing is no side effects other than, you know, it’s curbing my appetite, but I haven’t had no nausea.
You know, everyone’s like, Oh, you’re, you know, it’s going to do this to your body and this, but I haven’t had one side effect from Ozempic. I haven’t had nausea. I haven’t had vomiting, you know, nothing like that. Stomach issues, nothing. It just, I just eat less and you know, I tell myself, I, you know, I need to get some food in my body.
It’s not great that I’m not eating a lot. So I’m trying to, you know, snack on protein bars and stuff like that. But I am just not, I just, I couldn’t eat a large meal if it was put in front of me. Even if I haven’t eaten for 18 hours, you can put a giant bowl of pasta in front of me. I could go, I’ve been to the Olive Garden once in the last two months and my normal meal that I get couldn’t finish it.
And that’s a, and that’s a meal I used to fucking devour. Like it was nobody’s business. Couldn’t even come close to finishing it. The one time I went to Olive Garden in the last two months, it’s crazy. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review your transcript for this podcast will be up on reality.
Steve. com shortly after this podcast is posted, but please, you got to hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. Check that out interview coming tomorrow. I didn’t even go over that. You know what? I guess we’ll just talk about it tomorrow. Sorry about that.
Anyway, uh, the weekly podcast coming tomorrow, daily roundup, sports daily, all coming tomorrow. Thank you all for listening and I will talk to you tomorrow. See ya! My
good dreams are saying to me, sign up. Feel like real money, smoke it, rain it up. Seize the rain, eat it up.