Big news yesterday for me, at least. And I’m sure some of you out there that are big fans of the karate kid franchise and Cobra Kai, did you see the announcement yesterday?
Cobra Kai season six, we finally have a start date. It’s going to be a super duper season of season six, the final season of Cobra Kai. I think there’s going to be an offshoot show, a spinoff show. We just don’t know who’s going to be in it or what’s it going to be about. Cobra Kai season six is going to be.
Divvied up into three parts. So July 15th, first five episodes are dropping November 29th. The next five episodes are dropping and then they haven’t given a release date for the third drop. All they said was 2025. So they are dragging this thing out until 2025, but you know what? I could care less. We have Cobra Kai coming in basically a little more than two months.
At least I get five episodes. Yeah, I’ll knock it out in, you know, five straight episodes. It’ll take me a couple hours, maybe three hours to watch the five episodes. I’m in, I can’t wait to see season five. We got a little delayed because of the writer’s strike, but those interested in Cobra Kai, July 15th is your first drop for season six, five episodes.
The whole season is going to be 15. So three, five episode drops. I mentioned last week that Jenny Garth had started a podcast called I choose me. Well, the first episode dropped a couple of days ago. I listened to it. It was like 22 minutes long. It was very easy. I listened to it on my walk at night. And you know, my thoughts on what Jenny did for this.
I mean, I just think it’s kind of funny her brand of I choose me. She seems to forget that literally. This line was uttered in season five, episode number 30. And then literally in episodes 31 and 32, she was asking for Brandon back if they could still date. And then the start of the next season, season six, she was already dating Colin.
Like she met Colin over the summer and she started dating Colin. So you didn’t, you choose you. Yeah, I choose me. She chose herself in the moment over. Getting married to Brandon or going on a trip around the world with Dylan. Yes. In that moment, she did choose me. She did choose herself, but that lasted all of a hot minute.
So I just find the whole thing kind of laughable. I listened to the podcast. I just didn’t get it. It’s a lot of word salad. If you listen to it, give me your thoughts, but do any of you understand what this podcast is about? Is she going to have guests? Is she just going to talk about choosing herself all the time?
It just was very confusing about what this whole brand and what it’s going to be. And I, you know, she did tell a story that, you know, a few years ago, she was lost. She didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. She wasn’t getting the roles that she wanted, all this stuff, and she just decided to choose me again.
I don’t know. I don’t get it. If you listen to it, give me your thoughts. A couple of days ago, we talked about the fact that if anybody in your life had came up to you on May 1st and, or April 30th and said, tomorrow, it’s going to be May. That you should probably cut them out of your life forever. Well, as big of a star Wars fan as I am,
you know what tomorrow is? It’s May 4th. If someone says to you, may the fourth be with you. I give you permission to choke them out. Karate chop them in the neck, whatever you need to do, kick them in the nuts. Because it’s just, again, it’s the same joke every year. The one day a year, just like on April 30th, everyone says tomorrow, it’s gonna be may.
Well, everyone tomorrow is going to tell you, may the fourth be with you. And I’m going to say, get out of my way, before I give you the Vulcan neck bench. And finally well a couple things. As I said in the open, I did it again yesterday. And I did it three times. Earlier in the week, I said I’ve got an addiction.
And it’s, can’t help myself. I just, Literally enjoy calling Vegas just to have things confirmed, even though they’ve been confirmed for months. I called them three times yesterday. I’ll tell you why the first time I called them, as I told you, I’m getting a cabana on Friday at Mandalay bay. And when I emailed my casino host, she said, there is no reservation number right now.
It’s just under your name. It’s under your reservation. It’ll be in the notes. That you have a cabana reservation for Friday, June 7th, which is during the day, the parties that night. So, okay. Could I have taken that answer and just gone my merry way? Of course, but I wanted to call Mandalay and say, Hey, can you look at my reservation to see if I have a, in the notes, there is a cabana confirmation.
I did. And they said, no, there isn’t. You might want to call your casino host or get in touch with them. I said, I just did. She said, it’s supposed to be in the notes, email my casino host back. And I say, Hey, they told me there’s nothing in my notes that says I have a cabana reserved. I thought you had reserved it.
I said, there’s not a confirmation number for it. And she basically said, well, they haven’t gotten back to us yet with one. I will let you know when they do. And then like 20 minutes later, she messaged me back and said, here’s your confirmation number. And it was like 12 letters long. So I called back Mandalay.
So she said, here’s your confirmation. So now I have a confirmation number in an email from my casino host. And what did I do? I called Mandalay back just to see if they had it because this is what I do. I don’t understand. Then. For a third call, I called the Venetian because I have my eyes. I told you first two days for my party weekend, I’m staying at Mandalay.
