Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 5/10 – Davia Bunch Interview Thoughts, Clare Crawley Fires Back, Survivor’s Venus, The Valley, Big Brother

So Venus from survivor. Who was booted off the show on Wednesday night, had five votes against her and left third person in a row that left with an idol in their pocket.

She did her exit interview on ew. com like all the evictees do. And I thought there were two answers that she gave that were very interesting. So she said this about being considered the villain of the season. She said, I consider myself a villain in the fun atmosphere of the survivor verse, in a sense that I’m a villain where I’m going to give you face.

I’m going to give you the C word lines. I’m going to be sassy. I’m going to storm in on you during your Alliance conversation. I’m going to storm in on you during your idle hunt. Hunter, I’m a villain in a very fun, loving and playful way. I was never a villain in the sense that I was never malicious towards anyone.

I did everything with the best intentions, truly. And it kind of relates back to what I’ve said about villains in the past in the bachelor and bachelorette world. It’s like, there’s different levels of villainy. We know this yet. Everyone seems to lump every villain in the same. The second I said last season, before you even saw one episode that Maria was the villain, I specifically laid out.

I have no idea how it’s going to be shown. I have no idea the extent of how bad it is. All I know is that in the sense of the word villain and what we know villains on this show to be, I said, Maria is this season’s quote unquote villain, because she is the girl that the other ones have a hard time getting along with, and that was true.

Now she didn’t end up playing like. It played out to where she got an edit to where people never considered her the villain, but she still was the one that people had an issue with. But like I said, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are the villain. And every time I say the word villain right now, I specifically say, this doesn’t mean they’re the worst person in the world.

It doesn’t mean they’re hated. It doesn’t mean they’re malicious towards other people. And I didn’t think Maria. Came across that way at all. That’s why I said, let’s wait till it plays out. I’m just telling you, she’s the one this season that the women have an issue with, regardless of if it’s the other woman’s fault or Maria’s fault.

The main issue, the main person involved in it was Maria. So I think that was a great explanation by Venus and her saying that, and based on the edit that I saw, yeah, it seemed that way. That she was just a one that was very outspoken. It did, but she was never like maliciously going after anybody.

However, she continued. And the very last answer she gave was she was asked, what were the vibes like at Ponderosa, which is where the jury goes and where you go. After you’re eliminated, you stay on the island and you hang out with everybody who’s been eliminated before you. And she said, the vibes were terrible.

I was terrified going to Ponderosa because I was like, all these people hate me. And then when I got there, several of the people there straight up did not talk to me, even though I still made an effort to be like, I’m sorry if I came off negatively or I rubbed you the wrong way. I generally didn’t mean it.

Silence. Did not speak to me. And then a few of them actually personally attacked me and my character saying that I was a joke and that no one liked me. Honestly, Ponderosa was more traumatizing than the game because I was met with a lot of hostility that I didn’t really expect because the game was the game and Ponderosa should be separate from that.

It was a very difficult time. I felt even lonelier at Ponderosa than I did in the game. It was hard. I’m going to tear up right now because I’m going through the trauma again, but it wasn’t a fun time. The best time was just playing Scrabble with Hunter. That was the only time I enjoyed Ponderosa. So again, all we have to go off of is what has been shown on TV.

Yes, Venus was very outspoken and exactly how she described herself. She’ll talk smack. She’ll be sassy. She’ll roll her eyes. And in the sense of survivor verse, yeah, that would be considered villainous, but as long as you’re not being a bitch to other people, and as long as you’re not maliciously going after people.

It’s so low on the totem pole in terms of villainy, but then to hear her say the way she was treated when she got back to the pot and got back to Ponderosa, you’re just wondering like what, what are we missing here is because there could be two things at play. I’m not saying I’m a hundred percent siding with Venus here because maybe she is also Unaware of how she comes across to people.

I can only take her at her word where she says, I wasn’t talking shit about other people. I wasn’t malicious towards other people. I was just basically being a loud mouth and sarcastic and sassy to others and rolling my eyes and whatever. But maybe there was something else that was happening. I guess I haven’t read everybody’s exit interview and I don’t know what everyone else has been saying about Venus, but that sounds like a miserable experience for her and survivor to come back and get to Ponderosa with all these people you just played and they still hate you.

So, you know, I guess we need to hear more from other people, but that doesn’t sound very good. And it could be, yeah, maybe the other people were just dicks or Venus doesn’t understand how she comes across to people. I don’t know. I can only go off of what we saw on the show. Seemingly the show, she was just sassy.

And spoke her mind. It’s like, okay, a lot of people do that on survivor. A lot of people do that in the bachelor. So I can see where she understands like, Oh, I totally get being the villain, but it’s, it’s a villain on such a small, small scale. But man, hearing that what a miserable time she must’ve had. And finally, a couple notes in the reality TV world.

I don’t know if you saw this yesterday, but the Valley has been picked up for a season two. I don’t it is done really well. For Bravo this season and I just couldn’t imagine it only getting one season because it definitely has enough drama. I haven’t watched Tuesday’s episode yet, but I have heard the drama that happened afterwards with Sandoval and Jax on watch what happens live.

And then afterwards they all went out and then somehow Sandoval’s new girlfriend stopped following him, but it’s following Jax and. Annie Lee or whatever isn’t following her anymore. I just, I’m like, okay. And I don’t know if that means anything. And if Sandoval and his girlfriend have broken up because of something that happened post watch what happens live.

But I read it and I’m like, okay, well. I don’t know if this is how true this is or how serious it is, or if they’re really not talking or whatever, but Valley has been picked up for a season two, I’ll get around to watching a episode eight this weekend, maybe talk about it on Monday and then a couple of days ago, or maybe it was even yesterday.

Big brother officially announced their start date for this year. And it’s going to be July 17th and 18th last year. It started later, but that’s because the writer’s strike was happening and they wanted something to fill time, but it ended in November. And it’s just like big brother. From what we know, this is a summer show.

It doesn’t mean needing to end in November. Normally it’s a late June start that ends mid to late September with a July 17th start. It looks like it’s probably going to end beginning of October. Mid October at the latest. So at least it’s not going into November, but we do know the start date is July 17th and 18th, which is about two weeks later than last season started.

So we don’t know the theme. We don’t know if they’re bringing back any old players, alumni, anything like that. That probably won’t start heating up until June or July, but that’s where we’re at. July 17th and 18th, in case you didn’t hear big brother starting back up and believe this is season 26 or is it 27?

I’m not good on the numbers on that. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. If you miss an episode, please go back and hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour.

Hour from now, you can check that out. I hope everybody has a great weekend and we’re back again on Monday. So thank you all for listening. I appreciate it. I’ll talk to you on Monday. See you.

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