Then I’m going over to Venetian and I’ve got a reservation for myself. I’ve got a reservation for my niece and Adeline and wanted to make sure that those were secure, even though they’ve been secure for literally three months, what I did notice though, was on their website, prices had gone down and I get the casino rate for those rooms.
For my niece’s room. So I said, Hey, I noticed the casino rate went down. What is my new rate? And they read it back to me and I said, Oh, okay, well, that saves me some money. So I got that confirmed, but then they never sent me an email. They sent me an email on other ones. My September trip for my guy’s trip.
First week of NFL season, they sent me that.
So considering I didn’t get an email confirming the new price, even though they told it to me over the phone and said, Here’s your confirmation number. It’s the same confirmation number, but here’s your new price. I didn’t get an email confirming it. So guess what I’m doing today? Yes, you’re correct.
Calling them back and asking for the email to be sent. So I have it in writing that I have it confirmed. That’s what I do. I don’t understand it. I don’t know why I have all these things written down. I have everything confirmed. I have emails about it. I have it written in notes on a notepad still.
I’ll call them tomorrow and say, can I get an email of that please? And finally this I mentioned earlier this week that I had a doctor’s appointment. Yesterday and things are great. In fact, I told you I hadn’t weighed myself since my last appointment, but I had people in my life telling me they thought I lost weight.
They looked like I had lost weight and I’ve lost 10 pounds in the last month, which is great. And I can tell you what it’s from exercising a little bit more. I haven’t hit the weights very hard. I haven’t been doing a lot of strength work. I’ve just been going on my walks and my walks take me about 45, 50 minutes and I walked for two and a half miles around my neighborhood.
So the walks have obviously helped and then just the fact that the ozempic doesn’t give me any sort of appetite and the amount of food that I don’t eat is Probably what has led to the fact that I’ve lost 10 pounds in a month, but I feel good Like I said, no side effects nothing like that I guess the biggest thing to come out of yesterday’s appointment is You know, I told you when I started this, that I was taking five insulin shots a day.
I have to take one in the morning. That’s a long lasting one. It’s a 12 hour insulin shot. And then I take one at night before I go to bed. That lasts me until the morning. Well, or I do it basically eight o’clock in the morning, eight o’clock at night. That’s my long lasting one. But then I had to take an insulin shot before every meal.
Well, which is a basically about half the dosage of the one I take in the morning and night. Well, yesterday the doctor said, you’ve been doing great. Your blood sugar levels are back to normal. I think we can wean you off and well, not even weaned me off. Take me off the daily insulin shot that I take before meals.
So that was a relief because taking five shots a day while it, while I did it every day for the last two months since I’ve been in the hospital, it gets old after a while and I’m just like, God, do I have to really do this five times a day and before every meal, but now those are gone. So now I just have to do a, take a shot in the morning and at night.
And just stay with those epic and take my insulin pill as well, which is twice a day, but that pills are easy. So, you know, and I’ve got a cholesterol pill. I’ve got a blood pressure pill. Those are all normal. My blood pressure was one 20 over 80 yesterday. I mean, these, these numbers weren’t anywhere near what they should have been when I went into the hospital back on March 7th, like it was scary numbers.
And now I’m back to basically normal blood pressure. Yeah. And my blood sugar level is right where it should be. So we’re heading, like I told you, when I, when I said this, when I first told you about this. Type two diabetes is manageable and it’s reversible and it looks like I’m heading down that road. I don’t, obviously don’t want to screw up, doesn’t mean, like I said, it doesn’t mean I can’t have a slice of pizza here and there or some pasta or, you know, in and out every once in a while.
I have had in and out probably twice in the last two months. I just can’t have it five days a week. Like I was doing probably in the five months leading up to me getting and My, my diabetes kicking in. The thing is, as I told you the other day with the Ozempic, I don’t have, I’m never starving.
I’m never like, Oh my gosh, I need to pig out. I can’t pig out if I wanted to. I could not eat for 18 hours, which is happening a lot because I ate dinner at six and then sometimes I skip breakfast the next day and I go to lunch at noon. That’s 18 hours of not eating. In the past, I would have absolutely been dying and said, give me all the food everywhere.
Now I’m like, yeah, I got to eat. It’s lunchtime. Yesterday, pervert example had gone 18 hours without eating, went to lunch, couldn’t even finish the lunch. Because my body just says you’re full. It’s a really, really weird feeling, but it’s working, you know, I’ve gotten down to the levels where I need to be and I’ve lost weight and I’m happy about that.
So, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. Don’t forget you got to hit play though. Please hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now, along with the transcript for this podcast, we’ll be up right after this goes up.
So that’ll be on reality, steve. com. Everybody have a great weekend. I will talk to you on Monday. Thanks again. I really appreciate you listening to this podcast, supporting this podcast means the world to me. So thank you very much. Appreciate it and I will talk to you on Monday.